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Many may even have missed up to now the delicate spices of pleasure. But that is the way it is. Our talents are given to us in many different forms.

How many a good passionate girl feels a certain restless longing and becomes deeply despondent? Does she ask herself, why? Possibly she does not know it herself, or she will cast her eyes down in shame and her restlessly panting bosom will tell you the why.

But don't look for similar pleasures in just any female lap, and don't call me a liar when you press now a female body against your chest and find that the expression of emotions is not as I have described. One rose is different from any other. I was initiated into the secrets by true connoisseurs and the rest of my story will give ample proof that I did not find my Reibhand, and even less a brunette, just anywhere.

But more about this and that after my readers have accompanied me through some of my other adventures.


I remained for a few more days with my father, since he wanted it that way, and departed then, very satisfied, toward my town, since I could reap no more benefits from my pleasures.

How desirable was the message which Lieschen whispered into my ears when she handed over the key to my room: “Madame went away on a trip.” The girl was positively glowing when she told me.

Stimulate eager desire in either lady or wench, and they will meet you halfway.

“Well, Lieschen, then sleep with me tonight.”

“That's not possible.”

“And why?”


She cast down her eyes.

“I could oversleep if the cook does not wake me up tomorrow morning.”

“Fine, then I will come to you; I hope you keep the light on.”

“For what?”

“At least till I arrive. For sure?”

“Well, if you want to.”

I had seen two female bodies and now I also wanted to see the third one and compare because I had made up my mind to study feminine beauty in all seriousness.

Our cook was a fifty-year-old maid whose only pleasure was to stay in bed and who now thanked her Lord that she could rest up since her mistress had gone on a trip.

Therefore, I could sneak up to Lieschen's room as early as ten o'clock without running the risk of being discovered.

She was just about to take off her black silken bodice.

“But you're so terribly early.”

I sat down upon a chair next to the table with the lamp on it, pulled Lieschen toward me, kissed her pretty mouth and moved my tongue between her lips. The poor child recoiled because she did not know what had happened to her.

I put her left hand in the nape of my neck and the movement caused my robe to open; she saw that I wore only a shirt and hid her face in my shoulder.

Without further ado I put her upright on my lap, uncovered her bosom and took her pretty little globes in the hollow of my hand. They were neither the full blooming roses of Madame Reibhand nor of my fair lady, but firm and solid buds. I kissed them; my lips were rebuked. The little nipple stood erect like a point and was still too little to be grasped by my amorous lips. I loosened her petticoat but she held on to it with her little hands.

“Oh, no!”

“But yes, Lieschen!”

“Then you have to put out the light.”

“Then I would rob myself of my greatest pleasure.”

I took both of her arms, put them around my neck, kissed her burning lips, taught her the tongue game, and the petticoat came down all by itself.

My hands now clutched her round firm pretty little buttocks; I was getting hot and deemed it improper to hesitate any longer.

I pulled Lieschen upright, took off her bodice and with little resistance managed to push her blouse over her shoulders.

I must admit that Lieschen had the prettiest body. She was not big, but everything was so pretty and all the parts so regular and beautiful and young that I could not get enough of looking at her and touching her.

“I had thought, Lieschen, that you would take off my clothes.”

She kept silent and hid her face in my neck. I pulled her upright and threw off my robe and shirt.

There she stood, one hand in front of her eyes, and with the other she covered… you know what.

I embraced my dear little girl passionately and pressed her closely against myself.

I sat down and pulled Lieschen upon my lap.

She kept hiding her face against my shoulder. She sat upon my left thigh, I lifted her right one and stretched out her left leg a little bit and acquired a little better view of the pivot of voluptuousness which was shadowed by just a little hint of fuzz. But the little mount around the darling cleft was even more pronounced and more firm than the one of my precious lady.

Her heart beat loudly and the confused little girl's breathing was now quickening.

My finger found out that the entrance of her grotto was moist, wandered inside and discovered its little inhabitant hidden deep down.

Lieschen recoiled and uttered a sharp sigh when I touched it.

But I was after greater pleasures. I picked up Lieschen and carried her to the bed and without resistance we lay down in position. The entrance was too narrow; I did not reach my goal.

“Dearest Lieschen, pull up your legs to support yourself and lift your behind, otherwise your pleasure and mine will disappear.”

Lieschen obeyed. I now put my prick up in front of the cleft, encircled her hips firmly with my arms and shoved with all my power. One finger width and not more. Lieschen's breathing quivered. I tried it again and did not succeed any better, and then again…

“Oh, God! Please, stop it. It hurts!”

I felt great pain, too.

I relaxed; then gathered all my strength together and pushed as hard as I possibly could. Lieschen uttered a loud scream and she wanted to shove me away, except for the fact that she had not enough strength. I had penetrated about halfway; Lieschen closed her eyes and whined loudly. The pain became stronger and the burning of her grotto became almost unbearable. I took it out once more and pushed it back in with great force. Lieschen's breathing stopped altogether and with great convulsions the juices of passion flooded my amour scaldingly hot. Now I doubled my efforts, penetrated after the third attempt into her inner sanctum and made up more than double for Lieschen's loss. My pleasure, though coupled with pain, was indescribable.

Lieschen did not move at all and her breathing sounded like snoring.

I got up, took the lamp off the table and viewed the pretty little shadowed grotto of love. It was painted with blood and I could still see some slight quivering. My amour still did not have its head down, it only burned terribly. I resumed my former position and penetrated again, just a little bit less heavy than before; the entire interior was aglow. I kissed Lieschen's mouth; there was no sign of life other than a trembling breathing which resembled a continuous sighing. I put my hands under her round buttocks and started again with slowly measured strokes.

Lieschen opened her eyes.

“Are you still alive, dear child?”

“I almost did not believe I was.”

“And how do you feel now?”

She smiled, embraced me and kissed me for the first time and that with such an ardor which proved to me her full satisfaction.

“Sweetheart, lift your thighs over my hips… that's better! Yes!.. no the other one too… press them close together…”


“You like it?”

She sucked on my lips with inordinate desire.

“Hold me tight.”

“Move your behind up and down.”

“Oh, God, what do I feel! It… is coming… I cannot hold it up… any more.”

(Almost in a whisper:) “Please, stop… I am going to wet the bed.”

The innocent girl made me laugh. Instead of letting her go, I pressed her closer against me and doubled my strokes.