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She imagined Anna—the mother’s reaction. My son—my boy! She remembered her from the Writers’ Union. She would do whatever was necessary to maintain him. Everything that was necessary. There would be no question.

She thought of Osip. Should he be released, there would be the need to keep him in line.

She thought to ask how he knew. Of course there were only a few ways he could know.

There seemed then a growing acuity for her surroundings—the sunlight that glittered on the water became crystalline; from somewhere came the sound of its trickling; leaves which had hung limply from the tree branches now seemed cut with the precision of knives. The air itself nudged her skin into alertness; the hair on her arms rose. She was sitting next to someone dangerous. Dangerous in a way that was particular to her. She was afraid to look at him in case she might reveal this knowledge; she stared at the pond until her eyes began to water.

She wondered—was this a warning or a confession? She took care in the words she chose. “Why are you telling me this?”

“I don’t know,” he said. There was a mild incredulity in his voice, as if something unexpected had broken the pond’s surface.

In the water, near its far edge, several feet from shore, the heat of the afternoon seemed to give shape to a figure. It blurred, then drew clear again. There were arms, a head; it floundered then sank. She started to stand.

“It’s a child,” she said. “There’s a child, drowning! There!” She hurried around the pond’s perimeter, vaguely aware he was following her. She watched the spot where she’d seen him. A boy, she thought. Playing too close to the edge. He’d gone in after a toy. The muck of the bottom had trapped his feet; he’d lost his balance and the water closed over him. Where was his parent? She came up and stared into it. The water was still. It reflected only sky. Ilya came beside her.

“He was here,” she said, pointing. “Here. I saw him. He’s gone.”

“No one’s here, Margarita,” he said.

“He was here! I saw him!” She started in and he held her arm. He waded into the water and crouched low, spreading his arms below the surface as he went, searching. Water splashed noisily.

From a nearby kiosk, a woman’s voice called over.

“There is no swimming in the pond, Citizen. Remove yourself immediately!”

He turned slowly, toward the voice. The woman stood a little ways from her stand and pointed at one of the many small signs placed around the water’s edge.

“Do I look like I’m swimming?” he said to the woman.

“There was a boy,” said Margarita. “A boy in the water.”

The woman looked at her strangely. “There’s been no boy. There’s been no one. I’ve been here alone.”

Ilya stood, the water came to mid-thigh, and he made his way to the edge. The top of his coat from the neck up was still dry, the rest below was flattened against his torso and a much darker grey. He seemed younger than before. Younger and more vulnerable.

The woman returned to her stand.

“I thought there was a boy,” said Margarita. Ilya stood dripping next to her.

She tried to recall her vision of him but it was gone too, as if her memory had allied itself with Ilya and the woman. The water was silent, ripples from Ilya’s movements reflected back from its edge and moved unhindered toward the center.

“When is the last time you ate something?” he asked her. When she didn’t answer, he took her arm and led her to the stand. The woman stood waiting with an annoyed expression. All she could offer was apricot juice and it was warm. Ilya insisted she drink it. It was overly sweet like a child’s medicine and she felt queasy, but he appeared quite earnest. Its frothy surface clung to her lips and when she wiped them, it stained her hand. He seemed pleased with her efforts. It gave her the hiccups.

Bulgakov rose and went to the table. He took a clean page from his folder and wrote a sentence:

Early in the morning on the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, along the roofed colonnade that connected to two wings of the palace of Herod the Great, walked the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate.

His thoughts went to Margarita. Perhaps she had returned to her apartment; perhaps to the market first and then home. In his vision she had discounted him already. He’d done little damage. He saw her as she waited in a queue; behind her someone asked a question. It was a younger man, someone her own age. Something about directions—she gestured as she described the route. Bulgakov knew the man wasn’t listening to her; the man watched her speak and was thinking instead of something else to ask her, something to keep her talking. As she spoke he moved a little closer; she would notice this, she’d suspect his interest, but his smile was warm and she didn’t move away. This was how people talked to one another. They would keep speaking and around them common ground would form. This was how it was done.

Bulgakov placed his face down on the desk, his forehead against the page. As if he could take the words directly from his cranium and impart them there. As if he could be spared the need to think any of it through.

They were on a different bench than before. Ilya laid his raincoat over the back of it to dry. Each seemed lost in thought. She could provide no reason for why they’d stayed. Perhaps he was still concerned about her; the juice had helped. Soon his clothes would be dry. Soon they would leave, each in their own direction; they would part ways forever and she’d carry her knowledge of him with her.

“Why writers?” he asked her.

At first she was uncertain of what he was asking; then she understood this was about her romantic involvements. She wanted to say there was no particular reason. She stared at the water.

She wanted to correct him by saying Bulgakov hadn’t been a romantic involvement.

Perhaps his question was a caution. She was reminded of the danger she’d felt before; the sensation was now a memory. She no longer felt any particular threat. She looked at his hand where it rested on his thigh. It was large and angular. It seemed itself a self-aware organ. She could envision it nesting a fledging bird; in her imagining his fingers curved around it, protectively. The bird’s eyes in its downy face were black beads. It looked about, uncertain, yet not altogether protesting. Then, as though without reflection on their intent, the fingers closed in and broke the creature’s neck.

He moved his hand to the bench between them and she jumped a little. He didn’t appear to notice.

This was a man who represented everything she detested. Yet here they sat together. The sun showed no preference toward one over the other. The universe itself seemed ambivalent of them: one might survive, one might not; it was all the same. She’d not given thought to the concept of God in many years, yet He seemed at that moment to be utterly remote—not even a pinprick in the sky. It was easy to believe that He didn’t have a preference either.

This was a man who was everything she detested. She didn’t know the specifics of his involvement in the arrests of Mandelstam or Lev Gumilev—or others—but she could assume the worst. Yet she remained; she shared this bench with him. This planking, this park, this sun, this sky. Was he only an emptiness that was capable of intolerable deeds? What was missing in her that she didn’t immediately leave?

Perhaps God was there, only silent. Silent and curious.

Ilya seemed to be waiting. She was about to answer as she’d first thought: there was no particular reason. But he spoke again.

“It makes it harder for the rest of us, you know.”

His question hadn’t been a caution.