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Instantly a whirlwind was set loose inside Ilse's cunt. Air gushed out of the balloon and thrust it back against her womb. The muscles of her vagina contracted wildly, trying to crush the elusive bubble. The balloon spun around inside her cunt, scraping the tender venereal walls with the cellophane tape and sending Ilse into Paroxysms of ecstasy.

The startled maid had never felt anything like this before. The air gushing everywhere inside her, the balloon caroming off the walls of her cunt, the muscles gripping at nothing-it was the roller coaster ride of all time. Though it lasted only a few seconds, just long enough for the air to escape from the balloon, it seemed an eternity. Ilse caught her breath at the first onslaught of the whirlwind and thought she would pass out from lack of oxygen before it was over. The world spun dizzily inside her head.

"Are you all right?" Lotte asked, patting Ilse's cheeks to rouse her.

The maid's breathing came in gasps as she sucked the wonderful air into her lungs. "I… I think so," she answered faintly. "I must take a moment to re… recover myself."

"Was it not marvelous?" Lotte enthused.

"I think I… I prefer Horst," Ilse said.

Lottie giggled. "Each to his own pleasure, darling. You probably vould not like Jung, either."

"The madam is most likely correct," Ilse agreed.


Jung was a psychology student at the university and perhaps the best looking of her harem of lovers. In his early twenties and only about five-eight, he had a slight but well-built body. His complexion was typically oriental in its creamy, unblemished texture. The glasses he wore-even while having sex-accentuated his quality of intellectual and reflective elegance.

"And how is my patient today?" Jung asked, sweeping into the room as if he owned it.

"Quite vell, Herr Doktor," Lotte said, unloosening her silk robe and slipping it over the shoulders so that it fell in a small pile around her feet.

Jung shook his finger at her. "Do not call me doctor, please. As I have told you before, doctor is a legal term that mis-represents our relationship. You are my patient because I treat you with my special knowledge of acupuncture, but that does not make me a doctor."

Although Lotte was naked, the young student did not so much as glance at her. He took an expensive looking leather case from the pocket of his sports coat, laid it on the waterbed, removed his coat and hung it neatly on the back of a chair.

"If you will please lie down, he may begin," he said, clasping his hands together in front of him and looking at Lotte for the first time. Her breasts caught his attention immediately. He hurried over to her for a closer look. "Very nasty bruises around the areole. That presents no problem. Have you any other bruises or ailments this week?"

"Oh, yes. Many, doktor-I mean, Herr Jung," Lotte said with a quick grin. She enjoyed teasing him. Much of her pleasure during these sessions with Jung was not sexual. He amused her as a personality. She was never certain if his professional, business-like, a-sexual attitude was real or merely a masquerade. He was a very strange young man, in any case.

"I have pains in the pussy also," Lotte continued, sensuously rubbing her snatch with her fingers. "You vill take care of it, vill you not?"

"Of course," Jung said. He had produced a note pad and pen from his shirt pocket and was busily making notations. "Bruises, possibly teeth marks, around the areole. Vaginal cramps-" He glanced up-"Did you say pains or cramps?"

Lotte spread the slit apart with her fingers and thrust her hips toward him. "Pains, dok-I mean, Herr Jung. Inside the poor pussy. I think maybe I haf some nasty disease."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Jung said, finishing the notations in his pad. Then he returned the pad and pen to his shirt pocket. "Please stretch out supine on the waterbed and we can commence to relieve your agony."

"Vunderbar. My agony is increasing by the minute."

While Lotte bounced onto the waterbed, Jung got down on his knees and opened the leather case. It contained cloth panels that he unfolded onto the carpet. Inserted into the panels were rows of acupuncture needles-over three hundred of them.

"Now. Whenever you stop bouncing around on that toy," Jung said dryly.

"Ach. Ve cannot begin until you are comfortable," Lotte said, bouncing over to the side of the waterbed and beginning to unloosen his tie.

Jung slapped her hands away and stood up. "Good grief! Do we have to go through this every time? I will do it myself, if you don't mind. The indignities one must experience in the name of truth and science!"

He removed his clothes as Lotte watched with an amused grin, laid them neatly on the chair, took the pad and pen from his shirt and returned to the waterbed. Sitting on the edge of the bed he made further notations in his notebook: "Subject once again makes therapist remove clothes. Shows little improvement after many sessions… "

While he continued to jot his mumblings into the notebook, Lotte gripped his flaccid penis in her hand and squeezed it. His pee hole peeked out from its uncircumcised scabbard. She slid the sheath back farther for a better look.

"… Subject now examining therapist's penis. Contemplating fellatio, no doubt… "

Lotte fluttered her tongue against the sensitive underside of his cock. Immediately the shaft began to thicken in her hand. She licked the entire length of his penis, feeling it throb as it expanded and rose to a standing position. Finally she encircled it with her mouth and began to slide it to and fro. Jung's was not a large cock, only about six inches, but just the right size for a comfortable blow job, and Lotte could lower her mouth all the way to the hilt without feeling as if she were choking herself.

"… Subject showing infantile regression. Apparent Electra Complex. Fascination with male sex organ… "

Lotte was eager for a mouthful of Jung's Eurasian jism. She chewed on the head of his cock while masturbating the shaft with his husk of foreskin. The muscles in his thighs tightened underneath her arms as the hot blood pulsated through his tasty prick.

She pressed her hand against his scrotum and felt his balls surging against the upper wall of the sack. The seminal track was pumping hard and furious now, shooting the jism up his genital pipeline in great spurts. For being so calm and disinterested on the surface, Lotte noted that his insides certainly get excited in a hurry.

Just a few more seconds now and her mouth would fill with the hot Chinese-American jism. East and West would meet in a smasm of glutinous protein.


The first glob of sperm lubricant plopped against the roof of her mouth. It tasted bitter and cold. She had worked him to a climax too fast. How jism usually comes from a long, delayed orgasm. Lotte had been too eager to finish up and get on with the needles.

The acrid mucus came in quick spurts now and Lotte re-aligned her throat with the head of his prick so it would shoot straight down her esophagus and she would not have to taste it. Usually she liked to swirl it around in her mouth and give her taste buds a treat before swallowing, but this clammy stuff was too raunchy to enjoy-even as an aphrodesiac to get her quim kindled, as the taste of feces would do.

In a matter of seven or eight seconds the cum was wasted into her esophagul disposal and she removed her mouth. She squeezed the rapidly shriveling cock and slid her tight fingers all the way up to his pee hole, forcing out the small drops of semen. Although the taste of seminal lubricant changed from orgasm to orgasm and man to man, the semen itself showed little such variety. It retained its usual mucky flavor.

Lotte licked the small drops of masculine hormones into her mouth, thinking rather dispassionately of the millions of babies that would never have a chance for birth. This fact did not bother her, as it did certain religious persons. She knew there was an infinite number of potential children in any man's body, and on the average only two or three of them would ever fertilize with ovam and create a child. What did it matter if she ingested a few billion parts of this infinite potential? It was like sand washing into the ocean, while the beaches themselves remained eternal.