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The butler conducted me to a dressing room where I freed myself from the stains of travel, and when I had done so, I returned to the salon. Lord Harry awaited my appearance and at once took me to a room nearby. A table near the hearth was laid with an appetizing meal.

When I had finished, the table was cleared by Peter, assisted by another black man, equally as gigantic. Lord Harry saw me observing them, and when they had gone out, he said, “They are two very good fellows indeed and devoted to me. I hired them in South Africa a year ago, and they have been with me ever since. I call them Peter and Paul as their African names are too cumbersome for ordinary use.”

A little while passed in silence and then he beckoned me to him.

“You are very friendly with my two relatives, are you not, Charlie? Both of whom have mentioned you in the warmest way in their letters, so I know the intimacy must be an exceedingly close one. They have doubtless spoken to you of me, and have, I am sure, told you that I am extremely fond of boys and like to see them in the utmost freedom possible.

“Now, would it be too much to ask you to reveal yourself to me in a state of beauty unadorned?”

I took the hint, when he announced that the room was warm enough to undress, and slowly unfastened my garments, while he sat with watching eyes. I did not especially like the idea, as after all, he was an entire stranger to me, but I was impelled by the subtle influence he exercised upon me to carry out his wish.

He made me go on till I stood in uttered nakedness before him. When he had a good survey of my body, he rose, apologized for having troubled me, and thanked me in the most gracious terms. Drawing up a large, broad couch near the fireplace, he directed me to lie on this at full length and bending down, gave me a warm wine-like kiss, full on the lips.

He then went to a cabinet from which he took out a book and, giving it to me, bade me read it out loud to him. The request combined with my condition created a feeling of reserve in my mind, but I could not well decline to do as I was asked, and taking the book, I opened it at the beginning and began to read while Lord Harry took his place on a low stool at the foot of the couch.

The volume proved to be an erotic romance of the most lurid description, and as I got through the first few paragraphs, the whole situation so affected me that my face burned anew, and a shiver, almost of compunction, ran through me.

My companion put out his hand and gently began to toy with my cock, so that I stopped reading, and closed the book. I glanced with open eyes of dismay at him.

“Do please go on,” he said with a winning smile and a whole world of sweetness and persuasiveness in his dark eyes.

I felt thoroughly subdued and continued with the reading of the book, while he went on with the utmost nonchalance in the fingering of my asshole, as he also toyed with my prick.

I was conscious of another sensation, and a momentary glimpse showed me that he was bending over me and had taken my cock in his mouth. Had it been Rutherford or any other of my friends, I should not have experienced anything but pleasure, but my host's friendship was so short that my horrified wonder at his procedure was indescribable. A shudder passed through my frame, but he was either unconscious of this, or took no notice of it, for he went on with his self imposed task with much zest, drawing the skin back to its fullest extent, and sucking and rolling his tongue 'round the knob with voluptuous relish, varying this by taking the whole member between his lips, or licking my balls and thighs.

My cock had up to the present been in its limpest state, but by degrees the shock wore off, the lubricity of the book began to interest me, a feeling of curiosity to know more of its contents grew on me, infecting my body with the indefinable sensibilities of passion, while the blood grew warmer in my veins.

This revivification communicated itself into my cock, and it began to stiffen, at which sign he coaxed it with his hands with the utmost persistence till it enlarged and erected itself with more than usual firmness. As soon as this confirmation had been attained, my companion began again caressing it with his lips and tongue with greater avidity than ever, kissing and sucking and licking the distended knob with the utmost fervency, while with his hands, he tickled and titillated my balls and thighs, and pressing open my legs, pushed one finger into my bottom hole. I was in a fever of mingle discomfort and excitement. My voice grew husky.

The finger penetrated so far up my hole and worked about so much in the interior regions as to hurt me, while an occasional pressure of Lord Harry's teeth on the head of my cock, and the force with which he every now and then pressed back the prepuce caused me some little pain, which ultimately yielded to pleasure.

This scene continued for some time, till my awakening lust conquered all other emotions. At length, a sudden glow of irresistible delight surged through me, giving promise of something yet more pleasurable to follow. My cock throbbed and grew stiff, sensible of which, my host applied himself to sucking it with still greater insistence, while his hands worked on my balls and in my asshole with feverish quickness.

The fires of voluptuousness flamed still fiercer in my veins, and my body writhed under the influences of this current of licentiousness. My voice faltered; it seemed as if I could hear no more, and the resistance within was forced aside.

I felt a series of throbs and thrills of inconceivable, yet almost agonizing pleasure shoot through me, while my cock leaped with uncontrollable vehemence and discharged liquid gushes from its end into the mouth of Lord Harry, who sucked it with all his might, causing me an excruciating though exquisite rapture, so that it was beyond endurance. I could see no more to read. My head fell back nervelessly and I gasped and groaned as my fingers clutched the book convulsively, almost tearing it. He looked up with insinuating glances and requested me to go on reading.

Feeling compelled to obey, I picked up the book again and forced myself to ignore the deep agitation which shook my frame. I began in as calm a tone as I could manage, while my cock ached and smarted and tingled under his tongue and lips. The flesh 'round the root palpitated, my balls hung down poignantly sensitive, and my intestines twisted in an interior travail. But I read on, half in a dream.

It was not until I had finished another two chapters that Lord Harry desisted from his attentions. At last he got up, took away the book and brought a warm dressing gown, which he told me to put on.

When I had done so, my host said it was time to retire and took me to a very large bedroom with a huge fire blazing merrily in the fireplace, and sent a pleasant warmth throughout the apartment. I looked for my night attire, but he said I would not need it, and made me get into the large and luxurious bed quite nude. I was not likely to be cold, as above the embroidered silk counterpane there was a thick down quilt, and a coverlet of soft, warm fur over that.

It was evident that my host intended to sleep with me, for he began to disrobe and when he had divested himself of everything, he too, got into bed.

Turning back the bedclothes so that I was fully exposed, he started to osculate me all over, kissing repeatedly and with the utmost fervency my breast, thighs, shoulders, neck, cheeks, arms and legs, sucking my toes, tickling my back, groin and belly with his tongue, licking my feet, hands and face, imprinting labial caresses all over me. He found out all the most sensitive parts, under the arms, the nostrils, the ears, the soles of my feet, the palms of my hands, the throat and the inner part of the thighs, and lavished unbounded philanderings on the smooth rotundity of my buttocks, kissing and mumbling them all over, licking with ardor. Finally pressing the cheeks apart so as to obtain better scope, he stretched open the bottom hole with his fingers and inserted therein the tip of his tongue, making me squirm with the peculiar sensation thus created.