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I shrugged innocently. 'I didn't know her hair was in my book. Why can't she keep her hair to herself, anyway?'

Mr. Gianini looked bored. 'Lana,' he said, 'if you can't keep your hair under control, I recommend braids. Mia, don't

slam your book. It should be open to page two-twelve, where I want you to read from Section Two. Out loud.'

I read out loud from Section Two, but not without a certain primness. For once, vengeance on Lana had been mine, and

I had NOT been sent to the principal's office. Oh, it was sweet. Sweet, sweet vindication.

Although I don't even know why I have to learn this stuff; it isn't as if the Palais de Genovia isn't full of dweeby staffers

who are just dying to multiply fractions for me.


term: variable(s) multiplied by a coefficient

monomiaclass="underline" Polynomial w/ one term

binomiaclass="underline" Polynomial w/ two terms

trinomiaclass="underline" Polynomial w/ three terms

Degree of polynomial = the degree of the term with the highest degree

In my delight over the pain I had brought upon my enemy, I almost forgot about the fact that my heart is broken.

Must keep in mind that Michael is dumping me after the black-and-white ball tonight. Why can't I FOCUS????

Must be love. I am sick with it.

Fiday, January 22,

Health and Safety

Why do you look like you just ate ANOTHER sock?

I don't. How was your breakfast meeting? You do, too. The meeting went GREAT.

Really? Did they agree to print a full-page letter of apology in the Times?

No, better. Did something happen between you and my brother? Because I saw him looking all furtive in the hallway just now.

FURTIVE? Furtive like how? Like he was looking for Judith Gershner to ask her out tonight????

No, more like he was looking for a pay phone. Why would he ask out Judith Gershner? How many times

do I have to tell you, he likes you, not J.G.

He used to like me, you mean. Before I was forced to cancel our date tonight due to Grandmere forcing me to

go to a ball.

A ball? Really. Ugh. But excuse me. Michael isn't going to ask some other girl to go out with him tonight

just because you can't make it. I mean, he was really looking forward to going with you. Not just for concupiscent reasons, either.


Yes, you loser. What did you think? I mean, you guys are going out.

But that's just it We haven't gone out

yet I mean.

So? You'll go out sometime when you don't hove a ball to go to instead.

You don't think he's going to dump me?

Uh, not unless something heavy fell on his head between now and the last time I saw him. Guys with

cranial damage can't generally be held responsible for their actions.

Why would something heavy fall on his head? I'm being facetious. Do you want to hear about my meeting, or not?

Yes. What happened? They told me they want to option my show.

What does that mean?

It means that they will take Lilly Tells It Like It Is around to the networks to see if anybody wants to buy it.

To be a real show. On a real channel. Not like public access. Like ABC or Lifetime or VH1 or something.

Lilly! THAT IS SO GREAT!!!! Yes, I know. Oops, gotta go, Wheeton's looking this way.

Note to self: Look up words concupiscent and facetious.

Friday, January 22,

Gifted and Talented

Lunch was just one big celebration today. Everyone had something to be happy about:

• Shameeka, for making the cheerleading squad and striking a blow for tall geeky girls everywhere (even though, of course, Shameeka looks like a supermodel and can wrap both her ankles around her head, but, whatever).

• Lilly, for getting her TV show optioned.

• Tina, for finally deciding to give up on Dave, but not on romance in general, and get on with her life.

• Ling Su for getting her drawing of Joe, the stone lion, into the school art fair.

• And Boris for just, well, being Boris. Boris is always happy.

You will notice that I did not mention Michael. That is because I do not know what Michael's mental state at lunch was, whether or not he was happy or sad or concupiscent or whatever. That is because Michael didn't show up to lunch. He

said, when he breezed by my locker just before fourth period, 'Hey, I've got some things to do, I'll see you in G and T, OK?'

Some things to do. Like, for instance, find another girl to take to the movie tonight.

I should, of course, just ask him. I should just be like, Look, are we broken up, or what? Because I would really like to know, one way or the other, so I can begin planning either my wedding or my funeral.

Well, not really, because, of course, I don't live in Utah, and I would never kill myself over a boy, even Michael. But you

know what I mean.

Except that I can't just go up and ask Michael what the deal is between us, because right now he is busy with Boris, going

over band stuff. Michael's band is comprised (so far) of Michael (bass); Boris (electric violin); that tall guy Paul from the Computer Club (keyboards); this guy from the AEHS marching band called Trevor (guitar); and Felix, this scary-looking twelfth-grader with a goatee that's bushier than Mr Gianini's (drums). They still don't have a name for the band, or a place to practise. But they seem to think that Mr Kreblutz, the chief custodian, will let them into the band practice rooms on weekends

if they can get him tickets to the Westminster Kennel Show next month. Mr Kreblutz is a huge bichon frise fan.

The fact that Michael can concentrate on all this band stuff while our relationship is falling apart is just further proof that he is

a true musician, completely dedicated to his art. I, being the talentless freak that I am, can, of course, think of nothing but my heartbreak. Michael's ability to remain focused in spite of any personal pain he might be suffering is evidence of his genius.