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But on this November afternoon, he felt none of the day’s coolness. He was burning up inside. His stomach was hurting and his mouth was dry and his throat was tight. Sweat was pouring from his forehead and palms.

And as he walked he suddenly understood the reason. The surprise was not really such a surprise. Yes, Bashar had seen death. But he had never before been the cause of it.

He had always wondered whether murderers, even ones who believed their causes were just, like Hamid, got nervous before they committed their crimes. Whether any of them, soldiers or martyrs, ever felt guilt or remorse or fear. Now he knew.

Murderers got sweaty palms and stomach cramps before they killed their victims. Murderers were afraid.

There was a big crowd of people milling around the street, about two blocks away from the restaurant. At first Bashar thought they were there for him, that it was some kind of giant trap. There were cameras and lights and policemen and suddenly his feet couldn’t move; they refused to take one step. But then he realized they weren’t there for him at all. It was a movie. They were shooting an American movie. There were long trailers and large men with larger bellies drinking beer and yelling into walkie-talkies. The policemen were actors, dressed in costume. He saw one actor, someone he recognized, sitting in a chair, doing a crossword puzzle. Bashar knew who it was, had seen him on television, on one of the late-night talk shows, but couldn’t think of his name. He waited a few moments, tried to remember, finally gave up. By then his feet could move. And they did. One step, then two, and then he was walking again, leaving the movie behind.

He was almost to his destination. He wiped his hands on his raincoat and, as he’d done at least a dozen times in the past two minutes, reached into his right coat pocket to feel the cell phone and make sure it was there. He ran over his instructions one more time, his lips moving ever so slightly in conjunction with the words in his mind.

Go inside.

Give the person at the front the right name.

Go to the table. Hand the briefcase over. Put it down on the floor.

Turn and leave. Don’t run. Walk slowly. Be polite.

Once outside the door, take the cell phone. Call immediately. Say that the job is done. Go to the alley to the left of the building. Then run.

Run as fast as you can.

Run like the devil himself was chasing you.

Bashar thought about running. He thought about his weak legs and fiery stomach.

He thought about getting paid for his few minutes of work. Fifty thousand dollars. It was a lot of money. More than he had ever seen before.

He thought about what was going to happen.

Then he thought about how the devil really would be chasing after him.

Bashar wondered if he’d have enough money to bribe the old bastard if they ever met.

He thought that just maybe he would.

Jimmy Leggett felt uncomfortable.

The woman across the table from him was looking at the wine list and that was one reason Jimmy felt edgy: he wasn’t used to eating in such fancy restaurants. Harper’s was new, open a couple of months and already filled with money. Hamptons money, which meant direct from Wall Street, Hollywood, or simply handed over from wealthy parents who could afford Long Island oceanfront property as their second, sometimes even their third home. The people eating their Cobb salads on their carb-free diets wore casual-looking sweatshirts made of cashmere and they paid with Platinum credit cards. He wasn’t a total rube, he’d been around some, but this was a little too refined for his taste. They didn’t just have fish, they had fish with a pistachio crust. The steak wasn’t just steak, it was pink peppercorn coated steak. It was like everything on the menu was pretending to be something it wasn’t. The martinis had flavors-apple and caramel and lemon cream-and there wasn’t a bottle of wine on the wine list that cost less than forty-eight bucks. He’d checked it out and even muttered something before the woman he was eating with had removed the list from his hands to take a look herself.

The second reason Jimmy Leggett was uncomfortable was that he was pretty sure the woman was taking him to lunch because she wanted to have sex with him and Jimmy had been married for twenty-seven years without once having cheated on his wife.

He glanced at the woman now, as she ordered a bottle from the waiter. She was a weekender. East End Harbor, where Jimmy had been police chief for nearly thirteen years, had a lot of weekenders these days. Not always. Although only fifteen minutes’ drive from the choicer part of the Hamptons, it used to be a year-round community, nicely blue-

collar and unpretentious. You had kids and they stuck around, they were able to buy a nice house just a few blocks away from where they grew up. It was the un-Hamptons town in the wealthy and chic Long Island beach community. But the past decade had brought prosperity. Even to East End. Things had slowed down somewhat in the past couple of years, along with the economy, but there were still clothing stores that sold hundred-dollar T-shirts and food stores that sold nothing but truffles and caviar and champagne glasses. The next generation was moving upstate or mid-Island, they couldn’t afford to live in their hometown anymore-small two-bedroom Victorian houses were going for seven hundred grand. The burger joint on the corner was now a sushi bar. The take-out Chinese was a creperie. And this attractive fifty-year-old weekender whose ex-husband had paid her a tidy sum of money to get away from her and who’d clearly had a couple of face-lifts and probably a boob job, thought it would be sexy to have a fling with the local head cop. She came into the station the first time to complain about kids with boom boxes. Then she came in again to ask advice about an alarm system for her house-prosperity had brought crime along with expensive T-shirts-and then everyone in the station knew that the next few times she showed up she was coming in to flirt with the boss. Times have changed, Jimmy thought. And he was trying to decide now if he was going to finally change along with them.

But none of that was what was really bothering him at the moment. He’d get over the price of the lunch. And he’d deal with whatever he decided to do about the woman, one way or the other. Something else was making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

It was the guy at the front of the restaurant, the sweaty guy with the briefcase.

He looked Middle Eastern. Maybe Indian. Jimmy was never too good with that kind of thing. People were people as far as he was concerned. He never paid too much attention to where they came from. The guy was walking past the hostess, going straight for a table just a few feet from Jimmy’s. He was carrying an expensive leather briefcase. Large. It looked like it was heavy.

The guy found the table he was looking for. There were three men sitting there. One of them wore a pinstriped suit and tie, an outfit that was none too common out there, especially at lunchtime. The other two men were more in keeping with the community dress code. One wore khakis and a tennis sweater. The other had on pressed jeans and a starched, long-sleeved button-down blue shirt with a two-tone collar. The sweaty guy said something to Pressed Jeans, and put the briefcase down on the floor next to the man’s chair. Pressed Jeans nodded, didn’t look surprised or alarmed at the delivery. He didn’t tip the guy either. But the sweaty guy didn’t wait for a tip. The moment he released the briefcase, his back was turned and he’d taken two quick steps toward the door.

Jimmy stood. He wasn’t sure why. Cop’s instinct. There was something funny about this guy. Something was up. So Jimmy took a step forward, didn’t even look at the woman at his table, didn’t see her disapproving frown. He was watching the sweaty guy, who suddenly stopped walking and looked down toward the pocket of his raincoat. The guy looked confused all of a sudden, like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Jimmy didn’t know what the hell was happening either. All he knew was that he heard a muffled ringing sound.