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“Yes, ma’am. A security team will escort you both.” The female inclined her head toward Drake deferentially.

“I have my car,” Sophia said.

“We are at general alert,” the guard replied. “I cannot permit you to leave without protection.”

“Fine, whatever it takes,” Drake said, “but we must hurry.” Even as she spoke, an armored vehicle similar to the ones she’d seen at the Compound screeched to a halt in front of the door. More guards hurried inside and quickly surrounded them. Drake allowed herself to be shepherded into the rear of the vehicle.

“We’ll be there soon,” Sophia murmured. “How do you feel?”

“I just need to find Sylvan.” Drake clenched her fists on her thighs and closed her eyes. The surface of her body burned despite the fine sheen of adrenaline-spiked hormones coating her skin. She smelled Sylvan, and her, and their unique union. She didn’t know who she was or what she would become or if she would even live long enough to find out. She didn’t care. She knew all she needed to know. She needed to be with Sylvan. Her every instinct, every emotion, every physical impulse told her this was true. A truth she might not understand, but could not question.

She clambered forward between the seats occupied by two male Weres, their expressions fiercely savage. “Stay on the highway as long as you can before turning onto an access road to the Compound. You’ll make better time. Do you have a radar detector in this thing? We don’t want to be picked up.”

The male Were behind the wheel glanced at her, nostrils flaring.

His eyes dropped to the level of her shoulder. “Yes.”

“If anyone attempts to intercept us, try to outrun them. If that fails, run them off the road. Just get me to the Compound.”

He straightened to attention and snapped, “Understood!”

No one tried to stop them on their mad dash north. Perhaps local law enforcement recognized the vehicle as one of Sylvan’s and passed them on. Still, the thirty-minute journey seemed endless, and by the time the Compound came into view through a break in the forest, Drake was ready to claw her way out of the back of the Rover. The gates, heavily fortified with armed guards stationed on a narrow walkway running along the top of the stockade, swung open at their approach.

Their driver barely slowed as they careened through.

“The infirmary,” Drake ordered. She didn’t wait for him to stop but shoved open the rear doors and jumped out while they were still moving.

She hit the ground running, barely noticing the jarring sensation as she landed. She’d never felt so strong, so certain of her destination. Max and Andrew flanked the door to the infirmary. “Where is she!”

“Inside,” Max said, moving to block the door, “but—”

He was sixty pounds of muscle heavier than her, but she had speed and will on her side. She caught him by surprise when she turned her shoulder into him, hitting him square in the chest. He grunted and gave way. Drake slammed the door open and barreled into the building.

“Stop,” Niki shouted, barring the way to a closed door halfway down the hall.

“Get out of my way,” Drake growled.

Niki, her eyes hunter green, snarled a warning. She lunged forward before Drake could react and knocked her onto her back. Pinning Drake with a knee on Drake’s chest, she thrust her claws into Drake’s throat, millimeters short of tearing out her trachea. “You don’t belong here, mutia.

Drake’s wolf went wild. She would not be dominated. She would not be kept from Sylvan. Acting on pure instinct, she clubbed Niki on the side of the head, stunning her for a few critical seconds. Rearing up, she grabbed Niki by the throat and threw her off. Before Niki could retaliate, Drake leapt, straddled her chest, and choked her. “You will not keep me from her.”

Niki thrashed, snapping at Drake’s arms, slashing Drake’s shoulders and chest.

Going for the kill, Drake’s claws shot out and she thrust them into Niki’s neck .

Howling in agony, Niki arched and writhed. Blood jetted from the wounds in her throat onto her chest. Her agonized cry was that of a dying soul reaching out in the darkness for connection, for family, for home. For Pack.

Her cry struck Drake’s heart, and the red haze of her fury evaporated. Niki was Pack. Niki was Sylvan’s. Niki was hers.

“She needs me,” Drake said, easing her hold on Niki’s neck.

She pressed down on the punctures she’d made and they immediately stopped bleeding.

“No one can help her.” Tears streamed down Niki’s face. “It’s too late.”

“You’re wrong,” Drake whispered, as certain as she had ever been of anything in her life. She got to her knees, letting Niki slide out from under her.

Sophia, followed by Max and Andrew, crowded around them.

Sophia exclaimed, “Oh my God. Drake, your arm.” Drake stared at the arm that was no longer an arm, but a limb covered in sleek black fur and tipped with lethal claws. When she spoke, her words were thick and guttural, barely recognizable to her own ears. “What is happening?”

Niki touched Drake’s face, her own features contorted with shock.

“You’ve partially shifted. No one but the Alpha can do that.”

“The Alpha’s mate can,” Max murmured.

“Is Elena with her?” Drake got unsteadily to her feet. Her arm ached and when she looked again, her hand appeared like her hand once more.

“No one is with her,” Niki said. “She ordered us out when she shifted. We wanted to stay, but as soon as she shifted…” Niki’s voice broke. “She waited too long and there are too many wounds. Too much toxin, spreading too fast.” She straightened, her face a mask of sorrow.

“She’s not broadcasting to us. She’s lost in her wolf. She’s rabid.”

“No, she isn’t,” Drake said. The place inside her that only Sylvan had ever touched resounded with life. She knew if Sylvan were gone that space inside her would become a cold, dark void that would expand until she was swallowed by darkness. If that ever happened, she would surrender without a struggle. Without Sylvan’s warmth and passion and light shining somewhere in her life, she would be lost. “She’s not gone.”

Niki looked at her without anger, but with endless pity. “She ordered that I execute her, and I will follow her orders unto death. You will have to kill me to stop me.”

“If the need ever comes, I won’t stop you. You are her right hand and her brave heart. But you will not die today, and neither will she.” Drake cupped Niki’s jaw. “You are her second, and right now, you need to safeguard the Pack. Who is her third?” Max stepped forward. “I am.”

“Then you both know what you need to do. I am not going to let her die.” Drake turned to Sophia. “Help Elena prepare an operating room.”

“She won’t recognize you,” Niki cautioned as Drake reached for the closed door. “She’ll tear you apart.” Drake paused and brushed the backs of her fingers over Niki’s cheek. “She won’t hurt me. But if I’m wrong, don’t let her suffer.”

Drake eased into the moonlit room. The bed was empty. A low, ominous growl emanated from the far corner of the room.


The growl became a snarl. The fine hairs on the back of Drake’s neck stood up and her wolf stirred uneasily. Drake recognized her wolf now, her wariness, her strength, her bravery. Her stubborn refusal to be dominated. Her wolf wanted to shift. Drake wanted it. Her bones slid over one another, the pain nearly dropping her to her knees. Her muscles stretched to the point of tearing. Her sex spasmed and tears ran from her eyes. She brushed her forearm impatiently across her face.

She couldn’t shift. She still didn’t know how to give her wolf control without losing herself.