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I didn’t notice how long we worked until Emmitt returned with two tired boys.  The sun hung low in the sky.  I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost eight.  I hadn’t even thought of feeding them. Emmitt saw my frown and assured me they had already eaten dinner.

“Thank you,” I said to Emmitt.  “Nana, I better get these two to bed.  I can finish the rest on my own.”  She smiled and left with Emmitt.  My stomach chose then to growl, but looking at my brothers’ tired faces, I put off my own dinner to help them get ready for bed.

Liam and Aden excitedly tromped to their bedroom to get their pajamas on and then to the bathroom to brush their teeth.  I thought they might fight going to sleep, especially in a separate room from me, but they didn’t spare that a thought.  Instead, they both tried to claim the top bunk.  I stepped in to settle it before it got heated.  As the oldest, Liam had the top bunk.  Aden pouted until I pointed out the bottom bunk made a better fort by adding a few extra blankets.

I kissed them goodnight, turned off the light, and left the door open.  Even after they lay in bed, they giggled and talked until I reminded them if they didn’t close their eyes soon, they’d end up sleeping in and missing precious outside playtime.  They quickly grew quiet.

I wandered back to the kitchen.  Opening the refrigerator, I looked for something to eat.  The vast empty belly mocked me.  I’d moved our things but not the food.

Closing the refrigerator door, I crept to check on the boys before sneaking across the hall to snag some food.

Emmitt met me at the door.  “Thought I might see you yet tonight.”  He held a fork.  On the end, he’d skewered a bite of grilled chicken.  I grinned and popped it in my mouth.  The temperature caught me off guard, very warm, straight from the grill.  He’d probably timed it.

“I didn’t think you could hear through closed doors.”

“I can if I’m close enough.  Just across the hall from a closed door, I can hear some things.  Like footsteps.”  He winked at me and stood aside so I could enter.  Two plates waited on the island.  “Will you eat with me?”

As if I could say no.  My stomach summersaulted in the now familiar way it did when near Emmitt.  I nodded.  He smiled.

*    *    *    *

For the rest of the week, Nana and I took turns making dinner.  When I cooked, I insisted the boys help me.  I’d realized how little I did with them when we were together.  So I made an effort to change that.  They still went down to Nana’s apartment each morning to practice their ABC’s and do projects.  Our refrigerator already sported two colorfully glittered works of glue and construction paper.  In the afternoons, I practiced baseball with them.

Friday Emmitt cornered me with a request.  “We’d like to give you a surprise tomorrow but need you to leave with Nana for at least three hours.”

I stared at him for a moment, knowing he meant without my brothers, and delayed answering.  I’d been irresponsible with their wellbeing when I’d left them before.  And I’d meant it when I said I wouldn’t do it again.

*    *    *    *

A flood of sunlight woke me.  I lounged in the bed for a moment enjoying the novelty of my room.  The quiet apartment told me the boys still slept.  Sighing, I stretched and got out of bed.  For fun, I walked to the closet and stared at my clothes.  Sure, there weren’t many, but they hung neatly displayed, ready for selection.  I picked a printed tee and cotton shorts and hurried to take a quick shower before the boys woke up.

When I finished, they still slept quietly snuggled in their new beds, so I decided to go talk to Emmitt.  He hadn’t pushed for an answer yesterday after I made it obvious I didn’t want to talk about it.  I owed him an explanation.  I knew he just wanted to do something nice for me.

He opened his door before I could knock, startling me.  He was dressed in jeans and shirt as usual but this shirt ran a little smaller than the rest.  The material outlined every ridge and dip on his chest.  I stood there awkwardly for a second, trying not to eye him.  The hallway flooded with the aroma of sausage and pancakes as he looked me over from head to toe.  A shiver ran through me as his slow appraisal caused a deep blush.

“How did you sleep?” I asked, not knowing what to say about his look.

“Fine.  The bed still smells like you.”

I didn’t know what so say about that, either.  He’d clarified things nicely before, and I knew he was interested in me, but where did that leave us?  I wondered what he’d do if I asked him to spell out where exactly we stood in the relationship game.

He didn’t move to let me in, which I thought odd.  So I stayed in the hallway, hesitating.  His eyes twinkled.  Was he laughing at me?

I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Liam standing in the doorway already dressed.

“Want some breakfast, buddy?” Emmitt asked from behind me.

“Yep,” Liam said with a nod.  He turned to look behind him.  “Hurry up, Aden.”  Aden ran down the hallway from their bedroom as he pulled a shirt over his head.

“What are you up to, Liam?” I asked with mock suspicion.

“Nana Wini said if it was okay with you, we could spend the day with Jim and Emmitt so you could go do girl stuff with her.”  He looked up at me pleadingly.  “Can we?”

I’d been setup be three werewolves and a kindergartner.  They wanted me to leave my brothers in their care for three hours for a surprise.  Could I trust them to keep Liam and Aden safe if something happened?  I knew they would try.  After all, they knew whom, or rather what, they faced now.  But they didn’t know Blake’s determination.

“Emmitt...”  I hated that I was about to say no.

“They will be safe,” he promised stepping close.  Liam’s hopeful face bounced between us.  “Everything’s been quiet, and you’ve left them before.”

“I know,” I said emphatically.  “But that wasn’t right.”

He sighed and looked me in the eyes in a way that curled my toes.  “Do you trust us?”

I did.  I just didn’t trust Blake.  “Just three hours?”

Emmitt nodded and stepped back from me, allowing Liam and Aden space to run into his apartment so they could start their fun-filled day.  Emmitt laughed at my disgruntled expression and encouraged me to get shoes on to go down by Nana’s.

Nana waited for me at the bottom step.  She wore a pretty sundress and had a purse already slung on her shoulder.  When I saw her purse, I hesitated.  I hadn’t thought of bringing any money.

“Where are we going?  I didn’t bring anything with me.”

“You’re fine as you are.  We thought you needed a day out, free of responsibility just for a little while.  Our treat.”

A day out?

“Just three hours though, right?”  She smiled and nodded.  I reluctantly followed her out the door and got into her car.

After a few minutes watching the trees zip by, I relaxed enough to take a deep breath.

“Where are we going?” I asked again, curious.

“Emmitt wanted to treat you to shopping, and Jim thought you’d like a mani and pedi.”  I swung my stunned gaze away from the trees to her smiling face.  “A little bit of worry-free freedom and fun.  That’s what Emmitt wanted for you.”

I blushed, and my stomach warmed at Emmitt’s consideration.

We drove to town, making small talk along the way.  She asked about my plans for enrolling Liam in school, and I felt a moment of panic.  I hadn’t given it any thought.  Blake would probably be watching for Liam to enroll in school.  My blood chilled at the thought.

Nana Wini must have seen something in my eyes because she quickly changed the subject and asked me when I’d last had a manicure or pedicure.