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"I can't see. My glasses are fogged," he said rather sheepishly. He pulled them off and walked over to the chair where his clothes were lying. He wiped the lenses with his handkerchief, slipped them back on and returned to the waterbed.

"Well, how was the treatment?" he asked, returning to his doctorly, business-like posture. "Do you feel any pain in your breasts now?"

Lotte smiled faintly. "I am so numb, Herr Doktor. I feel nothing anywhere."

"Hm. Natural, I suppose. The sensation should return presently. Then you should feel that the pain has entirely left your body."

"Massage my boobies, Herr Doktor. I do not like feeling nothing. Make the numbness go away, please. "

"I suppose I can do that," the student replied sententiously, seating himself on the edge of the bed. He placed his palms over Lotte's breasts and began to knead them gently with his fingers.

"Good," Lotte sighed, taking in a deep relaxing breath. His caressing fingers re-vivified her senses. The quick was returning from the dead. She felt a warm, satisfying glow sweep through her body.

"How about now?" Jung asked. "Do you feel anything? Any pain or discomfort?"

Lotte hesitated, not wanting to let him know how good she felt for fear he would stop. "Mmmm… no, Herr lung. But massage the booby harder and see vat happens?"

Jung kneaded the breasts more roughly now, mashing down hard with his palms and digging into the muscles with his fingers. Lotte groaned with the sensuous waves of pleasure that broke against the shores of her consciousness. "Mmmmm… Ooooohhhh… Harder, Herr Lung. Yes, that's it… Aaaaahhh. Yes. Now I begin to feel something. Now suck on my nipple. Pull it vit your teeth!"

Jung spread her thighs apart and got between them on his knees. The waterbed was wet from all of the juices that had seeped from Lotte's cuntal drain during the acupuncture treatment. He leaned across her body and took one of the ruby nipples between his teeth. As he tugged on it, he nudged the pins deeper into the muscles of her breast with the palm of his hand.

"Ach!" Lotte winced with pain. The entire breast was a mound of throbbing erotic agony. "Again, Herr Doktor! I am feeling incredibly better now! AGAIN!"

Jung buried his mouth in her breast and chewed voraciously. Lotte felt the needles dig deeper into the tough muscular wall of her titty. The electrical circuits of her nervous system went amuck. The juices were boiling over in her cunt. It was a physiological tidal wave. The ecstatic breakers in her vaginal sea crashed against the gasping cliffs, sending jets of orgasmic foam roiling up through her slit. Her pubic hair was covered with the white bubbling secretion.

Rising to the occasion of Lotte's orgasm, Jung covered her flailing hips with his own thrashing pelvis. His cock found her writhing pussy and plunged inside. His penetration ignited a climax that carried others in its wake, like the strong after shocks of a major earthquake. The walls of the building and the walls of her cunt seemed to be collapsing simultaneously.

Jung continued to chew her breasts-first one, then the other-while he pumped her with his piston rod. The palm of each hand was cupped under her tits, forcing the needles farther and farther into the muscles of each breast.

The final ecstasy for Lotte was the explosion of his jism inside her boiling cunt. Her orgasm was like the wildest acid trip of all time. Colored lights exploded in her mind. Eerie, frightening, fascinating shapes appeared, dissolved, reformed. Penises exploded, cunts dissolved as if eaten with acid. Sounds like yelping hounds from hell tore at her ear drums.

Lotte might have gone mad, but her terror was drowned out by her fascination. Her fearless, eager determination to experience whatever life might offer shackled the nightmare and tamed it.

From somewhere in her consciousness a familiar voice said, "Good girl. Now ENJOY!"

And she tightened her orgasmic grip on Jung's cock.


"Same time next week?" the student asked, straightening his tie.

"Of course," Lotte said dreamily, a smile curling at the corners of her mouth as she lay half dreaming.

"Good. You are a fascinating subject. I refuse to stop at anything less than a total cure. Your breasts no longer hurt, I presume."

"I hurt all over, Herr Jung. But do not vorry. I haf never felt better in my life."

"I should think not," the young man said proudly. "You are being treated by a master!"

Lotte noticed his eyes tracing the sloping curves of her breasts and hips. They lingered at the bushy hillock surrounding her crotch, as if regretting the need to depart. It was the first time he had ever looked at her as a woman instead of a subject. The first time she had seen the wan look of youthful desire in his face.

"And so are you being treated by a master," Lotte said.

Chapter 5

Friday-Norman's Day. Lotte gave thanks that today was her day for ass fucking. Her cunt was fucked out for the time being. The poor thing deserved a rest. Since tomorrow was Ilse's day (and night; sweet Ilse! how she loved to sleep curled up against Lotte's warm body) it would have forty-eight hours in which to do nothing but regenerate its marvelous nerve cells. Then Sunday -Ach! What a glorious day Sunday was going to be. She could hardly wait.

As for her titties: she had to sleep on her back all night because they ached so much. Even now they throbbed with a continuous pain. When she stood before a mirror she could see the six red dots below each breast where the needles had entered. Her nipples 'had never lost their erectness since last night. They were swollen to the diameter of a dime and very sensitive from being tugged at by lung's carnivorous teeth. All around them, and around the areole, were puckered blotches of ugly purple that the sexually "disinterested" student had chewed away at so hungrily. Her poor breasts looked, and felt, as if they had been gang-banged by vampires.

But Norman was not interested in cunts and titties. His wife was a large matronly woman whose knockers hung all the way from her shoulders to her waist. There was ample room in those enormous mammaries for Norman to play around when the desire-and courage-gripped him. Her whale's cunt could probably swallow him whole as well. He expressed love and admiration for his wife and denied that her money was a mitigating factor in their marriage.

"I can't even get my tongue between those buns of hers. There's too much padding," he told Lotte. "Even my cock won't reach down far enough to get the whole- crown inside her sphincter muscle. Maybe I could fuck her ass with a baseball bat, but that wouldn't be much fun. I'd like to use it on her head sometime, though. Maybe the next time she tells me she's going on a diet-right after she finishes the next cream filled eclair!"

"I luf eclairs," Lotte said, feeling his tongue tickle the inside of her buttocks with long, languorous strokes. "I vant you to run down to the bakery and get a whole box full after ve haf finished."

Norman pulled his mouth back from her ass cheeks, stunned. "Please. You are making me sick. I could eat your shit with less revulsion than one of those whipped cream nightmares. I used to love them before I got married, you know."

"Poor Norman. All of life's pleasures your wife has taken from you!"

"I know. But what really irks me is that even if she was slender and beautiful-like you, for instance-she still wouldn't let me tongue her bung hole. She has this Victorian attitude about cleanliness and sexuality. Cunts are for fuckingonce a month, if I'm lucky. Mammaries are for suckling-but only if you're a baby. And asses are for shitting. It's dirty and sinful and unhealthy to stick your tongue up there and ream it real good. And of course my cock is too big and hurts. Can you imagine my little six inch hand tool hurting a woman?"