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Automatically he said, “Don’t talk such nonsense. You’re a young woman.” She and the other old women paid him to say things like that.

“You mustn’t tell untruths. I’m not young, Gerry, but I’m not old. I’m in the best years of my life.”

Hamsley shuddered.

Out of the darkness a two−seater slid up to them. The young mechanic got out quickly and stood holding open the door. Hamsley felt completely trapped. She’d arranged everything.

The mechanic winked at him and made a sign with his hand. Hamsley climbed in beside Mrs. Poison, ignoring him. He could have wept with shame.

He said desperately, “It’s cold out here. You sure you won’t catch cold? Maybe we ought to get back.”

“Oh no!” She gave a giggling little laugh. “It’s cold now. But we’ll be warm soon.”

There, she had said it. He knew beyond any doubt now. His hand shook as he engaged the gears and let the clutch in with a jerk. “Where shall we go?” he said, driving the car slowly into the road.

“Go straight. I’ll tell you.” She leant against him. He could feel her soft hot body pressing into his shoulder.

He drove down the road for a couple of miles, then she told him to turn off to the left. He could hear the tyres bite into the dirt road, and the trees overhead blotted out the sky.

She said suddenly in a hoarse voice, “Stop.”

He pretended not to hear. His foot pressed down on the accelerator.

She said in his ear, “Gerry darling, I said stop. I want to talk to you.” At the same time she reached forward and turned the ignition key. The car slid to a standstill.

Hamsley stared into the night, holding the wheel tightly in his hands.

Neither of them said anything for a moment.

“Gerry darling, you’re a lovely looking boy,” Mrs. Poison said. Her hand touched his.

Hamsley moved away from her. “I’m glad you think so, Mrs. Poison,” he said. “I guess it’s pretty kind of you to think that.”

He could feel her quick breath on his face. “Yes, Gerry, you’re the handsomest boy I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what Mr. Poison would say, but I could be very kind to you.”

Hamsley shuddered again. “Why, Mrs. Poison, I guess you’re always giving me things. I guess you couldn’t do any more.”

“There’s one thing I haven’t given you, Gerry.” Out of the darkness her voice sounded horribly harsh.

“Gerry, I’m crazy about you. I’m mad about you.”

She put out her hands and caught his head, pulling him towards her. She began to kiss him furiously. Her wet mouth made him want to retch. He suddenly pushed her away, his hands loathing the feel of her breasts.

He said, “No. I’m taking you back. I’mI’m not going to break up your home.”

She came at him again. “Don’t be a fool!” she said harshly. “Come heredon’t talk!”

He pushed her back more violently so that she thudded against the side of the car. He could see her staring eyes in the dashlight. She sat there heaving and panting, looking as if she could kill him. Then her mouth opened and a thin, reedy scream came out of the slack cavity that went through his head like red−hot wires.

He fumbled with the door−handle, pushed the door open, and got out of the car. He didn’t say anything. He just wanted to get away from her. So he ran into the darkness, leaving her still screaming.


June 4th, 5.10 p.m.

JAY ELLINGER sat behind his battered desk and scribbled on his blotter. His hat rested on the back of his head and a cigarette dangled from his lips. His completed copy lay in a wire basket by his hand, and he was through for the day. He had nothing further to do, but he made no effort to leave the office. He just sat there scribbling and smoking.

The house phone buzzed and he looked at it without interest. “You’re lucky, laddybuck,” he said, reaching out. “Two minutes, and you’d’ve missed me.” He scooped the receiver to his ear. A girl said, “Mr. Henry wants to see you.” Jay made a face. “Tell him I’ve gone home,” he said hastily.

“Mr. Henry said if you’d gone home I was to ring you.

“What’s the trouble? Is there a big fire or somethin’?”

“You’d better come. Mr. Henry sounds awful mad.” She hung up.

Jay pushed his chair back and got up. Henry was the editor of the St. Louis Banner. He was a good guy to work for and he didn’t often get mad.

As he walked upstairs to Henry’s office Jay searched his mind to find any reason why he might be called on the mat, but he couldn’t think of a thing. There was that little business about the extra expenses last week, but surely Henry wasn’t going to crib about that. Maybe he was getting sore about the way Jay belted Mendetta in the Rayson trial, but then he’d passed the copy himself.

He shook his head. “Well, well, let’s see what’s bitin’ the old guy.”

He pushed open the frosted−panel door and walked in. Henry, a big fat man in his shirt−sleeves, was pacing up and down his small office. His cigar hung in tatters from his teeth. He looked up and glared at Jay.

“Shut the door!” he barked. “You’ve been a long time coming.”

Jay lounged over to an arm−chair and sat down. He hung his legs over one of the arms and shut his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Chief,” he said; “I came as fast as I could.”

Henry continued to pace up and down, ferociously chewing his tattered cigar. “What do you know about Gerry Hamsley?” he barked suddenly.

Jay shrugged. “Oh, he’s a nice kid. He dances at Grantham’s joint. Gigolobut a better type of the usual breed.”

“Yeah?” Henry planted himself in front of Jay. “A better type, hey? Well, let me tell you that guy has started somethin’ that will mean my job and yours as well.”

Jay opened his eyes. “You don’t say,” he said. “What’s it all about?”

“The little swine tried to rape Poison’s wife last night.”

“What?” Jay sat up, his face startled, then he remembered Mrs. Poison and suddenly began to laugh. He lay limply in his chair and howled with laughter. Henry stood over him, his face black with fury.

“Shut up, you coarse−minded Mick!” he yelled. “There’s nothing to laugh about. Do you hear me? Shut up!”

Jay mopped his eyes. “I’m sorry, Chief, but damn it, you ain’t swallowin’ a yam like that? Gee! Is it likely?

She’s old enough to be his mother, an’ she’s as fat an’ as ugly as an elephant.”

Henry snarled, “Want me to phone Poison and tell him that? He’s been on to me. My God! You ought to have heard him. He’s in a terrible way.”

“Well, what’s behind it? You know as well as I, all that’s bull. What’s he want you to do?”

Henry struck the air with his clenched fists. “He wants Hamsley on a plate. He wants Grantham’s joint closed down. He’s yelling murder, an’ he’s got blood in his eye.”

Just then the phone rang. Henry looked at it doubtfully. “That’s him again, I bet,” he said, lifting the receiver off gingerly.

From where Jay sat he could hear a sudden bellow come over the line. Henry winced and nodded to Jay.

“Yes, Mr. Poison. Sure, Mr. Poison. I quite understand, Mr. Poison.”

Jay grinned. It did him good to see his chief sweat. “Why, yes, Mr. Poison. He’s here now. I’ll tell him to come to the phone.” Henry looked at Jay with a grim little smile.

Jay waved his hands frantically, but Henry handed him the phone. “Mr. Poison wants you,” he said, and stood, mopping his face.

This was the first time that Jay had ever spoken to the proprietor of the St. Louis Banner. “Ellinger here,” he said.