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Memory corruption

The Memory and Advanced Memory tools can modify memory content. Using these tools incorrectly can cause system failures and damage the operating system on the target device.

Application Verifier Tool

Another useful tool to identify potential application compatibility and stability issues and necessary source code-level fixes is the Application Verifier tool, included in the CETK. This tool can attach to an application or a DLL to diagnose problems that are otherwise difficult to track on standalone devices. The Application Verifier tool does not require a device connection to a development workstation and can be launched at system startup to check and validate drivers and system applications. You can also start this tool from the CETK user interface or manually on the target device. If you want to use the Application Verifier tool outside of the CETK, you should use the Getappverif_cetk.bat file to copy all the required files into the release directory.

Application Verifier tool documentation

For detailed information about the Application Verifier tool, including how to use shim extension DLLs to run custom test code or change the behavior of functions during application testing, see the section "Application Verifier Tool" in the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Documentation, available on the Microsoft MSDN Web site at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa934321.aspx.

CeLog Event Tracking and Processing

Windows Embedded CE includes an extensible event-tracking system that you can include in a run-time image to diagnose performance problems. The CeLog event-tracking system logs a set of predefined kernel and coredll events related to mutexes, events, memory allocation, and other kernel objects. The extensible architecture of the CeLog event-tracking system also enables you to implement custom filters to track user-defined events. For platforms connected to a development workstation through KITL, the CeLog event-tracking system can selectively log events based on zones specified in the ZoneCE registry entry, as summarized in Table 4-4.

Table 4-4 CeLog registry parameters for event logging zones

Registry Entry ZoneCE
Entry Type REG_DWORD
Value <Zone IDs>
Description By default, all zones are logged. For a list of all possible zone ID values, see the section "CELog Zones" in the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Documentation, available on the Microsoft MSDN Web site at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa909194.aspx.

By using the CeLog event-tracking system, you can collect data, which CeLog stores in a buffer in RAM on the target device. Performance tools, such as Remote Kernel Tracker and Readlog, can then process the collected data. It is also possible to flush the data periodically to a file by using the CELogFlush tool.

CELog and ship builds

You should not include the CeLog event-tracking system in final builds to avoid performance and memory penalties due to CeLog activities, and to reduce the attack surface through which a malicious user could try to compromise the system.

Remote Kernel Tracker

The Remote Kernel Tracker tool enables you to monitor system activities on a target device based on processes and threads. This tool can display information from the target device in real time through KITL, yet it is also possible to use Remote Kernel Tracker offline based on CeLog data files. You can find more information about the Remote Kernel Tracker tool in Chapter 3, "Performing System Programming."

Figure 4-5 shows Kernel Tracker on a target device collecting information about thread activities.

Figure 4-5 Thread information in Kernel Tracker

CeLogFlush Tool

To create CeLog data files, use the CeLogFlush tool to save the CeLog event data buffered in RAM into a .clg file. This file can be located in the RAM file system, persistent storage, or the release file system on a development workstation. To minimize data loss due to buffer overruns, you can specify a larger RAM buffer and increase the frequency at which CeLog flushes the buffer. You can optimize the performance if you keep the file open to avoid repeated file open and close operations and store the file in the RAM file system instead of a slower persistent storage medium.

CELogFlush configuration

For detailed information about the CeLogFlush tool, including how to configure this tool through registry settings, see the section "CeLogFlush Registry Settings" in the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Documentation, available on the Microsoft MSDN Web site at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa935267.aspx.

Readlog Tool

In addition to the graphical Remote Kernel Tracker application, you can process CELog data files by using the Readlog tool, located in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Bin\i386 folder. Readlog is a command-line tool to process and display information not exposed in Remote Kernel Tracker, such as debug messages and boot events. It is often useful to analyze system activities in Remote Kernel Tracker first and then focus on an identified process or thread with the Readlog tool. The raw data that the CeLogFlush tool writes into the .clg file is ordered by zones to facilitate locating and extracting specific information. You can also filter the data and extend filtering capabilities based on extension DLLs to process custom data captured through the custom events collector.

One of the most useful Readlog scenarios is to replace thread start addresses (the functions passed to the CreateThread call) in CeLog data files with the names of the actual thread functions to facilitate system analysis in Remote Kernel Tracker. To accomplish this task, you must start Readlog with the -fixthreads parameter (readlog -fixthreads). Readlog looks up the symbol .map files in the release directory to identify the thread functions based on the start addresses and generates new logs with the corresponding references.

Figure 4-6 shows CeLog data in Remote Kernel Tracker, captured through the CeLog event-tracking system, flushed to a .clg file with the CeLogFlush tool, and prepared for a more user-friendly display of the information by using the Readlog application with the -fixthreads parameter.

Figure 4-6 A CeLog data file prepared with readlog -fixthreads and opened in Remote Kernel Tracker