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"Good-bye dear Dennis. We shan't be seeing each other for quite a while. Be a good girl, Denise, and mind what the mistress says." She kissed me lightly on the lips, and left the room, Miss. Priscilla following her out.

Soon the headmistress returned to the parlour, and her stern presence frightened and excited me. This was supposed to be a punishment, and I did not want to betray the exquisite sensation of happiness that was beginning to flood my being. I was afraid that if the women who were controlling me knew what a great coup this was for me, they would retract and redesign their plan for me. I kept my face as expressionless as possible and my shining eyes cast to the floor.

"Now," said the headmistress sternly, "we shall design some rules for you. You are to obey them stringently or you shall be severely punished. As much as you look and behave like a young lady, the truth of your sex remains. You are not to reveal to anyone,with the exception of the maids and myself, your true gender. If you do, you shall be unconditionally expelled. You are to behave in a modest fashion at all times, and I expect nothing more than perfect submission to all the ordinances that apply to all the other girls here. Is that understood, Denise?"

When she called me Denise, I shuddered with excellent joy. "Yes, Ma'am," I stammered, not venturing to look at her.

The headmistress rang a pretty little bell, and a lovely young maid entered the room. Her golden red hair was tied up in an elaborate braid, and she had striking green eyes and the fairest skin I had ever seen. It was unbelievable to me that this magical creature was a maid. She was beautiful, and I could not help but staring at her enviously.

She curtsied in front of Miss. Priscilla, and said, "How can I help you, Ma'am?"

"Nellie, take Miss. Denise to the suite upstairs. Her maids will be arriving shortly with her trunks. While you are waiting for their arrival, draw a bath for Miss. Denise, and see that she is well groomed for supper." And with that, the headmistress dismissed both myself and my lovely, lovely Nellie.

As we walked up the stairs, I could not take my eyes off the perfect form of her buttocks, which rubbed against the black fabric of her skirt as she walked.

"Where are all the other girls?" I asked.

"They are all on a picnic for the afternoon, Miss.," Nellie replied.

I couldn't wrest my eyes from her perfect complexion, or the unusual fullness of her pert breasts, which strained at the fabric of her apron. She had dainty, small feet that were enclosed in a simple pair of black boots with many grommets for the high lacings. She had tiny hands, uncharacteristic of a maid. Her general beauty and manner seemed much more refined than any maid that I had ever known. I was falling hopelessly in love with her.

"You are such a pretty thing," said Nellie as she went about preparing my lovely new room. "I do hope you like it here at the school. Most of the young ladies are such nice girls. I think you will be very pleased here, Miss." Nellie approached me as she paused, and took a lock of my hair and twirled it on her finger. "You are a pretty thing," she repeated.

So I passed for a girl. I was shocked and pleased. I was equally surprised by Nellie's forward behaviour as a servant, but then I realized that I was unfamiliar with the ways and manners at a girls' school. In a sudden rush of impulsive affection, I reached out and drew Nellie to my breast.

"Thank you for saying so, Nellie. I think you are lovely too. I am so happy to be here!" I gushed. I felt the warmth of her large breasts against my own, and felt her arms encircle my waist. My heart sang. Her hair smelled sweet and clean, and her skin was as soft as butter.

"You are so lucky that you will be in a room of your own, Miss.," said Nellie as she pulled away from my embrace. Her face was suddenly flushed and probably as red as my own.

"Nellie, don't be ashamed of being kind to me. I think you are a wonderful creature, and I do hope we will be friends," I said, stroking her hot cheek.

"Oh yes, Miss. Denise. I would like that ever so much," she cried as she smiled.

I could scarcely believe my fate! I was the happiest youth in the world. The possibilities of the next two years unravel as a delicious fantasy within my mind's eye. My dreaming was interrupted by the thrilling, shocking sensation of Nellie's delicate fingers pinching my nipples.

"Nellie!" I cried, but did not move away. She meant to draw her hand away from my bosom, but I grabbed her wrist and guided it back to my breast.

"You like that, Miss.? I overheard the headmistress say that you will be getting special massages, and I just wanted to please you, Miss." Nellie's face was still quite red, but there was a mischievous gleam in her eye.

"What else did you "overhear" the headmistress and my cousin Helen discuss!" I asked, continuing to keep her hand pressed to my tittie.

"Nothing, Miss.," Nellie insisted.

"Are you certain that you didn't mistakenly hear something you shouldn't have?" I pressed. I felt certain that she knew my true identity and that she was simply toying with me. I realized that she had wanted to touch my breast to see if it were in fact a woman's breast.

"Yes, Miss. Denise. I didn't hear anything. Nothing that I shouldn't have heard, that is," she retorted with growing confidence.

Ah, so she was going to blackmail me. How absurd the thought is in retrospect, but at the time, I was terrified of being discovered and expelled from the school; a place I desperately wanted to stay.

"You would like to see my titties, wouldn't you?" I said suddenly.

"Oh, Miss.! I-I…," she could not finish her sentence.

I laughed and let her remove her hand from my tit. Without hesitation, I undid the buttons of my simple travelling blouse, and shimmied out of the straps of my chemise, thus revealing my full breasts and pink nipples to the randy maid.

"Oh, Miss. Denise, you have lovely titties. I thought… I thought that…," she stammered and stared at my heaving chest; I was excited by the sudden turn of events.

"I have shown you mine, don't you think it fair for you to show me yours now, Nellie? It looks as though you are carrying a lovely set of globes. I want to see them," I coaxed her.

"You are right Miss. I will show you my bubbies." She undid the ties of her apron, and then the small buttons of her blouse. Once she was released of her cotton chemise, she revealed a deliciously large pair of milky white breasts with large pink nipples.

"Oh, Nellie," I cried. "You have lovely titties. Let me feel them!" And without waiting for an answer, I reached out and took her flesh between my fingers. She returned the loving caress immediately.

The thrilling sensation of her light fingers, gently at first, and then more forcefully, teasing and tickling my nipples, was making me delirious. It seemed inevitable that I would always get an erection almost immediately in the presence of this young goddess.

"Let me kiss them," Nellie whispered. "I've seen the other young ladies of the school doing this with each other at night. They thought I wasn't watching, but I was. Oh how I longed to join in their fun. They are always giggling and embracing each other when they tickle each other's bubbies and quims." Nellie paused suddenly and arched her eyebrow. "Let me see your quim," she said.

I pushed her away in terror. Of course I could not undress before her. It was unthinkable. Only my personal maids were to know about my true identity. While I was thinking, Nellie had come forward and put her delicate red lips to the most nervous part of my breast. She began sucking and licking me, and the feeling was exhilarating. I did not want her to stop, but I was still afraid. I continued to fondle and pinch her breasts, enjoying my task immensely. And then suddenly, as I was lost to the pleasures of Nellie's lips on my breasts, she reached between my legs and when she felt what was there, she let out a surprised cry and jumped backward.