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Jenn’s eyes grew huge. “In love with who? Meredith Emmanuelle Guidry, you have to tell me. I’m your sister. I tell you everything.”

Whether I want you to or not. She might as well go ahead and spill the whole can of worms now that it was open. Jenn would never leave her alone otherwise.


Jenn stared at her for a few seconds. “Major ... O’Hara?” she whispered, shock obvious.

“Yes, Major O’Hara. Who works for me—well, for Mom and Dad, but he reports to me.”

“Major O’Hara?” Jenn looked as if she was going to laugh, but Meredith quelled her with a withering glance.

“You have to promise you won’t say anything to anyone, Jenn.”

“But if you’re in love with Major, why are you dating Ward Breaux?”

“Because I made a promise to myself that this year I’m going to finally get over this thing I have for Major and not spend next New Year’s alone.”

“What do you mean ‘finally’? How long have you harbored feelings for him?”


“No. I want the truth.”

“Oh, all right.” Meredith huffed, but a sense of release seeped in around her frustration with her sister. It actually felt good to finally tell someone other than Anne. “Eight years.”

Jenn’s mouth dropped open. “Eight years?

“Yes. Ever since he started working at B-G.”

“So if you’re not interested in Ward Breaux, can I...?” Jenn tipped her head to one side and waggled her eyebrows.

Meredith snorted. “What about Henry?”

Jenn looked over at George’s handsome younger brother. “He’s a lot of fun for right now, but he will be returning to Australia day after tomorrow. Ward lives right here in Bonneterre.”

While Meredith wished she could be jealous over the idea of Ward turning his very romantic attention onto her sister, the thought brought profound relief—especially since she’d always hoped her sister would find a man as wonderful as Ward.

“Yes, by all means, go for it ... him.”

The limo rolled to a stop in front of Lafitte’s Landing. Meredith scrambled out as soon as the door opened, allowing one of the boys taking invitations at the entrance to assist her out of the car.

“Wow, Miss Meredith, you look great.”

“Thanks, Jeremy.”

Lori met them inside the front door.

“Anne and George’s limo pulled up just behind ours,” Meredith told her. “Let the kitchen know and go give the DJ the heads-up—” She stopped with an apologetic smile. “Sorry. Old habits.”

The veteran event planner shrugged her shoulders. “I was getting ready to defer to you, so I guess we’re both operating on old habits.” She stepped away from them to do just what Meredith had instructed and rejoined them as Anne and George came in. “Everyone is ready. Bridal party, if you’ll come with me.”

Meredith reminded Jennifer with one look that as maid of honor it was she, not Jenn, who should be escorted in by Henry Laurence.

It was going to be a long night.

Chapter 23

“Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. George Laurence.”

Meredith applauded with the other three hundred people in the room, emotion once again trying to get the better of her at the sight of how happy Anne was.

“Miss Meredith?”

She turned. One of their longtime servers stood behind her, a tray of champagne flutes filled with Major’s secret recipe fruit tea. Meredith gratefully took a glass.

Henry looked at the beverage contemplatively. “Unlike my brother, I’ve yet to grow accustomed to the idea of cold, sweetened tea.”

“Ah, yes, then you’ll want...” Meredith touched his arm for balance as she raised up on tiptoe to look around for a server with a different option. She caught the eye of one and motioned him over.

“What’s this?” Henry took a glass of the clear, fizzy liquid.

“Sparkling water. George’s choice.”


Jenn joined them and slipped her arm through Henry’s. “I can’t believe you left me at the mercy of Great-Aunt Edith, Mere. You know how much she likes to harp on me because I’m not married yet.” Jenn batted her lashes at Henry.

“Why do you think I escaped?” Meredith winked at her sister. On more than one occasion, Edith had offered to set Meredith up with some “fine young man” she knew. She considered that a moment. Edith herself had married quite well—Great-Uncle Rodney had been handsome and wealthy.

If things got dire, maybe she’d take Edith up on her offer. She laughed to herself.

“Here you are.” Ward encircled Meredith’s waist with one arm and kissed her temple.

Meredith introduced him to Henry and then to Forbes, again, who materialized out of the crowd of people trying to greet Anne and George. “But Forbes, where’s your date?”

His eyes scanned the crowd, but his face looked a bit redder than normal. “She ... she had something come up at the last minute and couldn’t come.”

“Something?” Jenn cocked her head and gave him a speculative stare.

“She got engaged last night.”

Meredith and Jenn both groaned.

“Not another one who agreed to go out with you just to make her longtime boyfriend jealous?” If Meredith could ever figure this dating thing out, she’d have to teach Forbes how to do it, too.

“Yeah, something like that.” He shook himself slightly, as if trying to dislodge his embarrassment. “Hey, what are we supposed to be doing right now?”

“This is technically what’s considered to be the cocktail hour. At seven, the DJ will announce dinner; once everyone’s seated, Reverend Kinnard will say the blessing before food service begins. At seven forty-five, the toasts begin—Henry, then me, then Uncle Errol and Aunt Maggie.”

Meredith visualized the list in her head. “At eight o’clock is the first dance—Anne and George. Then Anne will dance with Uncle Errol, and George will dance with Aunt Maggie since his mom couldn’t be here, and the attendants will join on that one—me with Henry, Jenn with Forbes. Then the floor’s open to everyone for dancing.”

Around her, Jenn, Forbes, Henry, and Ward all looked at her in astonishment.


“Pray, continue,” Henry said. “I had no idea all of this would be happening.”

Heat rushed into her face at her ability to be a dork no matter what circumstance she was in. “Well, at nine o’clock, they’ll cut the cake. Dancing will resume. And at nine thirty, Jenn, Aunt Maggie, and I will go with Anne to help her change out of her dress into her going-away outfit, and at ten o’clock, they’ll leave. Forbes, you’ll need to make sure we get out of here with George’s tux so we can take it with Anne’s dress to the dry cleaner on Monday.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Forbes nodded.

“Meredith Guidry, there you are!”

She turned at the somewhat shrill female voice. “Hello, Mrs. McCord.” She let the mayor’s wife take her hands and kiss her cheek—well, kiss the air with her cheek pressed to Meredith’s.

“I tried to find you after the banquet to tell you that it was absolutely the most wonderful event I’ve ever attended. You outdid yourself, young lady.”

“Thank you very much, Mrs. McCord.”

“And you looked positively darling on TV afterward. You’re so photogenic. And that Major O’Hara—if he isn’t just the yummiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. How long have the two of you been together?”

“We’ve worked together for a little over eight years now.”

The mayor’s wife simpered. “No, dear, I mean how long have you been dating?”

Meredith was acutely aware of Ward standing right beside her. “I’m not dating Major. We’re colleagues, nothing more.”

“Well, then you must be blind to the way that boy looks at you—as if you hung the moon and stars. I’m sure everyone watching that program thought the same thing I did, that your wedding would be the next one we’d see announced in the paper.”