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"Don't forget my purse," Lotte said quickly, racking her mind for some way to hold him. She would lose one of the best fucks of her life if he walked out the door and never returned. She wanted to feel that thick black prick rammed inside her cunt again and again. Maybe next time she could even get him to hurt her.

"Purse?" Newberry mumbled, confused. In his eagerness to escape from the mad woman's "voodoo" he even forgot his initial reason for kidnapping her.

"There should be a hundred and fifty dollars in it," Lotte told him. "If you come back next week and fuck me again I vill give you another hundred and fifty dollars."

Newberry hesitated, jittery on his feet. He was tom between his impulse to escape from a situation that he didn't understand and which frightened him, and his natural inclination for some easy money. Finally his greed overcame fear and he scurried over to where the purse was lying on the floor. He extracted the money, tossed the purse against the wall and crammed the bills into the pocket of his jacket. From his other jacket pocket he extracted the.38 revolver. Lotte heard the click as he cocked the hammer, raised his extended arm and pointed the muzzle directly at her face.

"I hear any word about you callin' the pigs and I'll come back 'n blow your fuckin' head clean off! You dig?"

"Don't vorry," Lotte told him. "You fuck much too good. I do not vant to see your gorgeous prick vasted in prison."

"Crazy bitch!" Newberry said with a shake of the head as he slammed the door behind him and left.


Now it was time for Newberry's return-as he had returned for several weeks. The gossamer black nightgown clung uncomfortably to Lotte's tits and silky bush as she walked to the door in response to the bell.

The chimes rang a second time.

"You are very eager tonight, my black friend," Lotte said. She opened the door and felt the cold mouth of Newberry's.38 prod at her navel.

"Just back up and don't make no loud noises," the gravelly voice told her.

"I vill not scream," Lotte said.

Newberry shoved her backwards with the gun so he could enter and close the door behind him. His eyes devoured her body inside the transparent nightgown. He seemed fascinated by her tits-the creamy mounds of flesh capped by large brownish areoles, her pink nipples jutting half an inch from their crown. Then his eyes descended along the curvaceous lines of her waist and flat stomach, down to the matted tuft of hair between her thighs. Lotte's body was a feast for any man's eyes-especially one intent on rape.

"Now ain't that sweet," Newberry said, licking his lips. "I can see you'se in fine form tonight, Miss Lotta Money. Don't tell me you been savin' all that jus' for me!"

"I don't save anything for you," Lotte told him. "You just take vat you want, don't you?"

"That's right," Newberry said with a vicious leer. "I takes what I wants. 'N right now I wants some money. Hand it over!"

He whacked her on the hip bone with the side of his.38, just to emphasize his point.

"Arrrr," Lotte groaned, wincing with pain. She rubbed the sore spot on her hip and protested, "I do not haf any money. You haf come at the wrong time."

Newberry slapped her hard across the mouth. Blood began to trickle down her chin.

"Now gimme the money, Miss Bitch. I ain't playin' games!"

"I told you-"

Before she could finish, Newberry slapped her again with the back of his hand. The side of Lotte's mouth was smeared with blood. It continued to trickle down her chin and along her throat.

"Maybe now you'll see this ain't no game," Newberry snarled. He grabbed the front of her nightgown in his fist and pulled her toward him, ripping the gown at the shoulder. Lotte grunted with surprise and pain both as he rammed the metal nose of the.38 inside the mouth of her cunt.

"Want me to shoot my bullets up your cunt, Miss Bitch? Or maybe you want to gimme the money now!"

"In my purse. On the chair," Lotte gasped, swallowing blood.

Newberry shoved her away and she fell to the floor. As she huddled there, shivering inside her torn nightgown, her face smeared with blood, the huge black man went to the chair and extracted the hundred and fifty dollars from her purse.

Finally Newberry returned the pistol to his jacket pocket and turned his attentions to Lotte once more. He lifted her from the floor with his strong arms and carried her into the bedroom.

"You ain't hurt, is you?" he asked with concern, cradling her lovingly against his chest. "I didn't mean to smack you too hard."

"It was vunderful!" Lotte replied, throwing her arms around his muscular neck and drawing his mouth down to her swollen lips.

Chapter 4

Thursday-Jung's Day. The bath tub in Lotte's luxurious suite was larger than most-perhaps designed originally for group bathing, and for which purpose Lotte often put it to use-and was sunk into the floor like a swimming pool. She had to walk down two steps to get into it. The tub as well as the deck surrounding it were made of fine tile embossed with colorful flower designs.

It was a pleasure to bathe in such an exotic atmosphere and sometimes Lotte spent entire afternoons in. the tub.

Today Lotte had a special use for the tub. Preparations were complete: balloons, water massager, air brush, needles, everything arranged in order on the tile deck. She pushed the button on the wall that rang for Use and began to run water into the tub-just a couple of inches of warm water in the bottom so she would not have to lie naked against the cold tile.

Ilse came promptly. "Yes, madam?"

"I need your help, darling. You know vat I vant you to do."

"Of course, madam," Ilse said, beginning to disrobe.

Lotte stepped down into the tub and stretched out her lithe body in a supine position, legs splayed, her head resting on the styrofoam water pillow so she would not get her hair wet. While Ilse undressed, Lotte cupped her hands in the warm water and lightly splashed the unsubmerged parts of her body. She massaged her breasts with her fingers and the palms of her hands, exerting only a gentle pressure because they were still sore from the night before. Each nipple was swollen and tender. Red blotches of broken blood corpuscles around the areole indicated where her black lover's teeth had bitten into the flesh.

Other parts of her body were equally sore, including her mouth where Newberry had slapped her. She did not mind such bruises, however. They were merely the tell-tale remnants of a night well spent. And lung would expunge all soreness from her body soon enough.

"Are you ready, madam?" Use asked. She was standing resplendently naked on the deck of the tub. Lotte scanned her beautiful body with admiring eyes. In many ways it was lovelier than her own. Ilse enjoyed sunbathing and her flesh glimmered with a bright coppery hue. Her long shapely legs and thighs had the smoothest and most unblemished texture Lotte had ever seen. Her moist snatch was covered with a downy tuft of blond hair that showcased itself excitingly against the background of suntanned flesh.

Ilse's flared, accommodating hip and pelvic structure accentuated the narrowness of her waist. Lotte especially admired the flat, almost sunken abdomen, which was like a musical counterpoint to the strong contours of her rib cage. Her sensuous breasts were much larger than Lotte's own tight knobs and her nipples, when sufficiently aroused, would blush purple with inrushing blood and erect themselves to an inch or more in length. Chewing on Ilse's wonderful nipples was one of Lotte's fondest pleasures.

"You are so beautiful, Ilse," Lotte told her with a proud smile. "You do me honor to be my consort."

Ilse flashed a blissful grin. She fluffed her long blond hair with the back of her hands and gently shook her head. "Pleasing you is my honor, madam. I am flattered that you allow me to enjoy your intimacy."

"Nonsense, Ilse. Come. Fill my cunt vit you marvelous balloons!"