“There is an Invitation for you (есть Приглашение для тебя).”
“What's that like (какое)?”
“An Invitation (Приглашение)!”
“Yes, I heard you (да, я слышал тебя; to hear). Who dropped it (кто послал его)?”
inside ['In'saId], invitation ["InvI'teISn], heard [hWd]
While this was going on inside him, Owl was talking to Eeyore.
“Eeyore,” said Owl, “Christopher Robin is giving a party.”
“Very interesting,” said Eeyore. “I suppose they will be sending me down the odd bits which got trodden on. Kind and Thoughtful. Not at all, don't mention it.”
“There is an Invitation for you.”
“What's that like?”
“An Invitation!”
“Yes, I heard you. Who dropped it?”
“This isn't anything to eat (это не еда), it's asking you to the party (это приглашение тебя на вечеринку). To-morrow (завтра).”
Eeyore shook his head slowly (Иа медленно покачал /своей/ головой).
“You mean Piglet (ты имеешь в виду Пятачка). The little fellow with the excited ears (парнишку с напряженными ушами; to excite — возбуждать). That's Piglet (это Пятачок). I'll tell him (я скажу ему).”
“No, no!” said Owl (нет, нет! — сказал Филин), getting quite fussy (становясь очень нервным; fuss — суета, беспокойство из-за пустяков; суматоха, неразбериха). “It's you (это ты)!”
“Are you sure (ты уверен)?”
“Of course I'm sure (конечно, /я/ уверен). Christopher Robin said 'All of them (Кристофер Робин сказал: всем им)! Tell all of them (скажи всем им).' ”
“All of them, except Eeyore (всем им, кроме Иа)?”
“All of them,” said Owl sulkily (всем им, — сказал Филин угрюмо).
“Ah!” said Eeyore (а! — сказал Иа). “A mistake, no doubt (ошибка, несомненно), but still, I shall come (но, тем не менее, я приду). Only don't blame me if it rains (только не вините меня, если пойдет дождь).”
tomorrow [tq'mOrqu], fussy ['fAsI], doubt [daut]
“This isn't anything to eat, it's asking you to the party. To-morrow.”
Eeyore shook his head slowly.
“You mean Piglet. The little fellow with the excited ears. That's Piglet. I'll tell him.”
“No, no!” said Owl, getting quite fussy. “It's you!”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure. Christopher Robin said 'All of them! Tell all of them.' ”
“All of them, except Eeyore?”
“All of them,” said Owl sulkily.
“Ah!” said Eeyore. “A mistake, no doubt, but still, I shall come. Only don't blame me if it rains.”
But it didn't rain (но дождь не пошел). Christopher Robin had made a long table out of some long pieces of wood (Кристофер Робин сделал длинный стол из нескольких длинных деревянных предметов), and they all sat round it (и они уселись вокруг него). Christopher Robin sat at one end (Кристофер Робин сидел на одном конце; to sit), and Pooh sat at the other (а Пух сидел на другом), and between them on one side were Owl and Eeyore and Piglet (а между ними на одной стороне были = сидели Филин и Иа и Пятачок), and between them on the other side were Rabbit, and Roo and Kanga (а между ними на другой стороне сидели Кролик и Ру и Кенга). And all Rabbit's friends and relations spread themselves about on the grass (а все друзья и родственники Кролика расселись на траве; to spread — развертывать/ся/; раскидывать/ся/), and waited hopefully in case anybody spoke to them (и ждали с надеждой на тот случай, если кто-нибудь заговорит с ними), or dropped anything, or asked them the time (или уронит что-то, или спросит у них время).
piece [pJs], between [bI'twJn], spread [spred]
But it didn't rain. Christopher Robin had made a long table out of some long pieces of wood, and they all sat round it. Christopher Robin sat at one end, and Pooh sat at the other, and between them on one side were Owl and Eeyore and Piglet, and between them on the other side were Rabbit, and Roo and Kanga. And all Rabbit's friends and relations spread themselves about on the grass, and waited hopefully in case anybody spoke to them, or dropped anything, or asked them the time.
It was the first party to which Roo had ever been (это была первая вечеринка, на которой когда-либо бывал Ру), and he was very excited (и он был очень возбужден). As soon as ever they had sat down he began to talk (как только они сели, он начал разговаривать; to begin).
“Hallo, Pooh!” he squeaked (привет, Пух! — пропищал он).
“Hallo, Roo!” said Pooh (привет, Ру! — сказал Пух).
Roo jumped up and down in his seat for a little while (Ру немного попрыгал на своем месте) and then began again (и потом начал снова).
“Hallo, Piglet!” he squeaked (привет, Пятачок! — пропищал он).
Piglet waved a paw at him (Пятачок помахал ему лапой), being too busy to say anything (будучи слишком занят, /чтобы/ что-то сказать).
“Hallo, Eeyore!” said Roo (привет, Иа! — сказал Ру).
squeak [skwJk], seat [sJt], busy ['bIzI]
It was the first party to which Roo had ever been, and he was very excited. As soon as ever they had sat down he began to talk.
“Hallo, Pooh!” he squeaked.
“Hallo, Roo!” said Pooh.
Roo jumped up and down in his seat for a little while and then began again.
“Hallo, Piglet!” he squeaked.
Piglet waved a paw at him, being too busy to say anything.
“Hallo, Eeyore!” said Roo.
Eeyore nodded gloomily at him (Иа мрачно посмотрел на него). “It will rain soon, you see if it doesn't,” he said (скоро пойдет дождь, видишь ли, если /уже/ не идет, — сказал он).
Roo looked to see if it didn't (Ру посмотрел, чтобы увидеть, не идет ли дождь), and it didn't (и он не шел), so he said “Hallo, Owl (поэтому он сказал: привет, Филин)!”—and Owl said “Hallo, my little fellow,” in a kindly way (а Филин любезно сказал: привет, мой малыш; kind — добрый, любезный, сердечный), and went on telling Christopher Robin about an accident (и продолжил рассказывать Кристоферу Робину о несчастном случае) which had nearly happened to a friend of his (который чуть /не/ случился с одним его другом) whom Christopher Robin didn't know (которого Кристофер Робин не знал), and Kanga said to Roo (а Кенга сказала Ру), “Drink up your milk first, dear, and talk afterwards (выпей сначала свое молоко, дорогой, а потом поговоришь).” So Roo, who was drinking his milk (поэтому Ру, который пил /свое/ молоко), tried to say that he could do both at once (попытался сказать, что он может делать и то и другое сразу)... and had to be patted on the back (и его пришлось похлопать по спинке) and dried for quite a long time afterwards (а потом весьма долго вытирать).