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“What will that do?” he asked. He was evidently not used to this operation, curious for a man who was clearly well into the prime of his young adulthood. It would be an added pleasure in store for me by seeing the delighted surprise he would be certain to evince presently.

“Perhaps we can begin our drills now, what say, Joe?” I said, and making him sit down on the turf, I squatted by his side and set about the task I had undertaken.

Pulling the last of his clothing from him, I kissed his teats and his neck, and rubbed my member against his thighs and the flat ridges of muscle at his belly. He experienced a new species of joy altogether as I went on, and expressed himself to that effect more than once. As the end became impending, he was carried away entirely and his eyes sparkled as he caught my hand.

“Stop, sir, stop! What have you done? I can't tell you what I feel like.”

“Oh no!” I smiled, coming closer to him still. “I shan't let you go until I make you come.”

“Ohhhh!” he moaned in a gravelly voice, and relaxed a little, falling backwards. Soon I was leaning over his reclining body as I continued to stroke and rub his throbbing cock. I placed my knees on either side of his hips, and he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

“What are you doing, sir?” he asked with some little dismay.

“I am going to give you unbounded pleasures, Joe,” I replied. I continued to soothe him by still ministering affectionate tugs on his cock and giving his balls a tight little squeeze now and again. I managed to pull my hand away for a moment and quickly lubricated my fingers with some saliva from my mouth. I resumed lightly teasing him, for I did not want him to spend before I had entered his anus with my prick, which needless to add, was raging with blood and desire.

I slyly tickled Joe's asshole with my moist fingers, and he moaned and wriggled down, plunging himself onto my questing touches. I soon replaced my finger with the tip of my cock, and as I leaned forward over him I whispered just as I had in my dream, “I am going to fuck you, Joe.”

“Yes. Yes sir. Anything,” he replied, half delirious with new found pleasure as he writhed like a serpent underneath me.

I readied myself for entry, and with one great shove, I thrust my member into his virgin orifice. I felt a great surge of ecstasy throughout my body as his sphincter muscles tightened around my cock, and he cried out in a yell that was his pleasure mixed with the initial pain of entry. I began to pump furiously, abandoning all discretion, and Joe moved in perfect tandem with my body, rising to meet each push with a groan of pleasure. Suddenly he yelled out and shot a great load of spunk up between our bellies. I soon was following him in his orgasm, and as I shot my load up his asshole, I fell forward and was forced to bite him on the shoulder from fear of screaming in bliss and alarming anyone that might be nearby.

“Oh sir!” said Joe sleepily, “I have never known such… such…” He did not know the words to name his satisfied pleasure. I just smiled and we lay quietly in one another's arms for a time. When I went to withdraw my dagger from its warm sheath, he winced and pulled me closer, placing a salacious kiss right on my lips!

We promised to meet again in this way and enjoy one another's company, though I am sorry to say that this never came to pass. Joe and I did work together at a vigorous regimen, and before too long, I was as lean and strong as I had ever been.


The days passed slowly, but as each one went, I felt that I was nearer by so much to my liberation as I viewed the reopening of school. Several weeks had gone by without my receiving an invitation from Rutherford to come and stay with him, so I began to lose hope of a respite from this oppressive house and determined not to dwell on it.

In the fourth week, I received a letter from de Beaupre, written from London, saying that in three days from that date, he was returning to Paris, and asking if I could get permission to go with him and finish my holidays there.

He explained that Jimmy could not accompany him, his mother wishing to have him with her, and as he was most anxious to have a chum to keep him company, he would be very glad if I could come.

It was a long letter written in a very lively style, and went on to recount some of his doings.

“I have had some fine times with my mother's coachman, Frederick. He is a ripping lad and helps me brush and keep the horses. He and I have had some roaring good fun in the stables.

“One time, Frederick brought me up onto a saddled mare with him, as if to teach me the finer points of riding western-style, like the cowboys. The horse's trotting movements, when combined with Frederick's lascivious rubbings and stimulations, brought me to a roaring cockstand. But when I thought we should dismount and do something about the situation, Frederick insisted we proceed with our saucy maneuvers there upon the beast's back. What a time we had, acting like circus clowns spinning about on that horse, sucking one another's big cocks and trying to balance ourselves while doing it! Small wonder we wound up on the floor of the glen, bruised and half naked.

“Then my mother hired a manservant for me named Pierre. Every morning when I've had my bath, he comes in to wash me, as he claims I am not big enough to do it.

“Somehow my cock is always stiff at these times, but at first he would never say anything, but just go on soaping and sponging me. He was very fond of touching me between the legs and having a little feel. Naturally I let him see that I wasn't an innocent and before long he got in the habit of taking hold of my cock and stroking it.

“One day he got bold and gave it a kiss. He wasn't the least bashful and since then I enjoy myself with him all I can. He's got a fine shaped cock just the right size, not too small and with a lot of hair.

“He wouldn't have me get into him as he says he does not care for it that way, and even a boy like me might do some damage. (It is a good thing I still have Frederick to horse about with, hey?) Pierre had hinted that I should give him a suck which I gladly did. He is a very decent sort and he has well contributed to making my holiday a lot more fun.

“By the way, if you come with me, as I hope you will, I shall introduce you to Pierre.

“Now be sure and come. And let me know at once. I have gotten my mother to write to your father, so he can't very well refuse.”

At lunch time I watched father's face. Soon he sent for Mrs. Dennison. “I have just had a letter from the Princess de Beaupre, mother of one of Master Charles's fellow pupils, asking me to allow him to spend the remainder of his holiday with her son. Will you please make all the necessary arrangements?”

I was overjoyed and began to pour out my thanks, but father waved me coldly aside and left the room.

The eventful morning came. Saunders drove me to the station and I was soon on my way to London. De Beaupre was at the terminus to meet me. He rattled on till we reached the house. His mother was in and he took me to her. She was a tall and stately woman, with a very kind manner and at once put me at my ease.

“Gaston has often spoken of you and I am delighted to make your acquaintance. I am glad he has made such charming friends. He tells me that you and the Duke of Surrey and a boy named Rutherford are his principal companions. I know the Duke very well and think him a most engaging lad; I am sure I shall soon be able to say the same of you when we know each other a little more.”

Gaston knew his city well and was able to tell me much about the ways and customs of the people we met. He told me the differences which existed between France and England in this respect.

Some four or five days after our arrival in Paris, de Beaupre announced that he intended to take me that afternoon to Cecil's. I was delighted with the idea and awaited the hour set for our visit.