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Victor noticed Stratton’s backpack. ‘I see you’re ready to go.’

‘What are those?’ Stratton asked, knowing the answer.

‘One box of claymore mines, one box of rockets,’ Victor replied curtly.

‘Is that wise, bringing them into the house?’

‘Is that fresh coffee?’ the Frenchman asked, ignoring the question. He poured some into a mug and took a mouthful, savouring it. ‘I was hoping you might show us how to operate them before you go.’

Stratton looked at him as if the man had lost the plot.

Victor unlatched one of the boxes, snatched it open, then shouted in a pantomime fashion, ‘Oh my God! What have I done?’

Stratton watched him as if bored.

Victor burst into a cackling chuckle. ‘I’m sorry. I could not resist. I checked them for grenades as Steel said. I opened the box just enough to slide my hand in and felt around.’

‘You did them all?’

‘Are you crazy? Just these two. I’m not doing any more. I almost had a heart attack. I was up all night thinking about it. But I had to. You brought them all this way. You should at least finish what you came to do . . . This is Bernard, David’s cousin.’ Victor introduced the young man.

Bernard nodded a polite hello.

Stratton nodded back, remembering him from the ambush. He was the one whose cousin had been among the hanging victims.

‘We’d like to know how you would use these to . . . well, to blow up a bridge.’

Stratton studied the man who was making a pathetically obvious job of baiting him. ‘There’s no way I can teach you how to blow up a bridge in a few hours and you know it.’

‘We are not so stupid,’ Victor insisted. ‘Tell us how to prepare them, at least, and we will work out the rest.’

Stratton simply stared at him.

‘Make a sketch. I can work from diagrams.’

‘You don’t know the specifications of the bridge.’

‘Oh,’ the scientist said, feigning deep thought. ‘So, we would need an expert at the bridge to show us how to place the explosives once he had examined it?’

Stratton took a sip of his coffee.

‘I’m not trying to talk you into doing anything, if that’s what you think,’ Victor insisted. ‘No, no, no. You’ll do whatever you feel you should, I know that.’ He faced David, hands on hips and wearing a serious, thoughtful expression. ‘We need to find an expert.’

‘Where do you think we can find one?’ David asked, playing along pathetically.

‘Oh, for God’s sake,’ Stratton interrupted. ‘I can’t do it and that’s that.’

Victor looked into Stratton’s eyes and finally believed the Englishman. ‘You mean it, don’t you?’

‘Yes. I’m going home. I think I’ve come closer to dying more often here and in the shortest space of time than anywhere else I can remember and I’d be stupid to test my luck any further.’

Victor nodded and lowered his gaze to the floor. The fight seemed to go out of him as he wandered to the other side of the room, unsure what to do. When he turned around his face was determined. ‘Fine. We’ll do it without you. Just show us how to explode these damned things.’

‘You can’t,’ Stratton said.

‘Don’t tell us we can’t!’ Victor shouted, his face turning bright red. ‘Do you see any experts here in anything to do with war? David’s a teacher! Bernard’s a farmer! I’m a conservationist! Go out there and find me a born soldier and you’ll be looking all day! You’ll find a lot of shopkeepers, tailors and cooks! We’ve even got a university professor and a circus clown! Don’t tell us we can’t because we all wake up every morning and have to tell ourselves one more time that we can! If you want to preach to those who can’t, go to our cemetery, it’s filled with those who tried. Now. If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind showing us how, please?’

He stood red-faced and shaking but his expression was resolute.

‘You’re serious, aren’t you?’

‘You’re damned right I’m serious. We leave before midday. This is our fight and we’re here to fight it. Just tell us how to explode these bombs, then you can go and get on with that other struggle against evil you were talking about. Ours is here.’

Stratton looked at them all. They were no longer playing. He sighed heavily. This was going to be hugely problematic. Poole suddenly seemed a long way away. ‘Get me the maps and the satellite photos,’ he said, finishing his coffee and putting the mug down.

‘You don’t need those to show us how to explode the bombs,’ Victor said.

‘Let’s get one thing straight from the start,’ Stratton said, his expression toughening. ‘You never question me, or anything I tell you to do. And you do it immediately. Is that understood? Now get me what I just asked for.’

Victor was suddenly hopeful, his eyes lighting up. ‘You’re coming with us?’

‘No. You’re coming with me.’

The Frenchman’s face broke into a broad smile. ‘He’s coming with us,’ he said to the others. ‘I mean, we’re going with him. I’ll be back in two seconds. Don’t go anywhere,’ he said to Stratton, hurrying to the door and leaving the cabin.

Stratton lifted one of the cloth claymore bags out of the box and checked the contents. Apart from the mine itself it contained the hand dynamo, cabling and a complete booby-trap system including trip-wire, plus pressure and release switches.

He had hoped that agreeing to do the task might settle his mind but it had not.

Hurrying to Sebastian’s cabin, Victor saw Louisa walking nearby and went towards her.

She looked up as he approached.

‘You look lost,’ he said.

‘No. Not lost.’ She sat on the edge of the long table, picking at the wood.

‘You’re waiting to say goodbye to Stratton.’

Her smile was genuine if a little sad. ‘I know, the perceptive Frenchman in you.’

‘Do you think you could prepare a horse for him? We will be leaving in a little while.’

Louisa nodded and got to her feet lethargically.

‘He’s not leaving . . . well, not to go home, at least. He’s going to do the ambush.’

She stopped in her tracks to look at him.

‘We’re going to get Chemora,’ Victor said, looking pleased. ‘I don’t know what it is about that man, but when he says he’s going to do something, well, you know what I mean? No, you probably don’t. It’s an instinct thing.’

Louisa took a moment to absorb the information. ‘Who else?’

‘Me. David. Bernard. I must go,’Victor said, heading for Sebastian’s cabin. ‘We’ll be gone a few days, I expect. But we’re going to get Chemora. I know we are.’

Louisa’s mind whirled as she watched him walk away. She headed up the path that led to the stables.

In Sebastian’s cabin Steel sat at the table, wearing a pair of glasses and reading a document while sipping a cup of coffee.

‘Can I have those satellite photos and maps?’ Victor asked, confidently.

Steel looked at him over the rim of his glasses. ‘Why?’

‘Because we’re going to do the job, of course.’

‘Who’s “we”?’

‘What would you say if I told you that I and some of the men were going to give it a try?’

‘I’d say forget it,’ Steel said, getting back to his papers.

‘And what would you say if I told you that Stratton was coming along too?’

Steel looked back at him. ‘I’d ask if you were telling the truth.’

‘I am.’

Steel smiled thinly, put down his coffee, dug the maps and photographs from his bag and slid them across the table. ‘Have fun,’ he said casually as he went back to his reading.