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Broghuilio stood on the bridge of the Jevlenese flagship. Screens showed the drab surroundings of gullies, ridges, patches of ice and dusty rock making up the area of Minerva's moon where the ships had put down. Although it seemed unlikely that the Lunarians would have established any regular surveillance of the far side yet, the ships were lying in hollows selected to be in shadow for much of the time. Surface tractors with g-shovels had scattered lunar debris over and around them to obscure their outlines.

Things were moving well, and surprisingly rapidly. A reconnaissance party sent to Minerva with General Wylott aboard one of the ship's daughter craft had established the period as being the early years of strain between the Lambians Cerians, before the onset of major hostilities between them. Given the peculiar circularity of the situation as it related to Jevelenese origins, which Estordu and the scientists prattled about incessantly, it had seemed logical to approach the Lambians. Wylott had made contact accordingly with a member of the ruling faction called Freskel-Gar, who was at once enticed by the samples of weaponry that Wylott had taken with him for precisely that purpose. The plan had been simply to establish some sort of rapport with the Lambian leadership and then play things from there. However, Wylott reported that Freskel-Gar was opposed to the official Lambian policy of seeking an understanding with Cerios, and represented a dissident movement who wanted to take a harder line. Wylott attributed Freskel-Gar's readiness to divulge all this to the lure of the Jevlenese weaponry, which suggested that he perhaps harbored ambitions that went beyond merely registering dissent. This could suit Broghuilio even better, and he had requested arrangements to be made for him to meet this Freskel-Gar himself without further delay. Wylott communicated back that he would be returning with one of Freskel-Gar's military commanders to bring Broghuilio there. Even better. An honor escort. It wouldn't have done to have been told to come and knock on the door, like a beggar at a kitchen.

"Orbiter reports contact," an operator called from one of the consoles. "Lander locked onto homing beam, delta v-h two-seven-fifty and five-five thousand."

The bridge Duty Officer turned from inspecting system monitors. "They're on their way down. Landing in about four minutes."

"Put General Wylott on the screen," Broghuilio instructed. The pinkish, somewhat puffy countenance with its slicked-back silver hair appeared a few seconds later. "A commendable performance," Broghuilio acknowledged-which was about the closest he came to lavishing outright praise.

"Your Excellency is too gracious."

"What is the arrangement?"

"Major Krebe and a detachment have remained at Dorjon. We will proceed to a rendezvous point on the surface, where a Lambian craft is waiting to take us back. The scout has been concealed at Dorjon. Freskel-Gar awaits at your pleasure."

Broghuilio nodded. "Satisfactory."

Wylott indicated the direction over his shoulder and behind him with his eyes, and lowered his voice. "Shall I present Freskel Gar's General Irastes now?"

Broghuilio took in the figure slumped in a seat in the background, still evidently in some kind of mild shock. His mouth puckered in mild amusement behind his beard. "How well do things work with the language?" he asked.

"Difficult. The similarities are… distant," Wylott admitted.

He would cut a more impressive figure if Irastes were to meet him as part of his first experience of entering the command bridge of a converted Jevlenese interstellar transport, Broghilio decided. Maximizing effect was half the art of command and leadership. "I will receive him here," Broghuilio replied.

The lander appeared overhead minutes later, completed a slow descent, and docked in its mating bay of the transport. Shortly afterward, General Irastes and his staff and escorts were conducted through, gaping from side to side in total stupefaction. Broghuilio waited imperiously at the head of the grouped bridge officers, his arms folded. They would depart without delay, as soon as the visitors had absorbed enough to produce the required mood of receptiveness. There was no need to tell them that without h-grid power the ships' systems were running on reserves to maintain life support for the occupants, the main armaments were useless, and the secondaries only good for as long as reserve power lasted. When that ran out the ships would be little more than piles of scrap metal on the lunar surface. Minerva possessed no industries that were capable of refueling them.


Prince Freskel-Gar Engred stared again at the object lying on the table in his private chambers of the fortress at Dorjon, alongside the weapons that his experts had still been examining and questioning the foreigners about when General Irastes and his party returned. Irastes had brought it back as a token of the importance he attached to the events that had burst upon them that day. It was a rock from the far side of the Moon. Irastes had been there since the last time they spoke. The prince was still struggling to take in the things he had just been hearing.

Aliens that were human?… Somehow speaking a mutilated smattering of Lambian… Some kind of time warp from the future; but a different future. How could you have a different future when you didn't have a future yet? All of that was beyond Freskel-Gar. What was clear to him, however, was that they possessed weapons of immense potency; and even if the stocks should be limited, or if Lambia was unable to supply the materials to operate and maintain the weapons, the knowledge that these aliens possessed could be of immeasurable worth.

Freskel-Gar's deputy, Count Rorvax, who had been making some progress with following the aliens' speech translated the words of the their leader, a stormy, black-bearded man called Broghuilio. "You… I think he means on this world… don't know… War. Organizing for war… Plans and designs, yes, and a few… puppy snaps? Skirmishes. But what of… I don't quite get that… the minds of the people? What of… the same word. I think it means shaping the country, state, I guess… into a, not sure… can wage war? We can… make you into a… war leader… who will unite and… something like carry… all of Lambia… This bit's awkward. He's talking about a force Cerios won't be able to resist… Lambia and Cerios will be/become one, with one king…" Broghuilio gestured pointedly at Freskel-Gar, "and… something grand-sounding, to do with destiny."

The prince gazed again at the piece of dull, crumbly rock. Irastes had said their ships up there were the size of ocean liners. And they were willing to bargain. For reasons that Broghuilio seemed disinclined to elaborate, they were not able to get back to wherever they had come from. There were over two thousand of them up on the lunar surface in need of sanctuary and sustenance, in return for which they could no doubt render valuable services. Freskel-Gar's eyes gleamed at the pictures that Broghuilio's words had painted in his mind. He felt he had the basis of what could be a very profitable deal here. For a long time now, he had been working toward the day when he would unseat Perasmon. His followers were ready; the equipment was in place. But he had never felt sufficiently sure of having the margin that would ensure them the edge. This could be it.