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"… twenty-eight… twenty-nine… THIRTY!"

As Norman counted off the last seconds Lotte felt an eruption of hot lava fill her bowels. Her ass tightened around the inflamed puddle as though to smother it with her asbestos muscles and keep it from spreading. But immediately a second eruption spurted the liquid heat against the sensitive walls of her cunt. She felt as though her insides were burning up. The exquisite pain licked at her nerves like tongues of fire.

When the hot jism from Norman's throbbing cock splattered against the back of her throat it sent her into a frenzy of orgasmic ecstasy. It was the most sustained excitation of her nervous system that she had ever experienced. When she collapsed onto Paul's chest, emotionally and physically exhausted, she lay there for a long time before her senses returned to normal.

Newberry and Norman were already sitting at the bar sipping drinks when Lotte began to rouse from the aftermath of her orgasmic experience. Even Jung had found it necessary to refresh himself with a gin and 7-Up. Paul on the other hand was very content to lie beneath Lotte and cuddle her in his arms, his flaccid prick still curled up a good six inches inside her warm pussy.

"Are you two going to cuddle each other for the rest of the evening?" Norman called out from the bar. "What about that present you have for us, old girl?"

So it iss time for Ilse, Lotte told herself with a dreamy smile. I am anxious for this myself!


"Since everyone iss like anxious children at a birthday party, I vill haf your present brought in," Lotte told them. "I think you vill enjoy it very much, my friends!"

She rang the maid's bell and soon from the bedroom chambers Sanchez appeared escorting Ilse on his arm. Despite the obvious nervousness in her face and her tight grip on her escort's arm, she was the loveliest creature imaginable. There was nothing but rapt stares of disbelief from the assembled men.

Ilse was dressed in a silver translucent nightgown that seemed to shimmer with light as she walked. Her long, sun-drenched golden hair draped the sides of her face and flowed over her shoulders and down the front of her body like sensuous waterfalls. Her swells of copper breast were only partially and tantalizingly concealed behind the veil of gold and silver threads. Her ruby nipples glowed like the eyes of a pagan idol.

Indeed, she had the beauty and allure of a classic Greek Goddess. But the Venus di Milo or Botticelli's Venus Rising from the Sea were inadequate comparisons to the flesh and blood beauty of Ilse's ideal body. The fluffy tuft of golden threads that crowned her vulva and the creamy texture of her copper thighs were the incarnate dream of every man's desire.

Lotte allowed the stunned silence to endure for some time before finally announcing: "Gentlemen, I present you vit Ilse!"

She did not have to add The loveliest creature in the world because it was too obvious. The words would have been an unnecessary redundancy to what vision had already acknowledged.

"I will return to the kitchen and finish preparing supper," Sanchez said. He kissed Ilse on the cheek and left the room.

"Relax, my beauty!" Lotte said, going over to the maid and taking her warm, trembling hand. "We are all friends here. These men haf been my lovers for many veeks, as you know. In a moment they vill be your lovers too. You vill be as fond uf them as I am, Ilse!"

"I must say!" Norman responded. "You certainly have a taste for gifts, Miss Lotte!"

This was the first time he had called her "Miss" Lotte, apparently having picked up the appellative from Paul. It flattered her and she hoped the men would continue using it.

"Zee gift iss double," she told them. "You are also my gift to Ilse. She iss-Iet us say-a semicvirgin, having given herself only to one male lover. It was someone she luffed very much. But he iss gone and now she vishes to share her beauty vit others. Whom shall ve let un ress you, my dear?"

Ilse bit her lower lip as she gazed around at the eager faces. All of them were anxious merely to touch her fleshy beauty, not to mention ravish it. The desires showed so obviously in their expressions that they frightened Ilse and she told her mistress: "Perhaps you could do it yourself, madam."

Lotte laughed. "Of course, my beauty. It vill be my pleasure to unveil your magnificent body for my gutt friends!"

She slipped her hands under the maid's silky golden threads and spread the hair back over her shoulders so that all of it now hung down her back. This left her breasts more voluptuously visible beneath the gossamer material of her nightgown. She kissed Ilse on the cheek to reassure and calm her, then unloosened the sash around the waist of her gown. Four sets of eyes were fixed on the slow, deliberate movement of Lotte's hands as she pulled one of the shoulders of the loose gown down below Ilse's left breast, exposing its naked flesh to everyone's view.

"Now to whom do ve make a gift of this magnificent tiny?" Lotte asked, looking the men over. lung was so nervous with excitement that she could not help but give him the first touch of Ilse's body.

"Come, Her: lung. You may haf this gift. Come and caress Ilse's lufly titty vit your mouth!"

The young student's steps toward the gilt offering were tentative, as though he was fighting the instinct to run. But her beauty drew him slowly, steadily, like a magnet. His forehead was beaded with perspiration as he lowered his parched lips to Ilse's ruby nipple. Her body was bathed in such exotic perfume that its fragrance made him dizzy. He caressed her stiff nipple with his dry tongue, feeling it scrape against her sensitive flesh and send an icy shiver through her tense body.

Jung put his hands around the warm coppery breast and began to suckle the nipple, finally drawing the saliva from their glands with his oral suction and waxing lise's fleshy jewel with it. He sucked and chewed her erected nipple with increasing voraciousness, tasting the sumptuous perfume she had bathed in as it intermingled with his saliva-inhaling the juicy bouquet into his throat with the same effect as a pinch of cocaine.

Lotte pulled the gown down around Ilse's waist, exposing the twin of her voluptuous be-jeweled coppery breast. "And to whom shall ve gif this lufly titty?" she asked.

"I ain't partikler or greedy," Newberry said. "Paul here can have it!"

The men laughed. They knew Ilse could only be divided into two more parts, and each was voluptuously attractive. They could afford to be generous. And besides, it was exciting for the men to watch each other make love to the beautiful flesh goddess, envisioning themselves in their place and knowing that soon they would be. It titillated their desire to a fever pitch.

Paul laved Ilse's breast with saliva. He licked the entire bulbous mound until it glistened with his slick mucus. Then he began to chew on it with his teeth. He did not bite into her flesh hard enough to leave a mark-that would have been sacrilegious at this stage of the devotional-just hard enough to satisfy his carnal lust for the flesh idol. He saved her ruby nipple for last, feeling a spasm of excitement shoot through his nerves as Ilse responded to his chafing by pressing her breast harder against his mouth. He scraped his teeth along the full inch length of her blood-flushed digit, giving it a twist at the end that Ilse could feel all the way down to her excited pussy.

The maid stood with her legs spread, head lolling from side to side, her eyes closed and a dreamy smile playing about her lips as the two men continued to suckle her breasts. Meanwhile, Lotte pulled her gown the rest of the way down her body and let it drop in a pile around her feet.