in good light for that. They stick it in boys too; anything under
these lights is here to be used. Y o u ’d think they’d know boys
was real, same species, with fists that work or will someday,
but someday isn’t their problem and they like the feel that the
boy might turn mean on them— some o f them like it, the ones
that use the older ones. I read about this boy that was taken o ff
the street and the man gave him hormones to make him grow
breasts and lose his body hair or not get it, I’m not sure; it
made me really sick because the boy was nothing to him, just
some piece o f something he could mess with, remake to what
he wanted to play with, even something monstrous; I wanted
to kill the guy; and I tried to figure out how to help the kid, but
I just read it in Time or Newsweek so I wondered i f I could find
him or not. I guess it depends on how many boys there are
being fed hormones by pedophiles. Once it’s in Newsweek, I
guess there are thousands. The kid’s around here somewhere;
it said Low er East Side; I hate it, what the man did to him.
These Goddamn men would all be each other’s meat if they
weren’t the butchers. They use fucking to slice you open. It’s
like they’re hollow, there’s nothing there, except they make
big noise, this unbearable static, some screeching, high-
pitched pain, and you can’t see they’re hollow because the
noise diverts you to near madness; big lovemaker with fifty
dollars to spend, seed to spill making mimetic magic, grind,
bang, it’s a boy, a big, bad boy who writes books, big, bad
books. I see the future and it’s a bunch o f pricks making a
literature o f fucking, high art about sticking it in; I did it, ma;
she was filth and I did it. O nly yo u ’ll get a Mailer-Genet beast:
I did it, ma, I did it to her, he did it to me. The cement will
grow them; sympathetic magic w orks; the spilled seed, the
grinding, bang bang, pushes the fuck out past the bounds o f
physical reality; it lurks in the biosphere; it will creep into
weeping wom bs; they’ll be born, the next generation, out o f
what the assholes do to me; I’ve got enough semen dripping in
me for a literary renaissance, an encyclopedia o f novellas, a
generation o f genius; maybe some o f them will paint or write
songs. Mother earth, magic vessel, the altar where they
worship, the sacred place; fifty dollars to burn a candle, or
pills, or a meal and money; bang bang ain’t never without
consequences for the future o f the race. N o reason the race
should be different from the people in it. There’s no tom orrow
I know of. I never seen one that ain’t today. It’s fine to be slut-
mama to a literary movement; the corporeal altar o f sym pathetic motherhood to a generation; his loins; m y ass.
Immortal, anonymous means to his end. It’s what the hippie
girls all glittering, flecked, stardust, want: to be procreatrix
with flowering hips and tea made from plants instead o f
Lipton; they recline, posh and simple, all spread out draped in
flowing cotton and color; they don’t take money; well, they
do, but they don’t say so upfront— from my point o f view
they are mannerless in this regard; mostly they just hang on,
like they have claws, it passes for spiritual, they just sit there
until he comes back from wherever he’s gone after coitus has
made him triste, they say it’s meditating but it’s just waiting
for some guy to show w ho’s left; they ain’t under the light,
they are o f it— luminescent fairy things from on high, just
down for a fast, ethereal screw. I been to bed with them;
usually a man and one o f them, because they don’t do women
alone— too real for the nitrous oxide crowd, not Buddhistic
enough— it’s got an I want right between the legs and it’s got
your genitals leading your heart around or vice versa, who the
hell knows, and it don’t make the boy happy unless he gets to
watch and the hippie girls do not irritate the love-boys by
doing things that might not be directly and specifically for
them. The hippie boys like bringing another woman into bed.
Y ou can shake some coke loose from them if you do it; or
money, which they pretend is like nothing but they hold onto
it pretty tight. Coke and orange juice is my favorite breakfast;
they want you to do the coke with them because it makes them
hard and high and ready but I like to take some o ff with me and
do it alone or with someone I pick, not with someone in bed
with some silly girl who ought to be a housewife but is seeing
the big city and he’s so hip he has to be able to roll over from
one to another, dreaming it’s another housewife, all girls are
housewives to him; peace, flowers, love, clean m y house, bake
m y bread. They try to tell you they see the real you, the
sensitive you, inside, and the real you doesn’t want money—
she wants the good fucking he’s got and to make strings o f
beads for him and sell them in flea markets for him; darling,
it’s sad. Y ou convey to the guy that you’re the real thing, what
he never thought would be near him, street grime he w on ’t be
able to wash off, and he’s so trembling and overw rought his
prick starts shaking. There’s some who do things real, don’t
spend their time posturing or preening; they just pull it out
without philosophy. There’s this one I had once, with a
woman. I was on Demerol because I had an operation; m y
appendix came out but it had got all infected and it was a big
slice in me and then they let me loose with a blood clot because
there w asn’t somewhere for me to stay and I didn’t have
money or no one to take care o f me so they just let me out. M y
side didn’t seem like it would stay sewed, it felt open, and
there was a pain from the clot that was some evil drilling in m y
shoulder that they called reflexive pain which meant the pain
was really somewhere else but I could only feel it in m y
shoulder. It hurt to breathe. Y ou don’t think about your
shoulder or how it moves when you breathe unless some Nazi
is putting a drill in it; I saw God the Nazi pushing His full
weight on the drill and if I breathed it made more pressure
from inside on where the drill was and there w asn’t enough
Demerol in the world. So I’m walking around, desperate and
dreamy, in pain but liking the pills, and I see this shirt, fucking
beautiful shirt, purple and turquoise and shades o f blue all in
flowers, silk, astonishing whirl o f color; and the man’s dark
with long hair and a beard, some prototype, no face, ju st hair;
and I take him back but there’s this girl with him too, and she’s