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Her impeccably clean nightdress was lying beside her. I sniffed it and was astonished by the healthy odor with which it was impregnated.

Softly, softly, I drew the blankets back and stood there admiring her naked form. I remained motionless an instant, amazed by the beauty of her well-proportioned legs, her grassy Venus mound, whose heavy hair extended from her love lips to her thighs. She awoke when I began to caress her breasts. At first startled, she hastily drew the covers over her. Then she recognized me and gave me a broad smile.

Just then Babette stuck her head inside and said: "Stay in bed, Ursula, I'll take care of your work for you." And with that she left.

I covered Ursula with kisses until she was hot. I asked her to get up and had her walk about the room while I examined her lovely body from head to foot and from all sides, marveling at her beauty.

Then I took her in my arms, and for a long time we stood there in a close embrace.

I placed my hands on the cheeks of her behind and pulled her belly close against mine. She could feel the full stiffness of my prick, her love hair tickled my balls.

She enjoyed the sport. She put her arms around my neck, hugged me to her. I plucked some hairs from her armpits. She was completely beside herself with desire. I put my hand into her cunt, which was moist and distended. Her clitoris was very hard.

We got into bed. I made her rise to her knees and hold her buttocks high. I experimented feverishly with her pothole. Her cunt, crowned by jet black hair, was half-opened, and after reveling in the sight of the red interior, I rubbed my glans against her lips.

She enjoyed the stroking and seconded my movements. Softly I pushed it till it was all the way in, then drew it out again, back and forth, until felt myself on the point of coming.

She acted like one possessed. Her cunt, completely distended, gripped my member tightly. I thrust it in up to the hilt, hugged her buttocks, seized her hanging beauties, and rocked like a maniac, completely gone. She sighed deeply at every stroke. With one hand I pressed her boobies, with the other I tickled her clitoris. We came simultaneously. I heard my prick slapping inside her wet cunt. We lay there as though dead.

When I withdrew I still had a hard on. Ursula was ashamed, because she had never done it that way.

What she'd most enjoyed had been the slapping of my balls against the lower part of her cunt. I had not yet had my fill, and would gladly have stayed a while longer with that lovely, blooming lass. Had it been possible, I would have married her.

She told me that she had to get downstairs. She slipped on her blouse and I helped her to dress. She smiled at me amicably. I examined her from all sides once more before leaving. I promised to buy her a fine souvenir, and she agreed to come and spend the night with me sometime soon.


THE CHATEAU WAS STILL ASLEEP when I came back downstairs and climbed into bed. My mother woke me up when she brought my breakfast. She informed me that I'd have to go to the station the next day to meet my father, who was arriving with my eldest sister, Elise.

My mother was in an excellent mood, but not so Berthe, who was upset by the arrival of her extremely pretty sister. She told me that Elise was having a flirtation with the son of one of our father's business associates, and that the young man would probably marry her when he had finished his military service.

She told me besides that there were many things that she had not understood before which were now clear as crystal to her. Kate and Elise must certainly have wrestled for a long time together and they had once again remained alone for an hour in the bathroom.

The next day I was happy to note that my mother was taking a bath in anticipation of her husband's visit.

At the station I was astonished to discover upon the arrival of the train that my sister had blossomed into a charming young woman. Her pretty little feet were encased in a pair of elegant shoes, and she fluttered about with such grace that I found myself growing jealous of her Frederick. I had decided that every female in the immediate vicinity should become a member of my harem, and the sight of my sister only confirmed that idea in my mind.

My jealousy increased when I perceived that my father had brought a friend with him, Mr. Franck, an elderly bachelor who entertained hopes concerning my aunt. The introductions were cordial. My sister was as surprised by my development as I was by hers, and our embrace was more than fraternal.

We had not counted on Mr. Franck, and since the carriage was large enough for only two people, I suggested that Papa and Mr. Franck use it, while Elise and I went home on foot. My sister concurred. The way home was very pretty.

The conversation soon became interesting. My sister was extremely flattered by the compliments I paid to her beauty.

When she inquired about Berthe, I replied that she had her periods and was nubile. She looked at me with amazement.

"She stays locked in the bathroom as long as you used to," I added. Then, watching her closely, I continued: "They sleep together in the same room, if you know what I mean."

My sister blushed deeply but said nothing.

"There is no reason to be embarrassed, Elise," I said amicably, "I'm no longer a little boy. Besides you must have noticed when we were little and they bathed us together that my prick's no worse than your Frederick's."

"Why, Roger!"

"We've got hair between our legs now and we know that there's something better than playing stickfinger."

She was as red as a beet, her bosom was heaving, but she was at a loss for words. Suddenly she shot a glance round about to make sure no one was watching us, and asked:

"Is it true, Roger, that before becoming soldiers young men have to strip and let themselves be examined naked? I heard auntie and Mama saying something of the sort and at the boarding house they were also discussing it."

"Frederick, my future brother-in-law, could have enlightened you on that matter. Certainly they have to. They examine them like a bride on her wedding night. But they don't get erections because they're scared. No doubt Frederick didn't get a hard on either."

"Not really! But how ashamed they must be…Is it public? Can women see that?"

"Unfortunately not," I said seriously. "But I'd have no qualms in front of you, Elise."

I embraced her in a friendly manner. We were in a little copse near the chateau.

"Do you imagine," I added, "that there's a bride anywhere in the world who doesn't have to strip on her wedding night and be duly inspected by her husband? He strips too, you know."

"But it's not the same thing for a man."

"Why not? If I stripped in front of you, you could see everything I've got: my hair, my pendulum, my balls; but if you undressed I could only see your hair. Your cunt would remain hidden. Do you have much hair, Elise?"

"Oh, look at the lovely strawberries, Roger!" she said.

I helped her pick some. We went deeper into the woods. Erect as a boar, I hugged her.

"What's that over there?" she asked.

"A hunting lodge that belongs to us. I've got the key."

The building was set in a thicket of trees.

"Wait for me, Roger, I'll be back in a second. Watch that nobody comes."

She went behind the lodge. I heard her pissing. I watched her. She was squatting, bent slightly forward with her legs apart and holding her skirt high enough so that I could see her pretty calves.

Beneath the knees the lace of her panties was dangling. A stream was spurting between her legs. When it stopped flowing, I withdrew, but she remained in a squatting position. She hoisted her skirts above her loins, and slipped her panties down. The buttocks-hole was in full view as well as her firm, spotless cheeks. Her efforts gave birth to a thin sausage which slipped from her arse-hole, dangled an instant, and then wriggled to the ground. A bit of juice followed, then she pissed a trifle more.