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brother was just in here comparing class schedules with Mia Thermopo—'

Unfortunately for Lana, Mr Gianini has a thing about mobile usage during class time. He fully pounced on her, snatched her phone away, put it up to his ear and said, 'Ms Weinberger can't speak to you right now as she is busy writing a thousand-

word essay on how rude it is to make mobile phone calls during class time,' after which he threw her phone in his desk

drawer and told her she'd get it back at the end of the day, once she'd handed in her essay.

I wish Mr G would give Lana's mobile phone to me, instead. I would fully use it in a more responsible manner than she does.

But I guess even if the teacher is your stepdad, he can't just confiscate things from other students and give them to you.

Which is a bummer because I could really use a mobile phone right now. I just remembered I never asked my mom what Grandmere wanted when she called last night.

Oh, crud. Integers. Gotta go.

B = (x : x is an integer such that x > 0)

Defn: When integer is squared the result is called a perfect square.

Tuesday, January 19th,

Health and Safety

This is so boring - MT

You're telling me. How many times in our academic careers are they going to tell us having unprotected sex

can result in unwanted pregnancy and AIDS? Do they think it didn't soak in the first jive thousand times or something? - LM

Apparently. Hey, did you see Mr Wheeton open the door to the teachers' lounge, look at Mademoiselle Klein, then leave? He is so obviously in love with her.

I know, you can slightly tell, he is always bringing her lattesfrom Ho's. What is THAT about, if not luv?

Wahim will be devastated if they start going out.

Yeah, but why would she choose Mr Wheeton over Wahim? Wahim has all those muscles. Not to mention a gun.

Who can explain the vagaries of the human heart. Not I. Oh, my God, look, he's moving on to vehicular

safety. Could this BE more boring? Let's make a list. You start it.


Mia Thermopolis's *New and Improved* List of Hottest Guys

(with commentary by Lilly Moscovitz):

1. Michael Moscovitz (obviously cannot agree due to genetic link to said individual. Will concede he is not 

    hideously deformed)

2. Ioan Gruffud from the Horatio Hornblower series (agreed. He can shiver me timbers anytime he wants)

3. The guy who plays Clark Kent in Smallville (duh - only they should have him join the school swimming

    team because he needs to take his shirt off more per episode)

4. Hayden Christiansen (again, duh. Ditto swimming team. There must be one for Jedis. Even ones who

    have embraced the Dark Side)

5. Mr. Rochester (fictional character, but will agree he exudes certain rugged manliness)

6. Patrick Swayze (urn, not. So not. What is WRONG with you????)

7. Captain von Trapp from The Sound of Music (another fictional character, but the captain is a hottie 

    extraordinaire. I would pit him against the Nazi horde anytime)

8. Justin Baxendale (duh. I heard an eleventh-grader tried to kill herself because he looked at her. Seriously.

    Like his eyes were so hypnotic, she went full-on Sylvia Plaih. She is in counselling now)

9. Heath Ledger (oooh, in the rock and roll knight movie, totally. Not so much The Patriot, though, I found

    his performance in that film somewhat stilted. Plus he never took his shirt off).

10. Beast from Beauty and the Beast (I think I know someone else who needs counselling)

Tuesday, January 19th,

Gifted and Talented

I am so depressed.

I know I shouldn't be. I mean, everything in my life is going so great:

Great Thing Number One:

The boy I have been madly in love with my entire life, practically, loves, or at least really likes, me back, and we are going

out on our first real date on Friday.

Great Thing Number Two:

I know it is only the first day of the new semester, but as yet I am not flunking anything, including Algebra.

Great Thing Number Three:

I am no longer in Genovia, the most boring place on the entire planet with the possible exception of Algebra, and

Grandmere's princess lessons.

Great Thing Number Four:

I don't have Kenny for my Bio. partner any more. My new partner is Shameeka - what a relief. Which I know is cowardly (feeling relieved that I don't have to sit by Kenny any more), but I am pretty sure Kenny thinks I am this horrible person to

have led him on, like, all those months, when really I liked someone else (only thankfully not the person Kenny THOUGHT

I liked. I still can't believe Kenny dumped me because he thought I was in love with Boris Pelkowski). Anyway, the fact that

I don't have to deal with any hostile looks from Kenny's direction (even though he fully has a new girlfriend, a girl from our

Bio. class, as a matter of fact - he didn't waste any time) is probably really going to boost my grade in that class. Plus Shameeka is really good at science, on account of her being a Pisces.

Great Thing Number Five:

I have really cool friends who seem actually to want to hang around with me, and not just because I am a princess, either.