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It is the instinct of a man in difficulties to try to plan his way out of them. It is the instinct of a woman in difficulties to try to get somebody to help her out. Some men automatically look for help, and some women face their problems alone. But the instinct remains. And Nike had absolutely no one in any solar system in the galaxy to whom she felt that she could apply even for counsel.

Unless it was Dunne. She’d added herself to his worries without his consent, and he’d told her angrily that she’d be sorry. She was. Even in a situation of no stress at all she’d have known the acute loneliness of a woman who no longer has any ties to anybody else. In the present state of things, she might justly have reacted with hysterics.

But she didn’t. She kept out of Dunne’s way as much as was possible in a space lifeboat. She closeted herself in the rear cabin, and appeared only when called on. She spoke as little as possible, and only when Dunne spoke first. She believed she was acting to be a minimum of trouble and of irritation to him.

She wasn’t. For a time he took her reserve to be grief about her brother. And in no small part it was. But presently he came to the dour conclusion that she was afraid of him—because of his angry reception when she came out of hiding as a stowaway. When two people are isolated from all the rest of the human race, there is bound to be friction unless they are very wise. But Nike wasn’t wise. Her upbringing and the present situation made her the least-prepared of all possible persons to establish new ties and acquire self-confidence.

Time passed. Days. More days. Dunne stayed grimly close to the radar. He was waiting for somebody to come to make sure that their boobytrap had worked. The lifeboat was moored to a fragment of stratified surface-rock from a nameless and anciently destroyed moon of Thothmes.

Dunne considered it necessary to stay there. Nike didn’t know why. There was nothing to do but watch a radar screen when he had to be absent from it, and listen to a communicator-speaker which gave out no sounds but rustlings from the sun and cracklings from Thothmes.

It would have been bad enough if it had been only isolation. With a basic misunderstanding between them, it was intolerable.

But Dunne stood it for a full eight standard days. Then, without consultation with Nike, he cast off from the lump of surface-rock. The lifeboat’s drive hummed.

Nike appeared. She didn’t look well. She looked as if she kept herself from trembling by a violent effort.

“Is there anything I can do?”

Dunne nodded without cordiality.

“I thought somebody would have come before now to find out if their boobytrap did its work.”

She looked at him in silence.

“You’re going back to Horus when the pickup ship comes,” he explained. “You’ll want money when you get there.”

She moistened her lips. “I’ll manage. You needn’t—”

“Then I’ll need oxygen and food,” he said impatiently. “I used up our credit—your brother’s and mine—to get this lifeboat. I have to have something to use for more credit, for supplies. In any case, I’m going back to dig out some matrix. Maybe I’ll get crystals enough for my supplies and something for you, on your brother’s account.”

She said nothing.

“I don’t like the idea,” he added grimly. “They should have come back to work the rock after killing your brother and trying to kill me. They haven’t. So I’m going to work the rock—with a bazooka at hand. You’ll watch the radar. When we’ve even a small stock of crystals, I’ll get you away from here until pickup-ship time. After that I’ll try to pay you for the money your brother invested as my partner. And I’m going to come back here and find out who killed him.”

“It isn’t necessary,” she protested. “I owe you much more, for the air I’ve breathed and the food I’ve eaten and the—trouble I’ve been to you.”

He drew in his breath sharply. Then he shrugged.

“Wait till I send you a bill for that! Right now I have to take care of real things, not feelings!”

His tone was dismissal. She went back to the rear cabin. He headed the lifeboat back toward the seventy-foot mass of abyssal minerals, with its streak of gray matrix promising wealth. Again the lifeboat’s drive hummed as it gathered speed to cross the twenty-odd miles of shining emptiness. Again it cut off. And again the space-boat coasted.

Dunne listened and watched, watched and listened. There seemed to be nothing happening anywhere in the universe except a minute displacement of radar blips on the lifeboat’s radar screen. But many things really happened.

Five hundred miles away, a donkeyship which had been coasting put on full power and fled when an unearthly “tweet… tweet… tweet…” came from its communicator. There was no explanation for the abnormal noise. Again, more miles in another direction, a donkeyship drove unguided while its crew fought insanely. They’d had nobody but each other to speak to for months. There was a ship that incredibly found matrix material on a hill-sized rock not fifty miles from Outlook. Two other ships found that their Ring-rocks had been cleaned out during their absence at Outlook. There was a place where a human body was pushed out of an airlock and the donkeyship from which it had come had put on power and gone away. There was a place where a hundred-ton boulder had begun to acquire speed in a new direction. A donkeyship pushed it. It moved on and on and on, increasing its speed for many miles. Then it smashed into a monumentally large other rock. The donkeyship which had turned it into a missile began busily to investigate its fragments.

And the skipper of the pickup ship continued to sweat over the problem of explaining the disappearance of a woman passenger in interplanetary space. It was an extremely difficult thing to account for in terms that would leave him wholly blameless. And there was also the lifeboat he’d allowed Dunne to take.

There were other happenings that could be told, but eventfulness is relative. Dunne, in the spaceboat that had waited so long for murderers to return to the scene of their crime, coasted. up to the mass of rock and metal on which he and Keyes had put their signatures. He moored the lifeboat. He landed on the rock. Savagely, because of his feeling of complete frustration, he began to break out lumps of gray matrix and stuff it in a sack for crushing and the separation of any abyssal crystals it might contain.

He worked for a long time, angry because he didn’t understand Nike’s behavior. He didn’t realize that the death of her brother was not only a grief, but total isolation. She felt that she no longer belonged anywhere. She knew a desolation he couldn’t imagine. If he’d been shipwrecked on an uninhabited world, Dunne would not have been happy; but he’d have been self-sufficient. Nike wouldn’t. No woman would. And by the loss of the one person she was confident she mattered to, she’d lost all confidences in anything.

Dunne labored furiously at the loosening of matrix material. He was too angry to notice the passage of time. But a man in a space-suit mustn’t forget how long he’s been breathing from the twin tanks on his space-suit’s shoulders. Dunne did.

He was getting out an unusually large bit of matrix when he felt a singular movement of the lifeline holding him to the lifeboat. He hadn’t caused it. He swung swiftly, and the state of his mind was such that his hand went instantly to his belt-weapon.

He was then crouched beside the vein of matrix which made this particular fragment of a former moon into a mine most men would commit murder to possess. On every hand, the mineralized surface curved downward and away from him. The horizon was nowhere more than ten feet away. Above that horizon all was shining emptiness. But he saw his lifeline cross it. And the line moved.