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"Does it feel numb?" he asked.

Ilse nodded, somewhat apprehensively.

Quickly, so she would have less time to become afraid, Jung drove the needle into her magnificent titty. Her body jerked, more from surprise than pain, and he felt the muscles in her pussy tighten around his cock. He grabbed her breasts in his hands and massaged them as he pumped his prick into her drooling quim.

"Arrgghh," Ilse groaned, thrusting back at him with her pelvis as he fucked her.

Following this procedure, the love-struck student inserted three needles about a quarter of an inch deep into each breast. He was perspiring heavily when it was over and even Ilse's neck and breasts glistened with dewy sweat. She smiled at him and reached out with her hand to caress his cheek.

"My mistress was right," she said through her heavy breathing, her luscious coppery mounds rising and falling sharply. "You are truly a master with needles, Herr Jung!"

"My name is John," he said with a quick grin as he began to massage her breasts. "Maybe you would like to go to a movie tomorrow night. I know where an old German classic with Peter Lorre is playing."

"I would love to," Ilse said. "I do not speak German, but I presume it has sub-titles."

"Of course. And I don't speak Chinese either, by the way!"

He stretched out on top of her again and they began to fuck. She held him tightly in her arms. With his chest pressed hard against her titties, each time he drove his prick deep inside her grasping pussy he also pushed the needles deeper into the muscular walls of her breasts. The simultaneous penetrations of her three most sensitive erogenous areas excited her to the point of delirium. The pain she felt was nothing compared to the ecstasy it produced.

They were already primed for an orgasm when they began fucking, so it was not long in coming. Ilse's strong, quick venereal contraction milked the fluid from Jung's prick and the two lovers shot off virtually simultaneously. They clung to each other even as the ecstasy ebbed, grinding their hips together in an effort to prolong the moment of ultimate intimacy when two bodies had suddenly become one.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow," Jung quoted as they finally extricated themselves from their fond embrace and he slipped his limp cock out of her loose vagina.

"In a little while perhaps we can fuck again," Ilse said. "I think I want to spend the whole night fucking!"

Jung thought he did too. He removed the needles from her breasts and put them away in his leather packet.

Lotte and the other three men were joined together on the carpet at the other end of the bedroom. She was sandwiched between Newberry and Norman, who were banging away at her ass and cunt, while she sucked on the first few inches of Paul's long stick. He was lying perpendicular to the other three, like the crossbar of a T.

It was several minutes before they disengaged themselves and noticed Ilse and her young lover sitting in the middle of the waterbed with their arms around each other, watching them.

"You are ready to join us now?" Lotte asked with a bright smile.

Jung looked at Ilse and whispered: "What about it?"

Ilse studied the question for a moment, then whispered back with quiet seriousness: "You will let me suck the jism from Newberry's big black prick? And fuck with Norman's? And take Paul's in my ass?"

Jung grinned and pulled her tighter against him. "As long as you will let me stick pins in Lotte's titties. And fuck her cunt. And eat her ass," he whispered in return, equally serious beneath his external smile. "And as long as we are still going to the movies tomorrow night."

"Of course," Ilse said with a wise smile. "The one thing has nothing to do with the other, does it?"

"Vunderbar!" Lotte cried with delight as the two young lovers took their places among the group. She took Ilse's cheeks gently between her palms and kissed her on the lips. "I luf you so much, my beauty," she said. "And you too, Herr Jung. All uf you. Now let us all luf each other again before Sanchez calls us to dinner!

"There iss no telling what delightful surprise he has prepared for us," she said with a sly grin.