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"Quite possibly," I said. I saw no point in telling her that that was almost a certainty.

"But I am a free woman," she smiled. She looked down at the garment, ruefully. "Are you really going to take me through the streets in this?"

"Yes," I said. "I certainly have no intention of buying you a new outfit." She laughed. "No," she said. "I suppose not." She looked at me. "Clad like this," she said, "I suppose I should heel you."

"No," I said.

"You will permit me to walk beside you, as a free woman, though I am clad so shamelessly?" she asked.

"No," I said.

"You are not going to accompany me then?" she asked, disappointed.

"I will come with you," I said.

"I do not understand," she said.

"You will precede me," I said.

"Of course," she laughed. "You do not know the way."

"Of course," I said.

"I have seen masters walking their girls before them in the streets," she laughed. "Doubtless they enjoy seeing them walk before them."

"Doubtless," I said.

"That is your reason, isn't it?" she laughed. "Yes," I said.

"You do find me attractive, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"I will try to walk well before you, Master," she smiled.

"Do not call me Master," I said.

"Yes, Master," she smiled.

"Let us go," I said.

"I will never forget this place," she said. "It was here I became a woman, and learned my slavery."

"Let us go," I said.

"Take me to a slaver's," she said.

"No," I said.

"Shall I now precede my Master?" she asked.

"You may precede me," I said.

She then preceded me from the back passage, into the larger passage, running between the buildings, leading to the Avenue of Turia. She did walk well. I wondered why I had decided to accompany her to her dwelling. I was not certain about the matter. Surely she could have found her way there safely, and particularly now, in the full daylight. I did have extra binding fiber in my pouch.

On the Avenue of Turia, to the left, we saw a small crowd. "Wait," I said. "Let us investigate that." We went a bit closer. Then, between people, we saw the hostess from the Tunnels. She was still on her knees, tied to the slave ring. Though it must have been the tenth Ahn, she had not yet been released. Her head was down. Much, I gathered, had she been suitably mocked. "Look, Mother," said a child. "She is naked!"

"Come away," said the mother.

"I know her," said a man. "She is from the Tunnels."

"Look," said another fellow, "she has a tarsk bit tied on her belly!" "Yes!" laughed another. I did not think that that free woman would be likely to return to her work at the Tunnels. That sort of thing, I thought, was behind her. I did not think that she would be any longer wearing leather. Other garmentures would now be more appropriate for her, I speculated, such as tiny rags of rep-cloth or brief tunics of silk, bound with girdlings of binding fiber, and perhaps, about her neck, closed closely about it and locked shut, a graceful ornament of steel, a slave collar.

"Let us continue on our way," I said.

"Yes, Master," said the blonde.

She then took her way in the opposite direction, which would have been to the right, as we had emerged between the buildings. Behind her I was in an excellent position to see the looks she received, which were many, the admiring glances, the intakes of breath, the sudden delights at seeing such a female. To be sure, she walked well. She did belong in a collar, I thought. I put the binding fiber in my pouch from my mind. I must not think of it. She was a free woman. Yet, to be sure, she was desirable and exciting, and should be a slave.

"It is here," she said, after a long walk.

"In that tower?" I asked. We were on one of the lower bridges.

"Yes," she said.

It seemed to soar to the clouds.

"You must be wealthy," I said. We were in one of Ar's finest residential districts, that of the seventeen Tabidian Towers.

She shrugged.

"Quite wealthy," I said.

"Yesterday, I thought so," she smiled.

"That seems a strange thing to say," I said.

"Oh in one way I suppose I am one of the wealthiest women in Ar," she laughed. "But in another I think I am perhaps one of the most miserable and poorest." "I do not understand," I said.

"My life was unsatisfactory," she said. "It seemed empty and meaningless. I only this morning learned what happiness, and fulfillment could be."

"Helpless on the mat of a slave?" I said.

"Yes," she smiled.

"Perhaps it was the masculine domination, and you feeling yourself in your place in nature, as what you are, a female," I said. "Perhaps," she said.

"I wish you well, female," I said.

"I must climb the high bridge alone?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. "I think it is better that I leave you now, quickly." "Why?" she asked.

"I think I do not trust myself," I said.

"Oh," she asked.

"You are an exciting female," I said.

"Do you really think so, truly?" she asked.

"Yes," I said.

She came close to me. She looked up at me. "Bind me then," she whispered. "Take me to a slaver's."

"No," I said.

"You know I am a slave," she whispered, "that I am truly a slave, that I belong in a collar!"

I did not speak.

"Please!" she begged.

"Turn yourself over to a slaver," I said. She looked down in frustration. She kicked with her right foot at the flooring of the bridge. Her feet were bare. "I can't," she said. "I can't!"

"Farewell," I said.

"Do not go!" she pleaded.

I turned to face her.

"Some women can do that!" she said. "I can't!

"Very well," I said.

"I am afraid!" she cried.

"I understand," I said.

"Please!" she said.

"Is freedom not precious?" I asked.

"Perhaps for others," she said. "To me it would be a thousand times less precious than my slavery."

I looked at her.

"I want my master to be free," she said, "but as for me, I want to belong to him, totally, to be his, fully, like a sandal or a sleen!"

I did not respond to her.

"Let him treat me as he pleases," she said. "I do not care. It is his prerogative. He is the master. Let him neglect me or be cruel to me. Let him whip me or chain me. Let him do with me as he wills. I do not care. I want to belong to him. I will kiss his whip with joy! I want to love him, with all that I have to give as a woman. I want to serve and love him, selflessly, only his mastered slave!"

"Turn yourself over to a slaver," I said.

"No!" she wept.

"Very well," I said.

"Help me!" she begged.

"No," I said.

She wept, and raised her fists as though to strike me, but then she put her hands down, quickly, frightened, thinking, perhaps fearing that I might not be pleased, and might punish her. She had learned earlier that not all men will accept humiliation at the hands of a woman, even a free woman.

"So," I said, "turn yourself over to a slaver."

"I do not want it done that way," she said, tears in her eyes.

"Farewell," I said.

"Farewell," said she, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, "Master," "I have told you about calling me Master," I said.

"Yes, Master," she said.

She turned about and began, slowly, to walk up the long bridge. The soaring, lovely tower, one of the seventeen Tabidian Towers, lay ahead of her. In it was located her residence. It would presumably be on the upper levels. Those are usually regarded as more exclusive, and safest from attack. They are usually approached only by the higher, narrower bridges. Her apartments, doubtless, would be luxurious and well appointed, perhaps involving portions of more than one level. Perhaps she might serve well as a slave in such a place, I thought. The particular bridge, colorfully paved, graceful, narrow and ascendant, on which she walked, barefoot, blonde, her hair moving in the wind, in her exquisitely brief leather, gave entrance to the tower at something over half its height, other bridges about, as well, some giving access at different levels, and others leading to other towers, and to other bridges, and down to the streets. Gorean cities, given the bridges, can be traversed, often, at different levels. She looked very small, and forlorn.