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I gasped in alarm as I gazed into the little dark room.

"Oh! That would be dreadful punishment," I said, my blood quickening at the idea.

"Ah, you don't know him, Missy," Mrs. Pettigrew replied. "He's your cousin I heard and he's nearly as pretty as you, and he's a boy! But he's the cruellest, most conceited young gentlemen! That's where he ought to be kept, in the dark room."

Violet had meanwhile taken the fetters in her hands and was glancing at me roguishly.

"I would like to see them on someone," she said, weighing them in her hands as she eyed me lasciviously.

"Lock them on Miss. Denise's ankles, Mrs. Pettigrew."

"Oh, no," I cried in terror. Once I had the fetters on, Violet might take it into her head to lock me in the dark room. I recoiled. Violet laughed.

"Quick, Denise!" she ordered me.

"Oh, Violet!"

"Obey me! Stand here."

With trembling hands I raised my skirt, but Mrs. Pettigrew came to my rescue.

"The fetters want cleaning, Miss. They'd dirty the young lady's pretty silk stockings. It'd be a shame to lock up such dainty feet. I am sure those little white buckled shoes have never trampled on the hearts of poor people."

The old woman came to the door with us. "Tell Miss. Deverel of my dark room, Miss. Violet!" she said warningly. "Me and Lucy and my laundry girls will keep him safe in his girls' clothes."

As we walked away, Violet burst out laughing.

"You had a narrow escape, Denise. Oh, we simply must keep you as a girl. Everybody loves you as a girl and everybody hates you as a boy."

"But, Violet," I said, "I shall be quite different now. I have had my lesson."

I looked so remorseful and penitent that Violet suddenly kissed me on the lips.

"You are delicious now at all events, Denise," she said, "and perhaps Helen will keep you in petticoats for a long while. Get in!"

I mounted into the governess cart and sat opposite Violet. She took up the reins.

"You won't want your parasol up, Denise," she said, "so put your hands behind your back and place your beautiful feet together, the smart shoe buckles level. That's right."

I blushed and smiled and obeyed. I couldn't remember being happier. Thus we drove back to luncheon, where Violet told Helen of Mrs. Pettigrew's dark room and heavy fetters. They all laughed except me. I was beginning to wonder whether, after all, I should not be happier if I remained a girl.

After luncheon Helen said to Violet and me, "I want you two girls to go into Mark's Cross and do some shopping for Denise. There is a flower show you can go to afterward and have your tea. So go and get smartly dressed and I will order the big motorcar for you. I have some arrangements to make about the new houses."

"Can't I help?" I asked. Since the estate was mine I thought regretfully that I ought to look after it.

Helen smiled, and said, "Of course not, dear! Run along and put on a pretty dress."

I went upstairs relieved by her words. I wanted nothing more than to shop with Violet. We were to have the big motorcar to ourselves, tea at the flower show. The prospect was delightful. I put on a lovely trailing dress of rose voile, tied well in below the knees with a scarf of tulle and a blue hat with a crown of pink roses. Violet was in dark grey Ninon with a gray satin hat. We drove off in the luxurious big motorcar to the neighboring town.

"Show me your feet," said Violet, as we rode along. I raised my skirt obediently.

"As I thought," she said. "You don't pay enough attention to your feet, dear."

I protested. I was wearing a very smart pair of brogue patent leather shoes, laced with black silk ribbons tied in big bows on the insteps, and black silk stockings.

"These are lovely shoes," I cried indignantly.

"For morning wear, perhaps. How high are the heels? I don't believe they are three inches."

"But, Violet, heels that are too high look improper."

"Nonsense," said Violet. "For the afternoon nothing looks so fascinating as a neat, tightly fitting pair of dainty very high-heeled boots with black leather legs that button over the ankles without a wrinkle. Look at mine!" She extended an exquisitely booted foot before my eyes. "Luckily we are going to fetch some new ones that have been made for you. I will have you buttoned into a pair before I take you to the flower show, though really I don't know that we ought to go now."

"Oh, Violet!" I pleaded.

"I don't see how I am going to find time to punish you for your carelessness about your feet, Denise," she said. "Take care that after luncheon I never see you again without exquisite boots on your feet."

Violet bought some hats for herself and for me and then we drove on to Binot, Helen's boot maker.

"You have been making some lovely black leather boots for this young lady, Miss. Denise Beryl," said Violet to the girl who came forward.

"Oh yes, Madam, some very pretty boots with high heels. This way please."

She led us into the ladies' showroom upstairs and produced some beautiful flashing boots with legs of black glace kid that would reach up to the beginning of my calves. The boots had dreadfully high and slender Louis Quinze heels, with escalloped edges around the buttonholes. The shopkeeper buttoned them onto my feet. They were exquisitely cut, fitting me very tightly but not pinching me.

"But the heels are much too high," I said as I teetered on them.

"I like them," said Violet. "They are becoming to your feet and ankles."

"They are only a little more than six inches high," said the shopkeeper calmly. "Stand up, Miss., if you please," and I stood up. "But they suit you beautifully."

"I can't wear them, really, Violet," I cried.

The shop girl looked at me sternly, "I think that young ladies who want to be slovenly and object to the high heels of their dainty boots ought to be punished."

"She will be," said Violet sternly.

"Stand up on your chair, Denise."


"At once! And hold up your dress to your ankles."

I obeyed.

"I will leave her under your charge in this position," said Violet to the shop girl. "I shall come back in half an hour for her. Will you see that she doesn't move? If she does, you may rap her on her pretty buttocks."

"Certainly," said the shop girl, arranging my feet with the ankles together and the toes turned out. I had to stand on the chair for half an hour in the showroom, while ladies came in and tried on their boots. Each one naturally asked what I was doing perched upon the chair, and the shop girl explained my fault.

Violet came back after what seemed to be an eternity and took me to the flower show. We had tea together at a little table on the grounds.

"Show your smart boots dear," said Violet. "Cross your feet in front of you and let everyone see them. You must be grateful now that I took you to the boot shop."

I blushed and said, "Yes, Violet."

I couldn't help but appreciate the admiration of the men and the envious glances and disparaging remarks of the women. I was having a lovely time. We drove back to Beaumanoir, bringing with us other girls who came in and played tennis until half past six. Then Helen sent for me to come to her boudoir.

"You have had a pleasant day, Denise?" she asked affectionately.

"Oh, Helen, it has been lovely," I exclaimed kissing her.

"I am glad, darling," she said. "Now run away, have your bath and get dressed for dinner. Phoebe is waiting for you. I am going out to dinner myself, but I want to see you looking your very prettiest before I go. Phoebe will bring you to my room."

As Phoebe began to bathe me, I suggested to her that she perhaps give my titties a nice little massage.

"Oh, Miss. Denise, you are as impudent as they say you are," she laughed contemptuously and reached down and took both my nipples between her fingers and gave me an excruciating pinch.

"Phoebe! You're hurting me!" I cried.

"Silence, or I'll hurt you more," she said fiercely.