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"I think it feels nice," Lotte said, squirming her ass around as it tickled her puckeredanus.

"Oh, well. Such is life," Norman sighed. "Thank heaven for the whores of the world. Without them, what would little boys do!"

"It is much more fun being a whore than a prude. And much more fun being a whore monger, is that not so?" Lotte asked with a giggle.

"A whore monger, my dear fraulein, is not one who chases after whores but one who makes profit from them. I only wish I could be a successful whore monger!"

"Then you could get rid of your pet whale," Lotte concluded.

"You said that. Not me. Gertrude has qualities that endear her to my soul."

"And to your pocket book, mein Herr."

Norman gave a sharp jab with his peJ?is to get it through the knot of her bung hole. And perhaps at the same time to punish her slightly for saying such cruel words about his motives for remaining with his wife.

"Ouch!" Lotte cried. "Do not be so rough vit my poor ass. Soon all the parts of my body vill be too sore to play vito Then I vill be terribly bored for zee next few days!"

"Thou must not use vile words then my dear. That is a commandment. Do unto others as they do unto you and all that jazz. After all, if I were so interested in money I would be offering marriage proposals to you. Then I could have cunt and titty and ass and money all rolled into one cute little German ball of fluff!"

Norman was pumping her ass steadily and rhythmically now. With his hands gripping her hips, his knees planted firmly between her spread-eagle thighs, he would slide the shaft back until the bloated crown tugged at her sphincter, then thrust it forward again until his crotch was up to the hilt in her cheeks.

The tightness of her ass hole as the penile rod slid to and from was akin to the feeling of masturbating oneself with tightly-held thumb and forefinger, but more intense. More satisfying, because a woman's ass was doing it. Norman had never outgrown the childish thrill of tampering with the forbidden. Whatever was considered disgusting, that was what he enjoyed. Which explained his fascination for shit, perhaps.

"Do you think I was too rigidly toilet trained?" he asked Lotte only half comically.

"Good heavens. I haf no idea. Ve do not think about such things in my country."

"You mean nobody eats ass in Germany? Such backward people, these Europeans!"

"I am sure that ass gets eaten in Germany, mein Herr. It is just that ve do not talk of such things to young virgins."

"Still most backwards. What should one discuss with young virgins if not eating ass?" Norman asked with a deep sigh. "Anyway, how is your ass coming?"

"It is not coming yet, I am afraid. Perhaps less talk and more fucking, if you do not mind."

"Impossible, my dear. I even talk in my sleep."

"And I fart in my sleep," Lotte said, thrusting backwards with her ass to coincide with the forward thrust of his cock. "Perhaps ve are too full of shit, mein Herr."

"Each in his own way, you mean," Norman added, enjoying the repartee as much as he enjoyed the surprise when Lotte tightened the grip on his prick and tried to crush it. Or when she suddenly thrust her ass against his crotch and banged his balls silly. He loved a woman who could carryon an intelligent conversation in the middle of an orgasm.

"You are a very delightful person, dear Lotte. I look forward to slavering inside your ass hole in another few moments. I trust you will have the good manners to slaver back at me. In your own way, of course."

"If possible, Herr Norman. One can never predict these things."

The steady caress of Norman's prick against the taut membrane of Lotte's anus was taking its toll on her nervous system. They had been clasped together in this canine embrace for ten or fifteen minutes now and his cock was very dry and harsh. The cumulative effect of his unoiled piston-like workmanship was to wear her kinetic sensors down to the quick. By now his prick was scraping away at raw nerve ends. His cock was like a blow torch that he kept pumping in and out of her ass hole, its flames licking out at her flesh with excruciating erotic pain.

"I am burning up inside," Lotte said. "Pump me faster and I vill come very soon."

"Good. I'm getting anxious to move on to other things. I will try to enhance your climax with a little burst of timely jism."

He revved up his piston. The rpm's were turning over at a championship speed now, racing for the checker flag. The hot fuel was surging through the gas line. Up the shaft of the churning piston. Lotte's ass ignited when it spewed into her anal carburetor. She nearly threw him out of the driver's seat with the violent spasmodic contractions of her hips and buttocks.

"I am… COMING!" Lotte grunted, thrashing her ass about wildly and grinding it against this thrusting pelvis, trying to milk every ounce of erotic delight from his masculine teat.

"Oooooh!… Mmmmmm!" she groaned. "Arrrrgggghhhh… "

As the spasms dwindled and the jism that fueled Lotte's ass stopped coming she collapsed onto the waterbed in exhaustion, arms askew and legs splayed. Norman's shriveling cock was still imbedded in her ass and he plummeted down on top of her. Lotte could feel his rapid heartbeat against her shoulder, feel his hot breath against her ear. His weight did not feel so heavy since the pliant waterbed was beneath them, but the pressure was enough to flatten out her breasts and send the needle-like pains shooting through her body.

"You must get off," Lotte said. "My titties are too sore."

Norman rolled over on to his back. There was a sharp flash of pain as the movement tore his penis out of her ass.

"Ach!" Lotte said as the shiver raced down her spine.

"Sorry, old girl. I should be more careful," Norman apologized. "When you've got the sap flowing through your veins again I'll let you get even with a good sized dildo."

"For such vengeance I am always ready!" Lotte said, perking up immediately.

"My ass is at your disposal," Norman said.

Lotte got up from the waterbed gingerly, so as not to make her aching tits bounce around too much, and went to the cabinet where she kept her collection of sex aids and various mechanical devices-whatever the occasion might call for. She got out her dildo and strapped the belt around her waist, then pulled the straps up tight around the lower half moons of her buttocks and fastened them to the snaps on the belt. The dildo was held firmly in position now. She could fuck with it almost as well as a man could fuck with the real thing.

"Don't you think that's rather large?" Norman asked somewhat apprehensively.

Indeed, it was seven inches long with a two inch diameter-which made it a quarter of an inch thicker than the average dildo. A quarter of an inch is not much, perhaps, unless it is struggling to penetrate a tight sphincter.

Lotte shrugged. "I flicked you vit the smaller one last time. Don't you vant to experiment vit something larger?"

"I'm afraid I don't share your clinical approach to frigging my ass. But as you like. You carry the big stick around here now, so I will just have to grin and bear it."

He gave her a wide grin to prove his point.

"In that case," Lotte said, deepening her voice to make it sound more masculine, "I order you to get on your knees and spread your cheeks!"

"Aren't you going to grease that thing first, sir? My poor little ass is going to be just torn apart if you don't!"

He was mimicking a woman's voice. Perhaps Scarlett O'Hara's. The cadences certainly were not German.

"First you must say please and bark like a dog," Lotte ordered, enjoying her new role.

"Please, sir. Pretty please. Arf Arf."

Lotta gave the rubber dildo a Vaseline rubdown. When she was finished, it glistened with the ample amounts of gelatin substance and had that familiar medicinal smell that she liked so much. She looked forward to licking it off his bung hole when the fuck was over.

Once again they got in the dog position, only this time Norman was the bitch and Lotte the sire. "First I villioosen you up a bit," Lotte told him. "You are very tight in the ass, mein Herr."