United States, 126, 127
Navy, U.S.: aircraft carrier, 161-164
Nessen, Ron, 130
New Communist Man, 56-57, 220
Belenko’s attitude toward, 32,43
Newsweek: quoted, 175
NOIWON (NationalOperations and Intelligence Watch Officers Network): United States, 126,127
Omsk, USSR, 44
Belenko’s jobs in, 44-47, 53-56,58-59
Belenko’s return to, 64-65
medical schooclass="underline" Belenko’s application to, 51
Osnos, Peter, 124
Pankovsky, Yevgenny Petrovich, 9
Parachute jumping, 47-48
Petrovna, Ludmilla, 77, 80, 97,104
dissatisfaction, sources of, 85-86,95
press-conference appearance, 135-137
Phantom fighters:
American, 14,73
Japanese, 18,19
Polyansky, Dmitri, 130
Powers, Francis Gary, 179
Ruble, value of, 55n
Rubtsovsk, USSR:
Belenko’s childhood in, 27-44
Belenko’s return to, 64
crime, 39
industrialization, 28
pollution from, 34
Rumsfeld, Donald, 131
SR-71s (aircraft), 174, 177
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, 32
Sakharovka Air Base,
USSR: Belenko’s preparation for departure, 12-17
Salsk, USSR, 78, 85, 87
SAMs (surface-to-air missiles), 17, 18, 154, 179
San Francisco, Calif., 209
Schlesinger, James R., 14
Scowcroft, Brent, 129,131
Seamans, Robert C., 14, 169
Shevsov, Yevgenny Ivanovich, 9-11, 96, 100,103,105
Shishaev, Aleksandr, 130-131
Shvartzov, Nikolai Igoryevich, 73
Siberia (region), USSR:
collective farm, 25-27
(See also Omsk; Rubtsovsk)
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr:
works, 117-118, 149
Soviet Air Defense Command:
benefits and perquisites, 75-76
meals, 9,12
enlisted men’s, 97
physical examinations, 12-13
provisions issued, 11
Stalin, Joseph, 25, 37, 70, 117
tomb, 41
Steiner, Steven, 125-126, 128
Sukhanov, Yuri Nikolayevich, 65
Tank manufacture, 53-54, 55
Tass (Soviet news agency):
quoted, 133-134
Tikhoretsk, USSR, 72
Tokyo, Japan: Belenko’s
stay in, 114-122
True Communism, advent of, 29, 56
Tumansky, Sergei, 178
U-2s (aircraft), 178-179
Ukrainians (people), 99n
United States:
aircraft, 14, 73, 100, 156, 174, 175, 178-179, 185
Belenko in, 142-213
combat simulator, 182-183
medical care, 190-192
Soviet Army teachings
about, 67-69
Soviet lobbying in, 134-135, 227
United States: (continued) State Department, 126, 128, 130, 131, 165-167
Watergate scandal, 86-87
U.S. Air Force: fighter
base, 155-156
U.S. Navy: aircraft carrier, 161-164
Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force and Navy (DOS-AAF),44
classes, 47-51
Vorontsov, Yuli, 135,165, 166-167
My Lai massacre, 69
Wild Weasel pilots, 154-155
apartment, 155
bar, 158-159
countryside, 146
shopping center, 146-149
Volodin, Vladimir Stepanovich, 13
Watergate scandaclass="underline" United States, 86-87
Wild Weasel pilots, 154-155
Yakov, Igor Andronovich, 45, 46, 47
Zeks (prisoners), 28-29, 95, 222
Photo Insert
Editorial from the Los Angeles Times: Copyright © 1976
Los Angeles Times. Reprinted by permission.
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Copyright © 1980 by the Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
Published by arrangement with McGraw-Hill Book Company
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-20611
ISBN: 0-380-53868-7
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The McGraw-Hill edition contains the following Library of
Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:
Barron, John, 1930 — MiG pilot.
1. Belenko, Viktor.
2. Fighter pilots Russia — Biography.
3. Defectors — Russia — Biography.
4. MiG-25 (Jet fighter plane)
1. Title.
First Avon Printing: April 1981
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