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The other men conversed with each other excitedly and expressed open fascination for each other's bodies. This was the first time any of them had seen other naked males "in the flesh," so to speak, except in locker room situations where one was likely to get punched in the nose for commenting, jocularly or otherwise, on another man's genital area. Never had they been able to examine and discuss and touch men's "private" parts with such lack of fear or derision.

"You know I've never seen anything so extraordinary!" Norman said, unable to take his eyes off Paul's semi-erected eight inches of skinny cock. "You say it grows to eleven inches?"

"Yeah, he's a real monster all right," Paul said. "It used to scare the hell out of me when I was in high school, 'cause I thought it never was going to stop growin'. But then when I reached my full height in my senior year he got up to eleven inches and just sort of hung in there ever since."

"Is that leben inches all the time?" Newberry asked with a chuckle. "Or jus' when Lotte hums it?"

"I think Lotte could make it grow another inch or two sure 'nough. Specially when she starts squeezing it with those ass muscles of hers. But the old boy's always good for eleven inches at least."

Norman studied it while he sipped his drink. Finally he blurted out, "You don't mind if I just touch it, do you?"

"Hell no. You can even suck it if you want to. Course you're not as good lookin' as Lotte"-he winked at his hostess, who was seated on a stool behind the bar acting as bartender for the evening and listening to the conversation with rapt amusement-"but the old boy ain't proud."

Norman rubbed his fingers along the shaft of the cock, feeling it wriggle and lift its head.

"He's awful polite, you'll notice," Paul said. "He always stands up when he shakes hands."

In a few moments the slender reed had erected to its full eleven inches. Norman could feel the warm blood pulsing through it.

"Amazing!" he said. "It's hard as steel. Doesn't it hurt when it gets that hard and starts throbbing?"

"It sure does," Paul agreed. "It hurts right now, in fact. I'm going to have to jerk it off, unless someone wants to do it for me."

"How bouts Lotte doin' it," Newberry suggested. "Then while she's doin' that me 'n Norm'll get ars to hurtin' too!"

"Splendid idea!" Norman seconded. "I can feel the pain coming on already!"

Indeed, both men's cocks, had begun to rouse from their lethargy with this dramatic turn of the conversation.

"Ach, I must do everything!" Lotte said with mock disgust. "It iss my party and I prefer to be entertained by my guests. Vhy don't the three of you suck each other off and I vill vatch? You are not afraid, are you?"

"My dear, you have now made it impossible for us to refuse," Norman said. "Okay guys, let's gather our stools around."

Taking Norman's lead they scooted their stools closer together so that they were in a tight little threesome, then Norman-trying to be diplomatic in case Paul might have an racial aversion to black meat-leaned down into Newberry's lap and took the fleshy cock in his mouth. Newberry followed his example and began to suck on Paul's long spike. Finally the basketball player took Norman's six inches of throbbing prick between his teeth.

The men seemed to take to their roles as cocksuckers. Of course Norman had been sucking his since puberty, so the only thing new to him was the fact that he had a new one to suck for a change. Newberry, on the other hand, was a different story. Before meeting Lotte he would have committed murder before submitting himself to the humiliation of giving anyone a blow-job. But Lotte had tamed him with love and taught him that masculinity is a biological gender, not a state of macho mentality. Now he sucked Paul's prick with as much gusto and lack of inhibition as Norman sucked his own.

Lotte could not watch sexual activity of any kind without her cuntal juices starting to flow. She began to finger massage the inside of her pussy, stirring them up even more. She seriously considered shafting herself with the neck of a champagne bottle, something she had never done before. (Not that it had never occurred to her, only that it had never been necessary.) But seeing how much pleasure the men were taking in going down on each other, she became anxious to join in on the fun.

"Let me know who iss coming first," she said. "I vant to eat your cream pudding. Just a show of hands vhen you are ready, please. You need not stop sucking on my account!"

A moment later Norman's hand shot up.

"He's all yours," Paul said, lifting his head and licking his lips. "You better hurry, though. She's about to blow!"

Lotte no sooner clamped her mouth around Norman's prick than she felt the first warm splash of mucus against her palate. Half a dozen salvos of bitter-sweet jism slushed down her throat before it stopped coming. She milked the quickly shriveling cock with her hand, squeezing the last drops onto her tongue, lapped them into her mouth, and raised her head just in time to see Newberry's hand fly up and start waving.

Norman quickly disengaged himself from his black friend's thick pound of flesh and Lotte went down on him with her voracious appetite. She held his throbbing prick tightly in her hands as his milky lubricant began to pour into her mouth in a steady stream of liquid heat. His did not spurt in clots as Norman's had. It flowed like syrup, filling Lotte's mouth with its acidy nectar. There was a taste of fermentation about Newberry's jism, as though it had come from the same vat as the whiskey he drank.

No sooner had Lotte lapped up the last of Newberry's milky brew than Paul said, "You better get on me fast, Miss Lotte. I'm bringin' in a gusher right now!"

She lunged for Paul's long penile tube too late. The first glob of sticky mucus splattered against her cheek. But she had her mouth over the nozzle by the time the second glob came spurting out. It took so long for the lubricant to make its way up his eleven inch shaft that there was a second or more between each gushing clot.

Lotte milked him dry with her hands, and when her tongue had flicked up the last watery drop of semen from his pee hole Norman handed her a glass of scotch and said, "Better take this chaser. All that masculine superiority you just drank is liable to go to your head. "

"Next time I vill leave all zee masculinity to you gentlemen. I am full up to here vit it." And she tapped her throat with her finger.

"What's the young fellow over there doing?" Norman asked, indicating Jung with a nod of the head.

"Look like he be writin' a book," Newberry said.

Lotte took a large swallow of the scotch and had to let her throat stop burning before replying. But at least the strong liquor killed the taste of jism in her mouth. She had never ingested it in such a quantity before, and didn't realize how acrid it was in large doses.

"Jung iss a psychology student at zee university," she said finally. "Perhaps you haf seen him, Herr Norman."

"There are twenty-seven thousand students on campus, my dear. Besides, I teach philosophy and not psychology. I am afraid your Jung is just part of the great unknown masses."

Lotte giggled. "He thinks ve are all crazy for enjoying sex. He has been trying to cure me for some time now. I am afraid he has not succeeded too good."

"Joining the madness is a strange way to affect a cure. Does he always strip down naked when treating you?"

"Always," Lotte said and everyone laughed.

"Do you think it would hurt his feelings if I asked to suck him off?" Norman asked.

"Zee only way to hurt his feelings is to take avay his notebook," Lotte said. "But leave him alone. He iss a gut boy. He vill join us vhen zee time is right."

"That sounds like you got somepin planned," Newberry said.

"Yeah," Paul chimed in. "What other parlor games have you got up your sleeve?"

Lotte looked down at her naked arms. "I haf no sleeve, mein Herr. I left zem in zee closet."

"So what's up your cunt then?" Paul amended. "You didn't just invite us here for the drinks and conversation. I know you better than that, Miss Lotte."