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“Might I walk you home?” Donal asks me.

I’m struck speechless by the question. I’ve never been asked something so utterly quaint and decidedly sexy in all my life. And then he smiles and whatever ice I might have had left around my heart melts.

“Yes. Okay. That would be nice.”



THE NIGHT AIR IS MAGNIFICENT. I breathe in the salty cocktail of sea and sky and sigh.

After a stretch on the open sea we tack right and head toward the moon. Micheál slows the boat, and I can make out land. The engine dies away as we float toward another jetty.

Expertly throwing the rope up onto the concrete, he jumps up after it and secures the line before reaching down to help me out of the boat. At this point I have decided to unreservedly throw caution to the wind and just enjoy myself. Ridlee would be proud of me; she’s been telling me for ages now that I’ve become too uptight.

Oh shit! Ridlee! I hope she’s okay… Oh, well, there isn’t much I can do about that now, so here goes nothing…

We don’t speak as Micheál takes my hand and leads me up a small muddy path that is overgrown the further in we go. He stomps on brambles and long grass and holds back bushes and twigs so that I can pass through. He’s continues to hold my hand, and every so often he looks back and smiles at me. The moon is so bright, it is almost like daylight. Finally, we reach a clearing with a circle of stones set in the ground and on them I can make out faded, swirls and markings.

“Wow! Are these Ogham stones?” I ask running my fingers along one.

“Yep. One of Doolin’s best kept secrets, thank God. They’d be destroyed if people knew they were here. I’ve been coming for years, but I’ve never seen another soul here.”

“Apart from all the girls you bring with you, of course.”

“Nope, you’re the first, “ he says simply, and I believe him.

We stand in the centre of the stones, and the air between us becomes positively electric. I feel intoxicated, but the Guinness wore off long ago. He comes toward me and I can’t move.

“Have you ever had a moon bath?” he asks, his voice deeper.


He smiles. “Well, you’re in for a treat, then.”

Ever so gently, he removes my clothing, item by item. Sliding Ridlee’s jacket off my shoulders, he takes it, folds it, and places it gently on one of the Ogham stones. I smile my appreciation. He walks slowly back toward me, and I feel myself begin to quiver.

As he unbuttons my shirt, my nipples harden. Only when he has undone all of them does he touch me, placing his hands in the hollow of my waist before sliding them upward along my ribs.

I shudder at his touch and he grins.

His hands move up over my bra, his thumbs brushing my nipples through the lace. I gasp involuntarily. Intuitively, he stays away from my breast at first; they are definitely my most sensitive erogenous zones. He teases me by moving his hands away and up toward my neck.

I reach my hand out to him, but he puts it back by my side and leans in to kiss my ear.

“Enjoy…,” he whispers, nuzzling gently.

Gratefully, I smile. He’s touching me so expertly I’m afraid my own attempts would seem amateurish in comparison.

Stepping behind me he circles his hands around my waist and unbuttons my jeans.

I reach my hand up to his cheek as he kisses my neck and the hollow near my shoulder. The fizz of pleasure carries me off and I commit to just letting go.

He takes my breasts in each hand and massages them, pinching the nipples playfully, and I groan in pleasure. My shirt comes off next and then he unhooks my bra, letting both fall to the ground. His hands run all over me, exploring every inch of my naked torso and I shiver in response.

Circling again round to face me, he drops to his knees.

“No. You don’t have to,” I say, suddenly self-conscious. I’m not sure that I can handle that. But he just smiles and begins to unlace my sneakers. I smile down at him, my hand on his shoulder for balance as he removes my shoes and socks one by one.

Still on his knees, he reaches up and pulls at the waistline of my jeans and tugs them down. My panties come to, and without hesitation or warning, he buries his face between my legs while his hands caress my breasts. His breath tickles at first but then the heat of it penetrates my groin and I feel his nose push back my folds. Arching my back in pleasure I grab a hold of his hair and push him in further. I feel myself getting wet.

I step out of my jeans that are pooled at my ankles, lest I fall and break the spell. Every muscle in my body tenses with anticipation. I stand before him completely naked, but for the first time in my life, utterly unselfconscious. The moon illuminates my skin, and it feels wonderful. His fingers begin stroking feather-like touches over my glistening thigh. He stands again and taking my hands he turns me around, appraising me from all angles.

When we’re face to face again, he caresses my cheek and moves my hair back over my shoulders. “You’re beautiful.” His eyes search my face and settles on my lips before he leans down to gently begin kissing me again.

I reach up and unbutton his shirt, and, much as he did, remove his clothes item by item without rushing. It’s my turn to appraise him, and he stands before me in the moonlight, his body breathtaking. He’s erect, yet while the pull is almost overwhelming, we continue to take our sweet time. His breath is warm and moist as he hovers and then lands firefly kisses on my neck, my shoulders, behind my ears.

Sweet Jesus this feels so good! I tense, anticipating his lips on mine. He makes me wait and I feel the liquid rush of excitement between my legs. Then, just as I think I’m going to reach up and drag him to me, he leans in on his own and kisses me hard. I am in ecstasy. How can a simple kiss affect me like this?

I’m dripping wet. I feel it seeping onto my thighs and it takes all my reserves to hold it together and let him guide me through this pleasure ride. He turns my body around and my back is tight against his chest, his cock is nestled against me.   His arms enfold me, and amidst the ecstasy I feel safe. The word home floats through my mind. His sweat is hot and our bodies meld together, the fit perfect.

“You are making me so wet,” I moan. I reach for his hand and place it between my legs.

He groans in my ear. Gently, he caresses my folds before inserting two fingers to explore inside. My back arches and my body lifts involuntarily. My breath comes in tiny pants. He finds my breasts again and his touch almost sends me into orbit.

He steps away for a moment and for the first time I feel naked. My hands reach involuntarily to shield my breasts. I hear him unwrap a condom and put it on. He comes back to where I am still standing and unfurls my arms. He’s barely missed a beat, but the interruption has hauled me back to reality. I’m tense, losing my concentration. An image of Ridlee looking for me back in Doolin looms in my mind.

God, Ridlee…

Hey, hey. Where have you gone?” He takes the tip of my chin between his thumb and forefinger and turns me around, into his chest.

“Um, I was just thinking about my friend.”

“Listen, she’ll be fine. Doolin’s small, and the people are the best in the world. And anyway, I asked Jack to keep an eye out. She can’t exactly go very far—there are only three pubs.”