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“Perhaps we should take it back to the board and let them decide.”

“You should know by now that the people on the board are no friends of yours.”

“All right,” she said, in an obvious attempt to be fair, “why don’t you tell me what your concerns are so I can address them.”

“I already did.”

“This has nothing to do with Antigua, does it? This has to do with who’s in charge.”

“I’m all for picking up cheap properties and turning them around. Unfortunately, this property is neither cheap nor is it capable of being turned around.”

“We’re interested,” Lessa said, signaling the owner back over. “Very interested. But my partner and I have to discuss it further.”

“We have two other bids,” the owner said. “Not much time for discussion.”

“It’s hard to see in the dark,” Rick said. “For all we know, this place could be falling down around us.”

“Stay here tonight as my guests,” the owner said. “In the morning you will see that it is every bit as beautiful as it is at night.”

“There’s an idea,” Lessa said cheerfully.

It was an idea, but not a good one. “I can’t,” Rick said. “I have to get back.”

“Please, Rick,” she said. “Like you said, how can you make a decision when you can’t see what you’re buying?”

As he looked into her deep green eyes, he could feel his resolve fade. His phone rang and he flipped it open. It was Betty, calling with good news. Sabrina was ready to sell. He snapped shut his phone and said, “We heard from Sabrina. She wants us to meet with her tomorrow morning.”

Lessa’s face lit up. “We did it,” she exclaimed, spontaneously throwing her arms around him. He held her stiffly, trying hard not to enjoy the feel of her body pressed up against him.

As if suddenly realizing what she was doing, she stepped back. “I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.”

“You have reason to be excited,” Rick said. “Apparently Sabrina is also interested in this property. I have a feeling that when she heard you and I were coming to look at it together, it convinced her we were romantically involved.”

“It’s foolish to go all the way back to New York when we have to be in the Bahamas tomorrow morning,” Lessa said. “It makes sense to stay here tonight. In the morning we’ll give this property another look and then head over to see Sabrina.”

Telling himself that he had no choice, he acquiesced. They followed the owner back into the lobby. “I have the perfect room,” the man said, grabbing a key at the front desk. “Facing the ocean. You will get a true feel for the resort.”

“That’s rooms,” she said, correcting him. “We need two rooms.”

The man looked at Rick. “But I thought-”

Rick shook his head. “Two rooms.” As far apart as possible, he felt like adding.

They followed the owner down the hall and back outside, to a two-story stucco building located just steps from the beach. The owner slid the key into one lock and then another. “Adjoining rooms,” he said, opening both doors at the same time.

“That’s not necessary,” Lessa said.

“Oh,” the owner said, disappointed. “But these are the two best rooms.”

“They’ll be fine,” Rick said, walking into his room. “Thank you.”

He shut the door and immediately opened the adjoining door that separated the rooms.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I don’t like you staying in here by yourself. We’ll keep the door open.”

“Rick,” she said, “we agreed that last night was-”

“Believe me, Lessa, I have no intention of repeating anything. But I feel a certain…responsibility to return you to the company in one piece. Now,” he said, turning the light on in the other room and setting up his computer. “We have some work to do. We need to track down the board and set up a meeting for when we return.” He knew it wouldn’t be easy. Most members had left town for the holidays and were spread out across the country at their various vacation homes.

He heard Lessa go into the bathroom. When the door opened, he glanced up and, as she walked past, he caught a glimpse of skin. A lot of skin. “I’ll see you later,” she called out.

He jumped up so fast he almost knocked his computer off the table. “Where are you going?” he asked, heading into her room.

“I’m going to take a quick swim,” she said, wrapping a towel around her waist.

“It’s not safe.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be back soon,” she said, shutting her door. He ran his fingers through his hair and rolled his neck. What the hell was happening to him? He sounded like a cross between a doting father and a jealous lover. What he didn’t sound like was a businessman who was on a trip with a coworker.

But he didn’t like the idea of Lessa walking along a deserted beach at night. He didn’t care if they were in paradise, sometimes things happened. Some guy might get the wrong idea. And what about the water? Who knew what dangers lurked in there? More than one swimmer had been lost in a riptide. It was ridiculously stupid to go swimming by oneself.

And just like that, he was out the door after her.

It was nearly ten o’clock and the beach was deserted. It was a clear night and the sky was littered with stars. “Lessa!” He scanned the water, looking for her. Damn. Why had he been so pigheaded? It was he who would be responsible if anything happened to her. “Lessa!” he yelled again.

He saw her in the distance, swimming back toward shore. He felt a surge of relief as he picked her towel off the beach.

She stood up in the water, her long body glistening in the moonlight. He stood on the shore, watching her walk toward him. She looked like a beautiful mermaid come to life.

He had every intention of handing her the towel and heading back to the room. Instead, he gently wrapped the towel around her shoulders. She touched his cheek and then he saw the hunger in her eyes. It was all he needed.

Like a lit match to an oil slick, the passion he had been trying to hold at bay burst forth. With a hint of desperation, he pressed his lips against her, hungrily claiming what he desired. He ran his hands down the front of her swimsuit, feeling her nipples harden with his touch.

Suddenly, she broke away and stepped back. “I thought we agreed this was supposed to be a one-night affair.”

“There’s a problem with that whole one-night thing.”

“Problem?” she said weakly as he kissed her long and slender neck.

“Well, there’s a lot of problems with it,” he said, and with that, he swept her up into his arms.

As he carried her back to the room, she relaxed against him, resting her head on his chest. He kicked open the door and set her down on the bed.

Her hair was tousled by the wind, her cheeks still flushed from his kisses. She looked beautiful and wild, a woman possessed with an almost ethereal natural beauty. Staring into her eyes, he slowly peeled down her suit so that he could caress her breasts. Her head tilted backward and she closed her eyes as he touched her. Within seconds he had her completely naked, her form illuminated in the soft light. He took a moment, his breath ragged as he took in the sight of her long legs and voluptuous curves.

She gingerly ran her fingers across the starched linen of his shirt. Looking him in the eye, she took on the role of temptress. She ran her hands down his front, a smile touching her lips as she pressed against the hard mound in his pants. She unzipped them and took him out, caressing him with her fingers.

Lessa knelt over him and guided him inside. She moved above him like a woman possessed, determined to seek her own pleasure. He watched her carefully, controlling his own desire until she inhaled sharply and her body trembled with release. Only then did he let himself share in the pleasure.

As Lessa kissed him tenderly, he wrapped her in his arms.

“What have you done to me?” he whispered. “What have you done?”