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He would make his bid to escape that night. It would be easier to get through the grounds under cover of darkness than now.

He looked down the corridor. There were three more doors to his left. Carlos would be in the control room. Englemann should be in his surgery. He went over to the door on the left-hand side of the bathroom, listened, then hearing nothing, he turned the handle and eased the door open. The room beyond was in darkness. He entered and closed the door.

Turning on his flashlight, he sent the beam around the small room which was furnished as a bedroom. He found the light switch and turned on the light. From the books in the bookcase that ran the length of one wall, he guessed this must be Englemann's bedroom.

The telephone on the bedside table caught his eye. He went over to it, and lifted the receiver. His face lit up with a delighted grin as he,heard the dialling tone that told him he was connected to an outside line.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, the .25 in his left hand, he dialled the number of the Trioni villa.

The villa's bell had scarcely begun to ring when there was a click on the line and Harry's voice growled, "Ullo? Who's that?"

"Scarcely a respectful way to address your lord and master," Don said softly. "Can't you do better than that?"

He heard Harry gasp.

"Is that you, Mr Micklem?" he bawled.

"Sure, it's me," Don said, jerking the receiver away from his ear. "Pipe down: you nearly deafened me."

"Where are you, sir?" Harry said, slightly lowering his voice. "Blimey! We've been worried sick about you."

"I'm still underground, but I've managed to gain a little freedom, and I've been lucky to find a telephone, but I'm a long way from getting out."

"We're going to fix that, sir," Harry said excitedly. "It's all laid on for tonight. Giuseppe is coming with a bunch of his pals. That red-head's sold the gang out. Miss Rigby..."

"I know all about that, but it's come unstuck," Don broke in. "A character named Willie was listening to your plans.

He's given her away. At the moment she's trapped down here with me, the negro and another character called Felix."

"Oh!" Don could hear the excitement drain out of Harry's voice. "So what do we do?"

"You'll have to leave it to me to find my own way out," Don said. "How many men is Giuseppe bringing?"


"Fine. Now listen, Harry, your job is to take care of the four guards and the dogs, so once I'm out of the house I'll have a clear run. The dogs will take a bit of handling. I'll leave it to you to work out how you're going to fix them. I don't think you have a hope of breaking in here. The doors are of three-inch steel and they're electrically controlled. I'll make my attempt to break out at half-past one tonight. Get your men outside the walls by then. Give me twenty minutes and then move in. I've got a gun. If you hear shooting, break into the house. If nothing happens by two-fifteen, you'll know I've come unstuck."

"If that happens," Harry said grimly, "we're coming in after you, even if we have to pull the joint apart, brick by brick."

"Don't kid yourself, Harry, it'll be a bigger job than you think. The entrance to where I am now is in the big front room with the casement windows leading to the terrace. The door is on the left-hand side as you enter the casement windows.

It wants finding. The police missed it."

"We'll find it," Harry said. "I told Giuseppe to bring some dynamite with him. We'll get to you somehow."

"Give me a chance to get to you first. If I don't show up by two-fifteen, the ball is in your court. I'd better get under cover now, Harry."

"Okay, sir, and good luck," Harry said. "We'll be right with you."

Don replaced the receiver. He got to his feet and crossed to the door.

Englemann said from behind him: "Don't move, Mr Micklem, or I'll have to shoot you."

Don stood motionless.

"Drop that gun," Englemann went on.

Don let the gun slide through his fingers. It fell on the carpet with a little thud. Then slowly, he looked over his shoulder. Part of the bookcase had swung inwards and Englemann stood in the lighted opening, a .38 in his hand.

Chapter XII


As Harry put down the receiver, Marian came hurrying into the lounge.

"That was Mr Micklem," Harry said and grinned when he saw Marian's face light up.

"I thought from the way you were shouting it must be," Marian said. "Is he all right, Harry? Where is he?"

"He's fine, miss, but he's still down there. He's managed to get hold of a gun, and he thinks he'll be able to break out. He says he's going to have a go at half-past one tonight." He looked at his watch. "It's just on six-thirty. Giuseppe should be here any moment now. We're to be in the grounds, ready to help him when he breaks out."

The sound of his excited voice brought Cherry into the room. He was told the news. Harry went on to give them a full account of his conversation with Don.

"If this man Willie was watching the villa," Marian said, "it's possible he or another of the gang is still watching us."

Harry thumped his forehead with his fist.

"You're right, miss. I should have thought of that. I'll see if I can spot anyone."

"Be careful, Harry," Marian said anxiously. "We'd better wait until Giuseppe comes..."

Harry grinned.

"Don't worry about me. If he's there, I'll find him before he finds me. We don't want him reporting back that we've got reinforcements."

Cherry said, "I'm coming with you."

"This isn't your line," Harry said patiently. "You stay here with Miss Rigby. I can handle this."

Cherry's fat face turned obstinate.

"I intend to walk down to the gates," he said. "He may try to make a bolt for it if he sees you. I shall be in the position to head him off."

"You'll probably be in the position to collect a thick ear," Harry said. "These blokes are tough. Better leave him to me."

"I shall have my sword stick," Cherry said. "I can more than look after myself."

He marched out before Harry could argue further, put on his black felt hat, picked up the walking-stick that concealed the thin-bladed sword and set off down the drive.

Harry shook his head.

"Obstinate old goat," he said, "but he's got lots of guts. I'll get off." He opened a drawer in the desk and took out Don's Beretta. "Here you are, miss, just in case Willie or his pals head this way. Shoot him in the leg if you spot him, but don't shut your eyes when you pull the trigger."

"I don't want it. You must have it, Harry."

"Not for me," Harry said. "I can get along all right with these," and he clenched his big knuckly fists, grinning.

Unaware what was in store for him, Jacopo sat in a thicket, seventy-five yards or so from the villa. The evening sun was comfortably warm, the apple he was eating was sweet and crisp, and he was contented in mind and body. Jacopo liked nothing better. than to sit in the shade and relax. He was the least important member of the organization, and he was proud of it. He had no ambition, no thirst for money, women or cars as Willie had. All he wanted was a life of peace and to do as little work as possible. He was one of a dozen men Alsconi employed merely to shadow people. His job was to sit by the hour in cafes, hotel lobbies or in cars, waiting for one of Alsconi's victims to show himself. It was the job Jacopo was born to do, and apart from his ability to sit and do nothing for hours and not to raise suspicion, he had no other money-making talents.

He watched Cherry come out of the house and stride down the drive towards the gates and wondered casually where he was going. His instructions were to watch the villa. He was only to report to Felix if the police arrived. He imagined Cherry was going for an evening stroll. He wasn't given the chance of seeing Harry steal out of the villa for Harry left by the rear exit and melted into the shrubs like a ghost.