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“And you like the voyages long?  I begin to see, sir.  Just as they’re getting near to where the treasure ain’t, a little accident like the loss of their water-supply sends them into port and out again to start hunting all over.”

The Ancient Mariner nodded, and his sun-washed eyes twinkled.

“There was the Emma Louisa .  I kept her on the long voyage over eighteen months with water accidents and similar accidents.  And, besides, they kept me in one of the best hotels in New Orleans for over four months before the voyage began, and advanced to me handsomely, yes, bravely, handsomely.”

“But tell me more, sir; I am most interested,” Dag Daughtry concluded his simple matter of the beer.   “It’s a good game.  I might learn it for my old age, though I give you my word, sir, I won’t butt in on your game.  I wouldn’t tackle it until you are gone, sir, good game that it is.”

“First of all, you must pick out men with money—with plenty of money, so that any loss will not hurt them.  Also, they are easier to interest—”

“Because they are more hoggish,” the steward interrupted.  “The more money they’ve got the more they want.”

“Precisely,” the Ancient Mariner continued.  “And, at least, they are repaid.  Such sea-voyages are excellent for their health.  After all, I do them neither hurt nor harm, but only good, and add to their health.”

“But them scars—that gouge out of your face—all them fingers missing on your hand?  You never got them in the fight in the longboat when the bo’s’n carved you up.  Then where in Sam Hill did you get the them?  Wait a minute, sir.  Let me fill your glass first.”  And with a fresh-brimmed glass, Charles Stough Greanleaf narrated the history of his scars.

“First, you must know, steward, that I am—well, a gentleman.  My name has its place in the pages of the history of the United States , even back before the time when they were the United States .  I graduated second in my class in a university that it is not necessary to name.  For that matter, the name I am known by is not my name.  I carefully compounded it out of names of other families.  I have had misfortunes.  I trod the quarter-deck when I was a young man, though never the deck of the Wide Awake , which is the ship of my fancy—and of my livelihood in these latter days.

“The scars you asked about, and the missing fingers?  Thus it chanced.  It was the morning, at late getting-up times in a Pullman , when the accident happened.  The car being crowded, I had been forced to accept an upper berth.  It was only the other day.  A few years ago.  I was an old man then.  We were coming up from Florida .  It was a collision on a high trestle.  The train crumpled up, and some of the cars fell over sideways and fell off, ninety feet into the bottom of a dry creek.  It was dry, though there was a pool of water just ten feet in diameter and eighteen inches deep.  All the rest was dry boulders, and I bull’s-eyed that pool.

“This is the way it was.  I had just got on my shoes and pants and shirt, and had started to get out of the bunk.  There I was, sitting on the edge of the bunk, my legs dangling down, when the locomotives came together.  The berths, upper and lower, on the opposite side had already been made up by the porter.

“And there I was, sitting, legs dangling, not knowing where I was, on a trestle or a flat, when the thing happened.  I just naturally left that upper berth, soared like a bird across the aisle, went through the glass of the window on the opposite side clean head-first, turned over and over through the ninety feet of fall more times than I like to remember, and by some sort of miracle was mostly flat-out in the air when I bull’s-eyed that pool of water.  It was only eighteen inches deep.  But I hit it flat, and I hit it so hard that it must have cushioned me.  I was the only survivor of my car.  It struck forty feet away from me, off to the side.  And they took only the dead out of it.  When they took me out of the pool I wasn’t dead by any means.  And when the surgeons got done with me, there were the fingers gone from my hand, that scar down the side of my face . . . and, though you’d never guess it, I’ve been three ribs short of the regular complement ever since.

“Oh, I had no complaint coming.  Think of the others in that car—all dead.  Unfortunately, I was riding on a pass, and so could not sue the railroad company.  But here I am, the only man who ever dived ninety feet into eighteen inches of water and lived to tell the tale.—Steward, if you don’t mind replenishing my glass . . . ”

Dag Daughtry complied and in his excitement of interest pulled off the top of another quart of beer for himself.

“Go on, go on, sir,” he murmured huskily, wiping his lips, “and the treasure-hunting graft.  I’m straight dying to hear.  Sir, I salute you.”

“I may say, steward,” the Ancient Mariner resumed, “that I was born with a silver spoon that melted in my mouth and left me a proper prodigal son.  Also, that I was born with a backbone of pride that would not melt.  Not for a paltry railroad accident, but for things long before as well as after, my family let me die, and I . . . I let it live.  That is the story.  I let my family live.  Furthermore, it was not my family’s fault.  I never whimpered.  I never let on.  I melted the last of my silver spoon—South Sea cotton, an’ it please you, cacao in Tonga , rubber and mahogany in Yucatan .  And do you know, at the end, I slept in Bowery lodging-houses and ate scrapple in East-Side feeding-dens, and, on more than one occasion, stood in the bread-line at midnight and pondered whether or not I should faint before I fed.”

“And you never squealed to your family,” Dag Daughtry murmured admiringly in the pause.

The Ancient Mariner straightened up his shoulders, threw his head back, then bowed it and repeated, “No, I never squealed.  I went into the poor-house, or the county poor-farm as they call it.  I lived sordidly.  I lived like a beast.  For six months I lived like a beast, and then I saw my way out.  I set about building the Wide Awake .  I built her plank by plank, and copper-fastened her, selected her masts and every timber of her, and personally signed on her full ship’s complement fore-and-aft, and outfitted her amongst the Jews, and sailed with her to the South Seas and the treasure buried a fathom under the sand.

“You see,” he explained, “all this I did in my mind, for all the time I was a hostage in the poor-farm of broken men.”

The Ancient Mariner’s face grew suddenly bleak and fierce, and his right hand flashed out to Daughtry’s wrist, prisoning it in withered fingers of steel.

“It was a long, hard way to get out of the poor-farm and finance my miserable little, pitiful little, adventure of the Wide Awake .  Do you know that I worked in the poor-farm laundry for two years, for one dollar and a half a week, with my one available hand and what little I could do with the other, sorting dirty clothes and folding sheets and pillow-slips until I thought a thousand times my poor old back would break in two, and until I knew a million times the location in my chest of every fraction of an inch of my missing ribs.”

“You are a young man yet—”

Daughtry grinned denial as he rubbed his grizzled mat of hair.

“You are a young man yet, steward,” the Ancient Mariner insisted with a show of irritation.  “You have never been shut out from life.  In the poor-farm one is shut out from life.  There is no respect—no, not for age alone, but for human life in the poor-house.  How shall I say it?  One is not dead.  Nor is one alive.  One is what once was alive and is in process of becoming dead.  Lepers are treated that way.  So are the insane.  I know it.  When I was young and on the sea, a brother-lieutenant went mad.  Sometimes he was violent, and we struggled with him, twisting his arms, bruising his flesh, tying him helpless while we sat and panted on him that he might not do harm to us, himself, or the ship.  And he, who still lived, died to us.  Don’t you understand?  He was no longer of us, like us.  He was something other.  That is it—other .  And so, in the poor-farm, we, who are yet unburied, are other .  You have heard me chatter about the hell of the longboat.  That is a pleasant diversion in life compared with the poor-farm.  The food, the filth, the abuse, the bullying, the—the sheer animalness of it!