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They walked off together. Abbas had spent a sleepless night and a thoughtful morning. His head ached and his eyelids felt heavy. Scarcely a trace of the previous day's bitter mood remained, and he now bore no thoughts of revenge. Instead, a deep sorrow and black despair had settled on him.

Hussain asked, "Did you know I left home soon after you went away?"


"Yes, I got married and started living a life of luxury and ease."

Forcing himself to express more interest than he felt, Abbas answered, "Praise be to God… well done… splendid… splendid."

They had now walked as far as Ghouriya, and Hussain stamped the ground with his foot and said resentfully, "On the contrary, everything in life is filth and corruption! They laid me off. There was nothing to do but return to Midaq Alley. Have they fired you too?"

"No. I was given a short holiday," replied Abbas listlessly. Hussain tried to keep the jealous note from showing in his voice. "I persuaded you to go away to work, and you resisted the idea. Remember? And there you are enjoying it while I'm out of a job."

Abbas was probably more aware than anyone else of his friend's jealous and spiteful nature. He replied, "Things are ending for us too, so they tell us."

This cheered Hussain a bit and he asked, "How can the war end so quickly? Who would have believed it possible?"

Abbas shook his head. It made no difference to him whether the war continued or ended, or whether he worked or not. He no longer cared about anything. It bored him to talk with his friend, although he found it better than sitting alone thinking.

"How can it have ended so quickly?" asked Hussain. "Everybody hoped Hitler would be able to prolong it indefinitely. It's our bad luck that's brought it to an end."

"You're right…"

Hussain shouted furiously, "What hopeless wretches we are. Our country is pitiful and so are the people. Why is it that the only time we find a little happiness is when the world is involved in a bloody war? Surely it's only the devil who has pity on us in this world!"

He stopped speaking as they made their way through the crowds coming from New Street. It was getting dark now.

"How I longed to be in combat," sighed Hussain. "Just imagine what it would be like to be a heroic soldier, plunging from one glorious victory to the next. Imagine being in airplanes and tanks attacking and killing and then capturing the fleeing women; not to mention spending money, getting drunk, and raising hell. That's the life! Don't you wish you were a soldier?"

Everyone in the alley knew that Abbas was thrown into panic at the sound of a siren and he practically lived in the air-raid shelters. Be a combat soldier? He wished he had been born brave; he would have loved the life of a soldier, avenging himself on all those who had hurt him and spoiled his dream of happiness and a luxurious life. So he replied weakly, "Who wouldn't like that?" He turned his attention to the street and this brought tormenting thoughts to his mind. Oh God, would time ever erase memories of the alley from his heart? Here was where she walked; here was where she breathed this very air. He could almost see her straight slim figure walking before him now. How could he ever forget? He frowned at the thought of longing for someone so unworthy of his love. His face set in a look of vicious cruelty as a blast of the previous day's feeling of betrayal returned to him. He would forget her. Otherwise his heart would burn itself out with fantasies of her resting blissfully in his rival's arms. He cursed his soft treacherous heart. It had plotted against both his spirit and his body in loving someone who loved neither of these.

Now it yielded him only suffering and humiliation.

He was awakened from his reverie by the harsh voice of Hussain. "Here's the Jewish quarter."

He brought Abbas to a stop with his hand and asked, "Don't you know Vita's bar? Didn't you develop a liking for drink up there at Tell el-Kebir?"

"No, I didn't."

"How on earth did you live among the British and not drink? What a fool you are. Alcohol refreshes and is good for the brain. Come on…"

He tucked Abbas' arm under his and led him into the Jewish quarter. Vita's bar was not far from the entrance to the left, and it looked more like a shop. It was square and medium in size with a long marble-topped table stretching the length of one side, behind which stood Mr. Vita. On the wall behind the bar was a long shelf lined with bottles. Near the entrance door stood a large barrel. On the bar stood two bowls of nuts and some glasses belonging to the customers who were standing drinking. They appeared to be cabdrivers and laborers, some barefooted and half dressed, more like beggars. The rest of the tavern consisted of an area with a few scattered wooden benches. On these sat some market loafers along with those unable to stand, either because of their age or because of intoxication.

Hussain led his friend to an empty table at the back of the tavern, where they sat down. Abbas swung his eyes around the noisy, boisterous place in silent uneasiness until they rested on a boy of about fourteen. He was short and excessively fat; his face and cloak were covered with mud and his feet were bare. He stood in the middle of a crowd drinking from a full glass, his head rolling drunkenly from side to side. Abbas' eyes bulged in astonishment, and he drew Hussain's attention to the youth.

Hussain's observation reflected no astonishment as he commented, "Oh, that's Awkal. He sells newspapers all day and spends the evening drinking. He's still just a boy. But there aren't many grown men like him, don't you agree?" Hussain leaned his head toward Abbas and went on: "A glass of wine provides a little pleasure for unemployed people like me. A month ago I was drinking whiskey in Vince's bar, but times have changed. It's all in the luck of the game."

He ordered two glasses of wine, which the bartender brought along with a plate of bitter nuts. Abbas stared at his glass suspiciously and then spoke as if searching for comfort: "They say it's bad for you."

"Are you afraid of it?" asked Hussain, gripping his glass. "Let it kill you… In hell, my friend, nothing makes any difference. Your health."

They clinked glasses, and Hussain downed his drink in one swallow. Abbas pushed his away in disgust. It was as though a tongue of flame had fired his throat. He screwed up his face and muttered, "Horrible. Bitter. Hot."

Hussain laughed and spoke in a smug and superior tone: "Be brave, my boy. Life is much more bitter than this drink and its effects far worse…"

He lifted Abbas' glass and placed it to his companion's lips, saying, "Drink up and don't spill it." Abbas drained his glass and breathed out in a shudder. He felt a burning sensation in his stomach that rapidly spread throughout his body. With revulsion and interest he followed its course as it sped through his blood until it reached his head. The dark world seemed to have lightened a little now, and Hussain said to him sarcastically, "Be satisfied with only two drinks today."

He ordered himself another glass and went on: "I'm staying at my father's house. My wife and her brother are also there. But now my brother-in-law has a job at the arsenal and he's leaving us today or tomorrow. My father wants me to run the cafe for three pounds a month. In other words, I'm supposed to work from dawn through half the night for only three pounds! But what can you say to a mad hashish addict? Now you can see why I'm beginning to hate the world. There's only one answer to it: either have a life that suits you or to hell with it."

Abbas was now enveloped in a cozy peacefulness that he found both surprising and delightful after his long day of gloomy thoughts.

"Didn't you save any money?" he asked Hussain.

"No, not a penny. I was living in a nice clean flat in Wayliya. It had electricity and running water. I had a servant who called me 'sir,' and I went often to the cinema and the theater. I won a lot and I lost a lot, but that's life. Our lives are getting shorter daily, so why keep money? Still, I suppose one needs money up until the end. I've only a few pounds left, apart from my wife's jewelry."