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“Spend in the chalice, Charles,” he said to me. I was so impassioned with the dreamlike quality of the events that his voice sounded very far away, and I did as I was told, pouring my hot spunk into the cup presented to me for that use. When I opened my eyes, I saw other members of Society X doing the same thing, as young pages collected their spunk in chalices, and presented them to each man.

When the last sigh heaved through the echoing chamber of marble, Sir Henry raised his own chalice and toasted the members of Society X. He sipped from his cup, and everyone followed his example, including myself. I was surprised to find that my own spunk tasted just like all others that I had tasted. Before I had a chance to completely swallow my drink, Sir Henry leaned forward and embraced me in a passionate kiss, spilling the remaining dewy drops of his liquor into my own mouth, and drinking of my own essence with his lips and tongue. When at last we parted, I turned and saw Cecil and Gaston locked in what I guessed was a similar ritual kiss.

And then without direction, the members of Society X proceeded to approach the young man who still stood in the center of our sexual circle, a sight that no doubt gave us all a great deal of pleasure. One by one, the members began to tip their silver chalices and pour the remaining contents of their goblets onto this golden boy, coating him, veritably basting him in a sheen of dewy spend.

The men reached forward, touching each and every portion of his body, pressing the tips of their fingers into the firm flesh of his breast, the dense meat of his thighs. Glistening strands of spend would hang gingerly between their hands and his buttocks, between their tongues and his shoulders. Dozens of hands stroked his graceful neck, his gossamer hair, and his sperm-slicked body, massaging it, granting his beautiful penis no choice but to ripen and engorge.

A handsome dark-haired man, late into his thirties took our Adonis's hand and placed each and every one of the boy's fingers into his hot mouth to suck them one at a time. An older man held fast one of the golden boy's buttocks and kissed and licked it as if it were the last perfect bowl of peaches, covered with the sweetest cream. Still other men were indulging themselves in his breathtaking carnality, and they grabbed him 'round his limbs and began to bite him, nibbling at the firm beef of his breasts and sinking their teeth into the more tender flesh above his hips and 'round his belly.

They appeared set to devour this young godling alive as would a pack of starving wolves a lone fattened lamb, even as the pearly rain continued to run down his body. The men, seemingly drunk with passion, flicked about him fiercely, like souls possessed, striving with one another to smother him in their embraces as they smeared their semen over his body with their hands and lapping up the moisture with their tongues in a demonic fury of fanaticism.

I, too, moved into the orgiastic fray, along with Cecil, Gaston and Sir Henry, and within short moments, I found myself face to belly with this golden boy just as he was about to reach the height of his own ecstasy. Having taken hold of that fantastic dew covered cock, Sir Henry passed it to my mouth, and I gave it just one tremendous suck before it released a torrent of spend which sprayed my face and fell upon the lips of four other men who plunged their mouths into my immediate vicinity. Our Adonis let out an almost inaudible groan, and was quickly lost in a sea of firm and sweating bodies. As the night progressed, we were a heap of entwined manhood, indistinguishable and locked in a continual labyrinth of exquisite desire.

Somewhere during the evening, I must have passed out from intoxication. I was drunk from sexual bliss and a little too much wine. I awoke the next morning, tucked into bed at Cecil's home in Avenue Moche, and for a moment I thought the preceding events were purely figments of my dream life. But when Gaston bounded in my bedroom a little later and began to excitedly recount the evening's history with me, I realized that it had indeed occurred. It remains, until this day, one of the most significant evenings of my life.

A general breaking up followed after supper and soon Cecil, Gaston and I were ensconced in our carriage and taken back to the city.

As we were on the way, Gaston fumbled at his breeches and took out his member, holding it with his hand.


My stay in France soon came to an end and I cannot recall to mind anything else worthy of note.

A few days before leaving we went down to the family's country seat at Langusdoe. Here I met Gaston's grandfather on the maternal side, the old Prince de Foix. He was verging on eighty and had seen many vicissitudes in his time, but was still erect of bearing and picturesque figure with his long white moustache and thick mane of white hair.

He was an ardent Royalist and Catholic and in his declining years devoted himself entirely to these interests, taking no part in social life; but he was very gracious in his manner towards me and nourished an affection for Gaston, hoping he would prove a worthier successor to his dignities than the Prince, of whose abilities and tastes he had rather a poor opinion, judging from one or two remarks of a slightly sarcastic nature which I heard him utter.

I must also mention that the Prince gave an entertainment before I left Paris, and among the guests were some members of Society X as well as Cecil. They smiled at me in a friendly way when I was introduced, but let fall no hint with reference to our previous encounter.

My visit came to an end at last, and I took farewell of my newly found friends with genuine regret. Cecil traveled with us to London, but there I left for Wodbury to spend the last two days of my vacation at home. The reaction from the liveliness of the past weeks was great, but happily I had not to suffer it long, and the morning of my departure for school soon broke.

I had a letter from Rutherford requesting me to look out for him at Bristol, where I had to change trains. As my train drew up, I saw him on the platform and I jumped out and ran towards him. His face lighted up with great pleasure as he greeted me, but he stopped my flow of words and suggested that we should secure our seats before starting to talk. We quickly dispatched a porter to look after our belongings and after choosing a compartment, settled ourselves down to talk. I had such a lot to tell my friend that it occupied a considerable portion of our journey, and he complimented me on the good use I had made of the last part of my holidays.

All was excitement at the school and everyone was eager to relate the adventures he had gone through during vacation.

When we gained the dormitory, we showed interest in surveying one another's appearance after our long separation. The intervening weeks since we had parted added a modicum of development to our bodies, and indeed, we took great pleasure in holding ourselves up for inspection. Bob's growth was most dramatic, and we could not help but run our hands over each dazzling element of his most recent burst of maturity. His neck had thickened, bringing about him a more manly air, and his waist had widened somewhat and was now stacked more densely with solid muscle under an even broader and thicker chest. Even Bob's member seemed to me a good deal larger than before, and I was sorely tempted to take it just there and then, even before the others had a chance to show off their own.