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Vimes worked out what derriere velocite meant. The whole nose business looked like a conundrum wrapped up in an enigma,{46} or at least in Sergeant Colon’s handwriting, which was pretty much the same thing. Why be asked to look for a nose that wasn’t lost?

He looked at Cuddy’s report, written in the careful angular handwriting of someone more used to runes. And sagas.

Captain Vimes, this herewith is the chronicle of me, Lance-Constable Cvddy. Bright was the morning and high ovr hearts when we proceeded to the Alchemists Gvild, where events eventvated as I shall now sing. These inclvded exploding balls. As to the qvest vpon which we were sent, we were informed that the attached piece of paper [attached] is in the handwriting of Leonard of Qvirm, who vanished in mysteriovs circvmstances. It is how to make a powder called No. 1 powder, which is vsed in fireworks. Mr Silverfish the alchemist says any alchemists knows it. Also, in the margin of the paper, is a drawing of The Gonne, becavse I asked my covsin Grabpot abovt Leonard and he vsed to sell paints to Leonard and he recognized the writing and said Leonard always wrote backwards becavse he was a genivs. I have copied same herewith.

Vimes laid the papers down and put the piece of metal on top of them.

Then he reached in his pocket and produced a couple of metal pellets.

A stick, the gargoyle had said.

Vimes looked at the sketch. It looked, as Cuddy had noted, like the stock of a crossbow with a pipe on the top of it. There were a few sketches of strange mechanical devices alongside it, and a couple of the little six-pipe things. The whole drawing looked like a doodle. Someone, possibly this Leonard, had been reading a book about fireworks and had scribbled in the margins.


Well … fireworks? But fireworks weren’t a weapon. Crackers went bang. Rockets went up, more or less, but all you could be sure of them hitting was the sky.

Hammerhock was noted for his skill with mechanisms. That wasn’t a major dwarfish attribute. People thought it was, but it wasn’t. They were skilled with metal all right, and they made good swords and jewellery, but they weren’t too technical when it came to things like cogwheels and springs. Hammerhock was unusual.

So …

Supposing there was a weapon. Supposing there was something about it that was different, strange, terrifying.

No, that couldn’t be it. It’d either end up all over the place, or it’d be destroyed. It wouldn’t end up in the Assassins’ museum. What got put in museums? Things that hadn’t worked, or had got lost, or ought to be remembered … so where’s the sense in putting our firework on show?

There had been a lot of locks on the door. So … not a museum you just wandered into, then. Maybe you had to be a high-up Assassin, and one day one of the Guild leaders’d take you down there at dead, hah, of night, and say … and say …

For some reason the face of the Patrician loomed up at this point.

Once again Vimes felt the edge of something, some fundamental central thing …

‘Where’d he go? Where’d he go?’

There was a maze of alleys around the doors. Cuddy leaned against a wall and fought for breath.

‘There he go!’ shouted Detritus. ‘Along Whalebone Lane!’

He lumbered off in pursuit.

Vimes put down his coffee cup.

Whoever had shot those lead balls at him had been very accurate across several hundred yards, and had got off six shots faster than anyone could fire an arrow …

Vimes picked up the pipes. Six little pipes, six shots. And you could carry a pocketful of these things. You could shoot further, faster, more accurately than anyone else with any other kind of weapon …

So. A new type of weapon. Much, much faster than a bow. The Assassins wouldn’t like that. They wouldn’t like that at all. They weren’t even keen on bows. The Assassins preferred to kill up close.

So they’d put the … the gonne safely under lock and key. The gods alone knew how they’d come by it in the first place. And a few senior Assassins would know about it. They’d pass on the secret: beware of things like this …

‘Down there! He went into Grope Alley!’{47}

‘Slow down! Slow down!’

‘Why?’ said Detritus.

‘It’s a dead end.’

The two Watchmen lumbered to a halt.

Cuddy knew that he was currently the brains of the partnership, even though Detritus was presently counting, his face beaming with pride, the stones in the wall beside him.

Why had they chased someone halfway across the city? Because they’d run away. No one ran away from the Watch. Thieves just flashed their licences. Unlicensed thieves had nothing to fear from the Watch, since they’d saved up all their fear for the Thieves’ Guild. Assassins always obeyed the letter of the law. And honest men didn’t run away from the Watch.[18] Running away from the Watch was downright suspicious.

The origin of Grope Alley’s name was fortunately lost in the celebrated mists of time, but it had come to be deserved. It had turned into a kind of tunnel as upper storeys were built out and over it, leaving a few inches of sky.

Cuddy peered around the corner, into the gloom.

Click. Click.

It came from deep in the darkness.



‘Did he have any weapons?’

‘Just a stick. One stick.’

‘Only … I smell fireworks.’

Cuddy pulled his head back, very carefully.

There had been the smell of fireworks in Hammerhock’s workshop. And Mr Hammerhock ended up with a big hole in his chest. And a sense of named dread, which is much more specific and terrifying than nameless dread, was stealing over Cuddy. It was similar to the feeling you get when you’re playing a high stakes game and your opponent suddenly grins and you realize that you don’t know all the rules but you do know you’ll be lucky to get out of this with, if you are very fortunate, your shirt.

On the other hand … he could picture Sergeant Colon’s face. We chased this man into an alley, sarge, and then we came away …

He drew his sword.

‘Lance-Constable Detritus?’

‘Yes, Lance-Constable Cuddy?’

‘Follow me.’

Why? The damn thing was made of metal, wasn’t it? Ten minutes in a hot crucible and that’d be the end of the problem. Something like that, something dangerous, why not just get rid of it? Why keep it?

But that wasn’t human nature, was it? Sometimes things were too fascinating to destroy.

He looked at the strange metal tubes. Six short pipes, welded together, sealed firmly at one end. There was a small hole in the top side of each of the pipes …

Vimes slowly picked up one of the lumps of lead …

The alley twisted once or twice, but there were no other alleys or doors off it. There was one at the far end. It was larger than a normal door, and heavily constructed.

‘Where are we?’ whispered Cuddy.

‘Don’t know,’ said Detritus. ‘Back of the docks somewhere.’

Cuddy pushed open the door with his sword.



‘We walked seven-ty-nine steps!’

‘That’s nice.’

Cold air rushed past them.

‘Meat store,’ whispered Cuddy. ‘Someone picked the lock.’

He slipped through and into a high, gloomy room, as large as a temple, which in some ways it resembled. Faint light crept through the high, ice-covered windows. From rack upon rack, all the way to the ceiling, hung meat carcasses.



The axiom ‘Honest men have nothing to fear from the police’ is currently under review by the Axioms Appeal Board.