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Paul was twenty-seven years old and one of the star centers in the American Basketball Association. He was tall-almost seven feet-with a thin, lanky body. He looked awkward, perhaps, and seemed all bone. But his arm and leg muscles were sinewy and strong.

Although not much for a girl to look at-even with his rather boyish face, which' could be very charming at times-he possessed one piece of athletic equipment that sent women to climbing walls in ecstasy. His fabulous, incredible dong.

Lotte was at an orgy when she first met him. Half a dozen couples were involved in this group sexual "encounter," and several of them were quite handsome. All of them were expert partners in the art-or sport, as Paul preferred to call it-of giving sex. But Paul, because of his extraordinary equipment and his mastery of its use, had caught Lotte's imagination.

Even when his prick was flaccid and hanging loose it measured almost six inches. Since it was no more than an inch in diameter, it seemed the oddest shaped cock that Lotte had ever seen. Its oddity increased, however, as it became erect, because it stretched out to a length of eleven amazing inches-without ever growing in thickness!

The other women at the party were just as fascinated as Lotte by this unique organ. They crowded around to examine the incredible instrument. To touch it, massage it, suckle its masculine nipple. It wasn't necessary to get on their knees to give Paul a blow job. After all, he was seven feet tall and his cock stood eleven amazing inches straight up from his crotch. The shorter women had to stand on tiptoe and pull it down to their mouths!

As the ladies gathered around Paul, clamoring for a chance to get at his Wonderstick, the other men in the group slunk away to the liquor cabinet to salve their egos with libation. Poor Paul was left to himself with this ravenous horde of females who buzzed around his prick like bees around a hive.

Sucking this fantastic dong was not enough. Each female wanted a mouthful of honey from his stinger. Every time he shot his wad a dozen hands laid hold of his suddenly famous cock and jerked it back to life. "I ain't never made this many shots even on a basketball court," Paul said somewhat breathlessly.

It was almost three hours before the women sucked and fucked themselves out, giving Lotte her chance with Paul. (Not that she had been idle all of this time, since she had been left to herself with five healthy and handsome males, all of whom were anxious to re-assert their manhood. They did so on Lotte with relish and vengeance. Using her, perhaps, to get even with the ladies who had abandoned them!) But Paul was too exhausted for any further athletic efforts. Lotte had no desire to be fucked by him anyway, and the thought of sucking his slender eleven inch tube did not interest her either.

"Come vit me to my apartment tonight," she told him as the party was breaking up. "I vant you to put your vunder stick in my ass. All uff it, darling! "


"First ve oil you down," Lotte said. She poured a small amount of the lotion into her hand and rubbed her palms together.

"Smells mighty good," Paul said, sniffing. "What is it?"

"Oil for bathing. It viII make you good and slippery and make me smell as sweet in the ass, as I am everywhere else!"

"Hell, Lotty, you got the sweetest ass I know. It tastes pretty damn good, too!"

Lotte massaged the six inches of flaccid dream cock with her oily hands. Immediately it began to stiffen and elongate.

"Vatch it grow!" she cried with delight. "Jus like magic it becomes gigantic!"

She tightened her hands around the shaft of his prick while the skinny root grew higher and higher, reaching for the ceiling. As she said, it was like magic. More precisely, it was like watching a sapling grow through the camera technique of time-lapse photography. In about thirty seconds it stood eleven inches tall, from its pelvic base to the tip of its rosy pink head.

"Timber!" Lotte said. She released her hand grip and let the rigid cock thud against his chest with a spring-like snap.

"I vant to do it again," she cried, her face beaming with childish pleasure. She grabbed the stiff prick around the neck and pulled it back, as though pulling down a lever. She had it down almost between his legs when he protested: "Hey, that hurts. You're going to pull the branch right off the tree, little lady!"

"I am so sorry, darling. I vill kiss it and make it vell."

She gave him a quick kiss on the pee hole, then could not resist the temptation and put the head in her mouth. She licked its oily, bitter surface with her tongue, chewed on it, sucked it, and all the while she continued to massage the shaft with her hands, one above the other, as though churning butter. With eleven inches to play around with, there was room for three or four hands to grip his prick, and still plenty of room left over for a couple of frolicking tongues. Lotte thought of asking Ilse to join the fun, but she had probably gone out to a movie.

After a while Paul said, "Why don't you rub some of that bath oil on my balls. I think I'll put the whole thing up your ass tonight, sweetie-pie. Sack and all!"

"Ach! If you only could," Lotte told him excitedly. "It vould be unique, vould it not?"

She poured more of the lavishly aromatic oil into her palm and massaged his scrotum with it.

"Turn over and I vill make your ass smell good also."

"Sounds like a winner," Paul said, flopping his seven feet of boney torso onto its stomach and setting up a series of tidal waves inside the waterbed that almost knocked Lotte onto the floor.

"It is like being in the ocean, this vaterbed!"

"Sometimes it makes me positively sea sick," Paul said.

His ass was hairless. Lotte did not like asses with hair growing all over them, so she was very fond of Paul's.

"I vant to lick your beautiful ass before I oil it," she told him. "The oil smells vunderful, but it does not taste good in the mouth, mein Herr."

"If the team could only see me now," Paul said with a long sigh of contentment as Lotte held his cheeks apart with her hands and inserted her tongue into the narrow slit. She reamed him for several minutes, trying desperately to slip her oral prong inside his bung hole the way Sanchez could do. But she lacked Sanchez' talent for such things. She could wriggle the tip inside, but that was as far as it went. Next week, she thought, I vill haf him put in a plug the night before. Then perhaps I vill be able to stick my tongue in all the way and lick the inside of his ass.

Finally she rubbed the oil into his buttocks and inserted her finger up his bung hole. She pumped it up and down inside him as fast as she could.

"You sure know how to make a guy feel good," Paul complimented her.

When the ministrations finally were ended, Lotte told him jubilantly: "Now to take the plug out of my ass, please!"

Because of Paul's size and the length of his shaft, the best way to enter Lotte's ass was to let her sit down on his cock. While he sat on the waterbed with his legs crossed and folded under him, Lotte turned her back to him and got down on her knees so that her ass was in his lap. She did not have to lower herself onto his cock, merely hold her buttocks apart with her hands while he inserted it into the small, puckered opening of her anus.

"Now lean back into it," he instructed. "That's a girl. Now eeeease 'r down."

"Ok, it feels good!" Lotte squeeled, leaning back against his prick with a steady pressure. She could feel it slide farther and farther inside the bowels of her body.

"Not too fast now. It sort of tickles my cock when you slide down on it slow like."

"How far is it in?" Lotte asked breathlessly.

"Little more than half way now. I'm going to try to get it all in tonight, baby. Just you keep her comin' slow 'n easy. Then when I get it all inside I'm going to fuck the shit out of you!"

"Yes," Lotte moaned. "Do it. I vant you to fuck my shit!"