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My brunette had more experience than Frau Reibhand, possibly because she was a lady of quality. Her hands were continually busy; now she caressed my thighs, then she rubbed my back, now she squeezed my cheeks and then her tongue would quickly run across my lips.

“Aah! A little bit…” She raised her behind somewhat higher.

“To the… yes… aah!”

“Darling… one… kiss.”

“I… I… oh, precious…”

“Just… a …”

“Oh, how… deli-…”



Both our pleasures melted together.

I must admit that this pleasure surpassed everything I had hitherto enjoyed. Our mutual relief had been unusually strong. When I had recuperated from my fainting spell I sat up. My brunette stayed where she was. I gazed upon the shores of her lake of passion with sensual pleasure. It was covered with milk-white foam, I touched the slight swelling, the velvet body and kissed the adorable navel.

“Very good, my darling, you will learn how to please a lady; be more bold and daring and permit yourself to do whatever your imagination tells you.”

She took my staff in her pretty hand; it was so proud that it stood strong like a tree branch.

“Well, now! I must give you credit for having so much strength left after such an abundant overflow which put my entire being in a state of delicious quivers.”

“Precious lady, charms like yours would give life and strength to even the weakest body.”

“My dear boy, when flagging passion has taken hold of you, no charm can bring about strength. Be economical, do not overdo it at such a young age unless you want to throw away the pleasures of years to come. Darling, kiss me.”

Our tongues started to play, but soon that was too simple for me: I was looking for more.

“Spare yourself, darling; save it for tonight. I will expect you in my room. Don't wear anything else but your dressing gown.”

“I will obey; but now…”

And I had already taken possession of her throne, proving to my brunette that the first eruption had weakened me very little.


We had agreed that I would visit my beautiful brunette during the night, and as soon as everything was quiet, I went on my way.

I opened the room and was surprised that my beauty did not have a light burning. Fully convinced that I was in the right room, I sneaked up to the bed and listened to the quiet breathing. My hand searched in the dark and came upon a bony chest with small, shriveled flap-like breasts. Somebody held my hand.

“Is that you, captain?”

I shot back to the door like an arrow and raced to my room.

Here, too, a woman gets hold of me; I believe myself to be in the wrong room, I want to tear myself loose when I recognize the voice of my brunette.

“Where were you?”

“Oh, precious lady!”

“Well, let us go to my room.”

We turned left, and I had gone, heaven knows how, to the right.

My goddess locked the door behind us.

“Where were you? You look like you were frightened.”

I told her about my adventure which made her laugh heartily.

“No, that would have been too ridiculous. Imagine that shriveled Lady von Exen taking away my pleasure. No, my dear lady, something as hard and stout as this is no longer for you.”

She took off my dressing gown.

“Oh, look at our little dandy… all the color gone out of his face. I would swear he is ashamed. Well, in that case, I will have to give the example.”

And in a short moment my little brunette stood there as if she was supposed to be the model for a nude goddess. She helped me out of my shirt and pressed me against her pillow-soft body.

“Ha, the little one, how unbending; well, we will see who is going to win the day.”

I was by no means idle, my hands had a lot to do; I squeezed, I caressed, I toyed and fumbled like a little baby. I played with the little curled hairs, rubbed them up and down, investigated the little cleft and discovered the small god who was going to be pitched against my own. This discovery made me greedy; I picked up my prey and carried her to the bed. My goddess was aglow, the lips of her cleft were swelling, and I threw myself upon her in a sort of frenzy. Penetration became difficult; she lifted both her thighs as high as my hips and now I pushed inside with indescribable feelings of utter delight; and a soft cooing from her convinced me of her great pleasure.

Now I became more impetuous; the moment of decision had come. I panted and gave to my beauty, with slow and strong strokes, a rather substantial amount of my life juices. Oh, she felt them. Her glazed eyes, her interrupted breathing, the quiver of her lips and the chattering of her teeth convinced me of that.

Too soon!

“Now for… please, don't give up. Oh, don't! Quicker!”

I gathered my remaining strength, doubled my strokes, and with every approach of my loved one's behind, my staff was bathed in hot moisture. It acquired new courage and strength, recuperated quickly, and it seemed as if the battle had only begun. The doubling and the quickening pace of my strokes, coupled with this renewed vigor, drove my beautiful one beside herself. Her thighs dropped from my hips, at times her breathing ceased, her panting bosom heaved, every sigh became cooing, her eyes closed altogether and a sweet, pleasing aroma welled up out of her body.

I was glowing. She had little life left; her otherwise so vivacious behind did not move at all. I lifted it with both hands and supported it with clenched fists. That seemed to make it an even smoother ride and after some laboring a second outflow caused my beauty to return to life-at least long enough to make her emit certain sounds and then I, too, sank lifeless to her side, my face buried in her ample bosom.

My brunette remained still for quite a while with her eyes closed, her breathing short and quick, and occasionally a quiver would run through her body accompanied by a shivering sigh.

Finally the aftermath started to wear off. She sat up and gazed down upon my body, touching it all over.

“My dear boy, for nothing in the world would I have wanted to forgo this most exquisite of all ecstasies. I have to tell you that I cannot remember when it ever came simultaneously with such a delicious loss of consciousness. And look at how the Little Boy is resting there, just waiting for a hint of encouragement and ready to take one up on it. Look… see, the slightest touch arouses him. Oh, pretty little cupid, whoever could guess that you were the giver of such copious joy? That you have the ability to shoot a secret flame through veins and nerves, quicker than lightning? Allow yourself to be kissed, pretty little one!”

As if with such sweet talk, accompanied by fiery kisses and the voluptuous rubbing of a velvety female hand, not every muscle would swell. And when our hands touch the most beautiful body, feel the swelling hills and our mouths suck their rosebuds, whose nerves would not start vibrating?

But I know of the opposite from young men, not older than twenty-four; however, those wretches allowed the quintessence of their life juices to run through their fingers.

“Hold on, lover; give us time to prepare properly for new pleasures; the savoring of sensuality loses its value without proper preparation.”

I rubbed her rounded hips, her firm fleshy buttocks, sucked her tongue and she sucked mine as if we wanted to imbibe each other's soul. My hand went across her marble-smooth body, down to the firm, round Mount of Venus, tousled and tugged at the curled silken hairs; my fingers opened the shells of love, searched and found many small protuberances inside which increased in size at the approach of their guests and welcomed them with an outflow of sticky moisture, and suddenly the lovely little inhabitant of the inner darkness pumped voluptuously toward them.