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"Now you may haf your pick," she told the two remaining men. She knew there would be no quarrel, since Norman preferred asses over any other part of the body and Newberry would rather eat Ilse's pussy.

Indeed, they took their respective places just as Lotte knew they would, and in a moment four mouths were sucking at the maid's luscious body like voracious leeches. Newberry went after the throat of her cunt with no preliminaries, no niceties of foreplay. He dropped to his knees, pressed his mouth to her slit and began to devour it with teeth and lips and tongue. Norman, on the other hand, took a slow and sensual approach to Ilse's ass, first licking every inch of her creamy-smooth buttocks and then butterfly flicking her perfumed crack as he kneaded her soft cheeks with his hands.

Lotte allowed the four men and their flesh goddess a few minutes more of their sensual delight before calling the initiation rites to a temporary conclusion. She knew Ilse was tired of standing, and no amount of erotic suckling would prevent her from collapsing with fatigue.

Finally she said, "Enough. Zee poor girl iss tired of standing. Let us finish on zee vaterbed!"

The men led Ilse into the bedroom, chatting casual conversation with her along the way:

– You are extraordinarily beautiful, my dear. Where has Miss Lotte been hiding you away?

– That is definately the best tastin' pussy I ever did sink my mouf into!

– You wouldn't want to go to the basketball game tomorrow night, would you? Get a chance to see the All-Star center in action?

– I am so flattered. You are just as nice as my mistress said.

– Beauty always tames the savage beast, my dear. You see before you a quartet of drooling, idolatrous pussycats.

When she was lying on the bed, legs splayed and the mouth of her golden cunt smeared with white foam, her ample mounds of breast rising and falling in quick succession from her excited breathing as she awaited the next act of her initiation ceremony, Lotte asked her, "Now what vould you like, my pet? Zee gentlemen vill do anything you desire? "

"I vant them to eat my pussy," Ilse said with a bashful smile, not even pausing to think. "And I will suck their cocks at the same time."

Lotte laughed. "The wounds uf your lost love are healing very quickly, my beauty!"

Paul was the first to get between her legs. He pressed her thighs up against her breasts and buried his mouth in her juicy slit. He lapped the white foam into his mouth and reamed her cunt with his tongue, sliding it along the inner walls of her vulva as far as it would reach.

While he was doing this, Newberry straddled her neck and dangled his scrotum above her mouth. She reached out with her pink tongue and tentatively licked it, unsure of what taste to expect from the Negro's tight black sack. When she discovered that it tasted no different than white flesh she began to stroke it more voluptuously. She laved it with her saliva and tried to get her mouth around it, but it was too large. She had to settle for sucking one ball at a time.

Finally Newberry scooted farther down so she could reach his cock with her mouth. She stroked the shaft with her tongue for a moment, then took his fleshy chocolate knob between her lips and began to massage it. She was acutely aware of Paul's mouth delving around in her cunt as she sucked Newberry off. His tongue was like a Fourth of July sparkler. Its flashes of heat lit up every nerve in her body. Each time her venereal muscles contracted she grasped Newberry's prick even tighter with her oral vice.

Ilse's orgasm came first. Her writhing thighs broke from Paul's grip and she tightened them around his neck, pressing his mouth into her hot quim as it coughed up cuntal juices with each vaginal spasm. She chewed on Newberry's thick cock with all the fury of her orgasm, sending the seminal fluid gushing up his shaft. It flowed into her mouth in such volume that she almost gagged on it. She pulled the prick out of her mouth and swallowed quickly a couple of times as the remainder of the black man's hot jism poured out onto her cheek and neck.

Jung scurried after a wash rag to clean away the sticky lubricant before he mounted her himself. Ilse grabbed his cock and thrust it into her mouth even before he got himself situated properly. She was gnawing on it hungrily by the time Norman started nuzzling her wet bush with his face. She was primed for an orgy by now. All the apprehension and nervousness she had felt earlier was gone. Her hips writhed in feverish abandon. She thrust her excited pussy against Norman's grasping mouth, grinding her clitty and labia into his teeth. And all the while she sucked and chewed Jung's throbbing prick, digging her long fingernails into his buttocks until he gasped with pain.

Her orgasm was much more ferocious than the first. Norman chewed her inflamed clitty to the quick as she encouraged him with her pelvic thrusts, never giving him a chance to let up. The throbbing pain in her cunt was excruciating. It was almost unbearable. Her body pitched around on the waterbed as though she was lying in a bed of hot coals. Jagged groans broke from her throat and her teeth clamped down on Jung's prick, cutting off his flow of jism and making him yelp with pain for the second time. When Ilse's grip finally loosened, the student's milky come splattered into her mouth and was swallowed with eager gulps.

When it was over with and they disengaged themselves, Jung was so moved by the experience that he quickly kissed the young beauty on her sticky lips.

"I think our bashful student has found luf," Lotte remarked. Jung's face paled with embarrassment. He removed his glasses and went to the bathroom to de-fog them with a piece of tissue.

"How bout you joinin' the fun," Newberry said to Lotte.

"Yes," Norman chimed in. "Let's give the poor girl a break. Four-on-one is a little bit hard to take after a while."

Lotte shrugged. "It iss Ilse's party. I vill do anything she vants."

Ilse smiled brightly from where she lay on the waterbed. "I would love to have my mistress join us. I have never had so much fun in my life!"

"I vill join you," Lotte said. "But first I vant Jung to perform his specialty. He seems very fond uf you, my beauty. It should be quite thrilling!"

"I am eager," Ilse replied, glancing at Jung with a shy smile.

This was enough to send the student scurrying after his leather needle packet. He was back in a moment and seated beside Ilse on the edge of the waterbed, spreading the cloth panels.

"I haf a better idea," Lotte said. "Let us leave Ilse and Jung alone for zee time being and zee rest of us vill make luf together!"

Jung's infatuation with Ilse and her fondness for his shy countenance were so obvious that everyone agreed to Lotte's suggestion and they went down on the carpet with her at the far end of the bedroom.

"You needn't be afraid," Jung said. "This doesn't hurt as much as a penicillin shot in the buttocks. Lotte finds it quite exhilarating, in fact."

"I know. She has told me," the maid answered. "I can hardly wait!"

"I do not usually get between Lotte's legs when I use the needles on her. But in this case… if you don't mind… "

Ilse's face blushed. She gave him a shy smile and said, "Perhaps… perhaps it would even be more exciting if you put your cock in me while you do it. "

"Good idea!" Jung said excitedly.

His prick was already erected, its muscles stretched hard and tight as it throbbed with a small pain, anxious for the release of an ejaculation. He got on top of Ilse and felt her body jerk with a sharp spasm as he entered her. She put her arms around him and squeezed him to her breasts. "It is all right," she said. "My clitty is still a little sore. That is all."

"You know, we don't have to do this," the young student said. "If you just want to fuck, it's all right with me."

"No!" Ilse protested, wriggling her hips and exciting his cock as she tightened her arms around him. "I want to. Do it to me now. I can hardly wait!"

Jung raised up and straddled her hips, his cock still embedded in her warm cunt. He took the first needle from its sheath and rubbed the underside of her left breast with his thumb.