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If a designated (target) memory consists of a collection of attributes, its recall or retrieval should be enhanced by any cue that represents or suggests one of the attributes. A person who fails to recall the word horse, for example, may suddenly remember it when he is told that there was an animal name on the list of words he studied. Or he may remember it when presented with an associated term such as barn or zebra. While recall can be enhanced somewhat by cues, failures are common even with cues that are highly relevant. In sum, if words were not encoded or stored in the brain with accompanying attributes at the time of learning, cuing of any kind would be ineffective.

Retrieval is also influenced by the way in which information is organized in memory. Although it is possible to name all of the Canadian provinces and territories by randomly recalling the names that come to mind, a far more reliable means would be to recall the information systematically, say by geographic region or by alphabetical order.

The passage of time is another phenomenon that influences the successful recall of stored information. If a person is asked to name the opponents his favourite football team played last season and the score of each game, his responses usually will be most accurate for the games played at the beginning and the end of the season. Similarly, a person asked to describe each day of an extended journey will best retrieve his memory of events that occurred during the beginning and the end of the trip. In a similar test, a person who is asked to recall the words on a list he has just viewed will recall the initial words in the list best (“primacy effects”) and those at the end next best (“recency effects”), while items from the middle are least likely to be recalled. This outcome will be consistent as long as recall begins immediately following presentation of the last word. If, however, a short interval follows that prevents the subject from rehearsing the contents of the list, the recency effect may disappear completely, causing words at the end of the list to be recalled no better than those appearing in the middle. Thus, while primacy effects remain essentially undisturbed, a delay as short as 15 seconds can abolish the recency phenomenon. Although some researchers have suggested that recency effects depend on a separate short-term memory system while primacy effects are mediated by a long-term system, it is possible that a single memory function influences these outcomes. Relearning

The number of successive trials a subject takes to reach a specified level of proficiency may be compared with the number of trials he later needs to attain the same level. This yields a measure of retention by what is called the relearning method. The fewer trials needed to reach the original level of mastery, the better the subject seems to remember. The relearning measure sometimes is expressed as a so-called savings score. If 10 trials initially were required, and 5 relearning trials later produce the same level of proficiency, then 5 trials have been saved; the savings score is 50 percent (that is, 50 percent of the original 10 trials). The more forgetting, the lower the savings score.

Although it may seem paradoxical, relearning methods can yield both sensitive and insensitive measures of forgetting. Tasks have been devised that produce wide differences in recall but for which no differences in relearning are observed. (Some theorists attribute this to a form of heavy interference among learned data that has only momentary influence on retention.) Six months or a year after initial learning, some tests may give zero recall scores but can show savings in relearning. This suggests a cumulative effect, whereby previously acquired knowledge enhances future learning. Autobiographical memory

As an aspect of episodic memory, autobiographical memories are unique to each individual. The study of autobiographical memory poses problems, because it is difficult to prove whether the events took place as reported. Using diary methods, researchers have found that people recall actions more accurately than thoughts—except in the case of emotionally charged thoughts, which are particularly well-remembered. Although very few errors are made by those undergoing tests of autobiographical memory, any errors typically involve mixing the details of separate events into one episode. Another method for testing autobiographical memory involves asking subjects to associate particular autobiographical memories with various cue words, such as window or rain. Eyewitness memory

Conflicting accounts by eyewitnesses demonstrate that memory is not a perfect recording of events from the past; indeed, it is actually a reconstruction of past events. A particularly striking demonstration of the inaccuracy of eyewitness testimony comes from dozens of cases in which those convicted of serious crimes were freed from prison because DNA evidence proved they were not guilty. In most of these cases, the individuals had been convicted on the basis of eyewitness testimony.

Many phenomena can degrade the accuracy of memories. For example, the memory of an eyewitness to a crime may be distorted if he reads news accounts of the crime that contain photographs of a person suspected of committing it. Later, the eyewitness may erroneously believe that the suspect in the news account is the person whom he saw commit the crime. In this case, memory of the crime and memory of the photograph blend to create a vivid—albeit incorrect—memory of an event that never occurred. Such inaccuracies are not uncommon. The American psychologist Elizabeth Loftus showed that even the manner in which people are questioned about an event can alter their memory of it. Other studies have shown that psychotherapists may inadvertently implant false memories in the minds of their clients. Such outcomes illustrate the degree to which imagination can have powerful effects on memory.

False memories also can be created in laboratory experiments. Subjects who are asked to study a list of words that are related to a particular nonpresented word will claim to remember seeing the nonpresented word. For example, after studying the words bed, rest, wake, tired, awake, dream, doze, blanket, snooze, drowsy, snore, and nap, a large number of subjects will claim to recall seeing the word sleep, even though it was not on the list. Although false memories created in laboratory settings differ from false memories of real-world events, they cast light on the processes involved in the creation and maintenance of memory errors, as demonstrated in research by the American psychologists Henry Roediger and Kathleen McDermott. Forgetting

When a memory of a past experience is not activated for days or months, forgetting tends to occur. Yet it is erroneous to think that memories simply fade over time—the steps involved are far more complex. In seeking to understand forgetting in the context of memory, such auxiliary phenomena as differences in the rates of forgetting for different kinds of information also must be taken into account.

It has been suggested that, as time passes, the physiological bases of memory tend to change. With disuse, according to this view, the neural engram (the memory trace in the brain) gradually decays or loses its clarity. While such a theory seems reasonable, it would, if left at this point, do little more than restate behavioral evidence of forgetting at the nervous-system level. Decay or deterioration does not seem attributable merely to the passage of time; some underlying physical process needs to be demonstrated. Until a neurochemical basis for memory can be more explicitly described, any decay theory of forgetting must await detailed development. Interference

A prominent theory of forgetting at the behavioral level is anchored in the phenomenon of interference, or inhibition, which can be either retroactive or proactive. In retroactive inhibition, new learning interferes with the retention of old memories; in proactive inhibition, old memories interfere with the retention of new learning. Both phenomena have great implications for all kinds of human learning.