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After 1945

Thanks to the Jevlenese agents, Earth begins a nuclear arms race after World War II, which threatens the existence of its civilization for a few decades. In the meantime, unbeknownst to the Thuriens, Jevlenese leaders also start to arm.


Birth of Joseph B. Shannon.


Birth of Victor Hunt.


Birth of Lyn Garland. Birth of Duncan Watt.


Birth of Hans Baumer.


As cold war slowly dissolves on Earth in spite of Jevlenese machinations, Jevlenese agents help demilitarize Earth. In the meantime, Jevlen keeps on arming itself in secret. The ultimate goal of the Jevlenese leaders is the isolation of Thurien, destruction of Earth, and rule over the Galaxy. Jevlenese keep on reporting to Thurien about a militarized Earth on the brink of World War III.


Mankind begins to conquer space again, and finds the traces of Homo sapiens' earlier presence on the Moon.


Exploring the mystery of the people named the Lunarians, mankind realizes the onetime existence of Minerva. Expedition Jupiter 4 discovers the Giants' starship on Ganymede. They name the race the Ganymeans.


Based on Ganymean and Lunar findings, humanity reconstructs the story of the Lunarians and the Ganymeans, discovers that the Moon was once Minerva's moon, and finally realizes that Earthmen are the descendants of the Lunarians originating on Minerva.


The time-shifted crew of the Shapieron contacts the Earth people. Using references found on the Moon, the Shapieron departs to find Giants' Star, supposed destination of the Ganymean exodus. Earthmen realize that their intelligence is a byproduct of the unsuccessful experiments of the Giants. Jevlenese observers fail to report the appearance of the Shapieron to Thurien. Earth broadcasts a radio message to Giants' Star, from which Thuriens learn about the Shapieron.


Unbeknownst to Jevlen, the Thuriens contact Earth. After realizing that Earth is peaceful, together they drive the Jevlenese leadership into a corner. JEVEX is switched off. Imares Broghuilio and his generals escape from Jevlen, and accidentally fall 50,200 years into the past. Jevlen, liberated from its vengeful leaders, sets out on a peaceful course. At the same time, chaos devours its JEVEX-dependent society in the absence of JEVEX. Thanks to JEVEX's being turned off, life dramatically worsens in the Entoverse, and many Ents try to escape their universe. The sudden appearance of several new ayatollahs and their cults make chaos worse on Jevlen. One ayatollah, Eubeleus, travels to Uttan and tries to switch JEVEX on so that Ents can invade Jevlenese minds in great numbers. Earthmen and the Giants realize the existence of the Entoverse, and prevent the Ent invasion. JEVEX is isolated on Uttan to preserve the Entoverse.