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I remained inert for what seemed like an eternity, nearly swooning into a deep sleep. I took this brief respite to revel in the lingering feelings of great delight that Miss. Priscilla afforded me. But of course, this pleasure was short-lived.

Her kid-gloved hand rose pitilessly and came down heavily upon my naked and helpless flesh. I moaned, I plunged, I writhed upon Miss. Priscilla's knees. I kicked, I strained at the ribbons that bound my hands.

Miss. Priscilla laughed mincingly, as she looked down at my extended form.

"Really, Denise, your skin is delightfully soft and tender. They must have taken a great deal of trouble with your body at the girls' school. I don't blame you for kicking your legs about in this wanton fashion, but I must take precautions so that you shan't spoil your beautiful satin slippers."

She raised me up and placed me sitting on the sofa, smiling at me with huge irony.

Then she knelt on one knee in front of me, and flung my dress up above my knees, acting as though nothing had happened in the last ten minutes.

"Stretch your dainty legs out to me, Denise, I will muffle and tie them up in your drawers."

I blushed, hiding my legs away under the sofa.

Miss. Priscilla rose calmly to her feet and said, "I must whip those soft pretty legs with a riding whip for your obvious misconduct."

"Oh no," I cried in a panic stretching out weakened genitalia toward her.

"Too late dear," said Miss. Priscilla. She fetched a terrible little thin riding switch of whalebone with a jewelled handle from a table beside her.

"But my silk stockings are so thin and fine," I moaned. "Oh, Miss. Priscilla, the switch will hurt my legs dreadfully. I am so sorry to have misbehaved," I lied.

"I will only give you two cuts across the calves dear. They will help you to remember in the future that so long as you are wearing the delicate thin stockings and clothes of a fashionable young lady, you had better behave as one. Out with your feet!"

My face twitched with fear mingled with a deep, warm pleasure. I extended my trembling legs.

"Join the ankles and arch your insteps gracefully!"

I obeyed and with two quick strokes Miss. Priscilla brought the crop down upon my legs, extorting shrieks from me. The whalebone curved round my legs and bit into my calves, torturing me terribly.

"Now, put your satin slippers up onto my knee," she said kneeling in front of me.

I silently obeyed and she wrapped my cock back into the delicate leather pouch. She pulled the batiste drawers round my slippers tightly, making a pad of the lace frills to protect my diamond buckles, and then with a satin ribbon, she tied my feet up in a parcel.

She resumed her seat and pulled me over her knees again face down. She raised her gloved hand and without warning began smacking me again with all her might. I shivered and prayed for mercy, but it was in vain. Tears filled my eyes. For while she smacked me she lectured me, and every word seemed chosen to inflame me and trouble my passions.

"What an undignified position for a young lady dressed in the extreme of fashion. To lie across my lap, her white shoulders rising from an exquisite decollete frock, her gloved arms bound behind her, her satin skirt turned back, her smartly shod feet muffled up in her drawers." She continued to smack me harder and harder still. "What a disgrace. If you only knew how ridiculous and pretty you looked with your high satin-covered heels sticking out from the lace frills of your elegant drawers."

Tears ran down my face. I sobbed like a child.

She finished at last, stood me up, drew up my pantalets, and fastened the strings about my waist, loosening my corset and dress to enable her to do it. Oh, how ashamed I was. How I blushed to feel her hands moving seductively across my breasts.

She laced me up tightly again, corset and frock, buckled my ankles together with a leather strap and passed through a steel buckle. Then steadying me, she forced me to hop in a most humiliating manner back to my corner once more.

It was nine o'clock when I was first placed in the corner. The clock struck ten as Miss. Priscilla put me back there, lifting up my chin, drawing back my shoulders, adjusting my feet, turning out my toes as much as my ankle strap allowed her to do.

"Now will you stand quietly dear?" she asked.

"Yes, Miss. Priscilla," I said humbly. So much had happened in an hour!

"That's right, Denise. You can't imagine how delicious you look standing there tied up in your smart clothes. Think how you have been punished. Consider your indiscretions."

I wriggled my knees.

"Ah, you are thinking of the dainty slippered feet," she said mocking my desire.

That was her policy. She would punish me into abject subjection and then make me love and crave that punishment by associating it in my mind with the voluptuous images that provoked my passions. She was succeeding. I obeyed her, and responded in the way she wished me to.

I imagined my dainty high-heeled slippers shining and sparkling below my satin dress, heel to heel as I stood in the corner. The minutes eked by. I was delighted by the feel of the height of my heels. I wanted to catch a glimpse of my buckled toes and realized that I must not move them, since I was undergoing punishment at Miss. Priscilla's hands. The clock struck eleven to my great surprise. I had been standing in the corner for two hours. At last, the door opened, and Helen, Lady Hartley, and Violet Hind came into the room. I heard music and the sound of voices in the ballroom. Oh, I longed to be free.

"How has Denise behaved Auntie?" asked Helen with a jolly tone in her voice.

"She was troublesome at first. So I gave her a sound slapping across my knee."

I blushed with secret shame.

Violet cried "Splendid," and clapped her pretty hands.

Miss. Priscilla resumed. "But for the last hour she has been standing very prettily in her corner, not uttering a word."

Helen came over to me.

"Have you been thinking of what I told you darling?"

"Yes, Helen," I replied blushing more than ever.

Oh, how determined those two women were under all their loving terms and dainty endearments to corrupt and make me a slave to their sinister way.

"Then I will set you free as a reward." She did so, unbuckling the leather straps. "Now go to the ballroom and dance. Enjoy yourself," she said.

I was delighted.

"But mind darling that you only dance with girls," she said with a warning nod, explaining to Lady Hartley: "That is part of Denise's punishment."

I was delighted to have an excuse not to dance with men, even as humiliating an excuse as this was. I went into the ballroom which led out on the other side of the big drawing room. It was a beautiful room with a lovely parquet floor. There were a good many people whom Helen had brought up from the village; luckily more girls than men, so that I had a still better excuse. I was able to say that as I was staying in the house, it was my duty to see that the visitors had partners. I danced with Violet, and Miss. Hartley, and other girls-and I loved it. I had been beautifully taught and I knew that I danced very well. Violet, too, was a good dancer. Oh, to swing round in a waltz with her to the sound of languorous music, our little slippers flashing in and out, weaving and interweaving, yet never touching, it was delicious. At midnight we all went into the dining room for supper. The party was as merry as could be. Oh, how sorry I was when the guests began to go. Miss. Priscilla took me aside, presenting me with a new pair of long white gloves.

"You must have these put on, Denise. You have soiled the ones you are wearing." She smoothed the clean pair over my arms, and buttoned them.

"Have you also soiled your slippers?"

"No, Miss. Priscilla. The ballroom floor is as clean as a new tablecloth."

"Let me see!" she said. I swept my frock aside and showed her my feet.

"Yes, you need not change them," she said.