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"Now straddle me," Ise instructed. "I want to eat your ass while I imagine Edward fucking me. That way all three of us can be making love together. "

"I was going to suggest it myself," Lotte replied eagerly. "It iss too bad ve did not think of this while Edward was still alive. How much pleasure ve haf missed, my beauty!"

She straddled Ilse's neck and felt the maid's hands grip her hips. She let Ilse position her ass against her mouth, then went about her own business of fucking the maid's juicy cunt with the vibrator. As she slid it back and forth inside the fleshy tunnel, wriggling it against the grasping muscular walls with each inward stroke, she felt the ticklish flutter of Ilse's tongue along the surface of her ass.

Lotte drew her lover toward a climax slowly, giving the maid a chance to fully enjoy the erotic pleasures of her ass. She felt Ilse wriggle a moist finger inside her bung hole, forcing it in all the way to the second joint. She fucked Lotte's ass hole with her finger as Lotte fucked her cunt with the vibrator.

After a while Ilse removed her finger from the reamed bung hole and slid her tongue into the small orifice. She pulled Lotte's ass down hard against her mouth, burying her face inside the soft cheeks of her mistress' buttocks, and thrust at the anal tunnel with all the strength she could get from her tongue. It forged a distance of an inch perhaps inside the tight sphincter and licked the inner flesh of Lotte's ass. She used slobber from her mouth to lubricate her tongue as it delved around inside her mistress' bowel cavity, creating a sensuous heat in the vicinity of Lotte's ass hole that quickly spread to her cunt.

"Massage my clitty," Lotte said. "I vant to come at zee same time you do, my beauty!"

Ilse rubbed her fingers through her mistress' labial folds until she got the erect ditty forked between them. Then she tightened their grip on the blood flushed organ and slid them back and forth along its inflamed sides. Meanwhile, she continued to delve into Lotte's ass hole with her serpentine tongue.

Lotte felt a quick orgasm building inside her throbbing ditty and began to work over Ilse's cunt with an expert manipulation of the vibrator. Soon she felt the maid's pelvis thrustinga against the hand held penile shaft with feverish abandon, her vaginal muscles grasping at it with uncontrollable spasms. She felt Ilse's ravenous mouth gnawing at her ass hole, her fingers frantically chafing her burning ditty to a peak of erotic pain.

The two lovers came simultaneously, their cunts exploding with twin bursts of rapture. Lotte's hand was covered with white cuntal foam as she continued to stroke Ilse's gasping quim. When she felt the maid's venereal convulsions settle into the soothing wake of her orgasmic experience, she removed the vibrator and went down on Ilse with her mouth. As she did, she re-positioned her hips so that now her snatch was pressed against her lover's mouth instead of her ass.

While Lotte lapped up the white foam from Use's slit and its surrounding bush, she felt the juices being sucked out of her own pussy by the maid's oral vacuum. Ilse's appetite was ravenous when it came to eating quim or drinking venereal broth. Lotte had never seen anyone go at it so eagerly, or seem to enjoy it so much.

"You eat my cunt so good," Lotte told her later. "I could let you do it all night, I think."

Ilse was lying cuddled in her mistress' arms, her head resting in the hollow between Lotte's warm breasts. "It is only your cunt I love to eat," she said. "The thought of putting my mouth between another woman's legs is somewhat repulsive to me. It is only because I love you that I enjoy it."

"You have such strange ideas!" Lotte told her. "I know how you feel though, my pet. When Edward was still alive I vould haf been horrified at the thought of another man's cock in my pussy, or my tongue in somebody else's ass. But now I haf no such fears. One ass iss much like another, Ilse. Any man's cock gives pleasure."

"But you would not feel as you do if Edward was still alive," Ilse protested.

"Perhaps not. But vould it not haf been more pleasant if the three uf us had admitted our luf and enjoyed our bodies together vhen ve had the chance?"

Ilse thought for a moment. The implications of Lotte's words left her mind befuddled. Finally she answered: "But Edward still would have been your husband, so my love would have been incomplete. You would not want to share him with someone else all the time, and neither would I."

"I fear that you are right," Lotte admitted. "I vill share his memory vit you, but I think I vould have learned to hate you if I had to share his love vit you. Ve haf much to learn from each other, Use!"

Ilse was quiet for a moment. Then stifling back a sob she said, "But he is dead now, so we do not have to worry about it."

Lotte stroked the smooth contours of her back with the palm of her hand. She let it roam over Ilse's warm buttocks, then let her fingers drag through the cleft of her cheeks as she traced the spinal column back up to the maid's neck. Her hand paused there, massaging the back of Use's neck as she spoke.

"That iss the point, Use. Edward is dead. Vy waste your life in seclusion, avoiding other men. You vill end up a wrinkled, unhappy old woman. Or perhaps you vill try suicide, as I did. Either vay iss no good for such a beautiful sweet thing like yourself!"

"And do you not love me?" Use asked warily. Lotte had put so many ideas in her head that she did not know what to believe anymore.

"I luf you more than anything," Lotte said, squeezing her tightly. "But there are pleasures I cannot give you. And I cannot give myself to just one person any longer. That iss how I made my peace vit Edward's death. So your luf for me vill be just as incomplete as your luf for Edward."

She rolled Use onto her back and straddled her upside down, her elongated breasts hanging over the maid's face like ripe teats for milking. "Ve shall suck each other's breasts, my pet. I am only sorry I cannot offer you a pair as beautiful as your own."

Ilse giggled childishly. "If they were as big as mine, I could not get them in my mouth. I prefer your more… more dainty and feminine titties, my mistress."

Lotte giggled along with her. Their moods had brightened considerably since their conversation. Now they were like two young newly-pubescent girls experimenting with each other's bodies for the first time.

Lotte fluttered her tongue against one of Use's coppery, brightly sun polished nipples, feeling it harden noticeably as she caressed it with her butterfly licks. Soon it was the diameter of a dime and jutting almost an inch from its suntanned areole. She went down on it with her mouth and sucked the magnificent nipple as though it were a masculine genital.

Ach! If only you could lactate your milky jism into my throat, Lotte thought. Suddenly she remembered what she had told Ilse earlier-that there were many pleasures a woman's body could not offer another woman. Nevertheless, she savored the taste and aroma of her lover's erogenous flesh, which was still permeated somewhat with her rich body perfume-spiced, perhaps, with a bit of perspiration. Neither of their bodies was as freshly aromatic as when they began, but this just added to the erotic pleasure of their love making.

As Lotte suckled Ilse's breast she felt her playmate's lips tug at one of her own nipples, stretching the malleable titty into the shape of a pointed ice cream cone as she pulled it down. As she stretched this one with her mouth, Ilse simultaneously took the other nipple between her fingers and elongated it also. When they would stretch no farther and slipped from her grasp, she repeated the procedure.

Lotte's nipples tingled with excitement. They were blood-flushed and tight as knots from the continual pinching. Taking her example from Ilse, she twisted the maid's right nipple between her thumb and forefinger as she continued to suck on the other one. Soon it was almost purple from the pinching Lotte gave it and as hard as a rock, its erection even greater than that of her left nipple.