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The next morning, Lessa woke up in a tousled mess of sheets. Unlike before, she felt no urge to sneak away. She was happy right where she was, nestled in Rick’s arms.

“Good morning,” he said, running his finger across her bottom lip.

“Morning,” she said, nestling even deeper into the crook of his arm as she listened to the sounds of the hotel coming to life. A breakfast cart being wheeled past their room, a mother scolding her children. A shower was turned on; an alarm clock was turned off. In fact, she could hear…well, everything.

“These walls certainly aren’t soundproof, are they?” she said.

“I’ll have to sneak you out of this hotel after last night. I’m surprised no one called security.”

She laughed and then fell silent.

“It’s too late for regrets,” he said.

“I don’t have any regrets.”

He kissed her on the lips. “I’m glad to hear that.”

She leaned over him, glancing at the clock on the table. It was almost time to go. As if reading her mind, he said, “I guess we should get going.”

“You first,” she said, nodding toward the bathroom. “I just want to lie here for a minute.”

He gave her a kiss and then, reluctantly, broke away. As she watched him walk into the bathroom, she couldn’t help but wonder how long it would be before she saw a man naked again.

The pit in her stomach, the emptiness that was filling her heart…it was all about sex, right? No. The sex had been amazing, no doubt about it. But the impending dry spell would not cause this kind of pain. It was Rick she would miss.

She was suddenly overcome with sadness. She couldn’t help but wish things were different. Wish that perhaps they had met under different circumstances. If they didn’t each carry their own complicated baggage, would they have had a chance? She didn’t know. The only thing she was certain of was that he was still there and still naked.

She heard the shower going and followed the sound into the bathroom, opening the shower door. His thick hair was slicked back. He looked like he was ready for a black tie affair, minus the tux and undergarments. He smiled his sexy half grin and held out his hand toward her.

She stepped inside. The water beat down as she ran her fingers up and down his naked and wet torso. She could see his shaft grow heavy as he pressed against her. He took the soap and slid it around her back, up and down her legs. He reached between her and fingered her as the warm water beat against them. Only when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore did he lift her up and enter her, holding her against the side of the shower with his bare strength.

Afterward, he wrapped the towel around her shoulders and kissed her. “I’m liking this hotel more and more.”

A knock sounded on Rick’s door. “Mr. Parker? Are you ready for your tour?”

They dressed hurriedly and headed back outside. A steamy heat and the threat of a storm welcomed them. As they were led around the property, she couldn’t help but notice the change in Rick. Perhaps it was their lovemaking or perhaps just the knowledge that Sabrina was ready to give them their shares, but Rick was joking, even laughing with the owner as he offered Lessa suggestions on ways they could improve the property.

As she walked by Rick’s side, she thought about her parents and how they must have felt viewing their first property. It wasn’t the same, of course. Rick, unlike her father, had been doing this for years and was at the top of his game. But this was her first property, the first one that she had discovered and wanted to buy, and she felt an excitement in the air. A big what-if.

And although, in the end, Rick did not agree to purchase the property, he at least agreed to consider it. She knew that whatever decision he made, she would have to trust him. For the first time ever, she saw a light at the end of the tunnel. He was her partner but he was also much more. He was her friend.


As Rick watched the world disappear beneath them on the flight to the Bahamas, he thought about the previous evening and something became painfully clear: He could not take this company away from Lessa.

He had gotten too involved and there was no turning back. This was no simple affair. He could not hurt her.

So what should he do?

He had already bought the stock; their contract was signed a week ago. Once Sabrina sold him hers, he would automatically be the new owner of Lawrence Enterprises. He would then officially give Lessa back her stock and, at the board meeting, he would announce his support of her chairmanship. If Lawrence Enterprises was what Lessa wanted, it was exactly what she would get.

Their flight arrived shortly before noon. Sabrina had sent a car and together they drove to her office, where Sabrina was waiting for them. She leaned over her desk in front of Rick, causing her cleavage practically to fall out of her shirt as she pretended to sort through some papers.

“Well, well, well. It’s so nice to see you again.”

“I can’t tell you how happy we were to receive your phone call,” Lessa said.

She raised an eyebrow. “I bet you were.”

She motioned toward the chairs, encouraging them to sit. “Can I get you something? Tea? Coffee? Water?”

“We’re anxious to sign the contract,” Rick said.

“I have it right here,” she said, waving it in front of them. “Before I sign it and we make this all official, I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you both on your ridiculous performance. Although I must say, Lessa dear, you were a little stiff. But your trip together to Mara del Ray was a very nice touch.”

“I’m sorry?” Lessa asked.

“You, Rick, however, almost had me convinced. There was a look in your eye, one that gave me pause.” She laughed. “But you, Lessa…I never quite bought it. Then again, you had a much more difficult job. After all, how could you take up with the man who ousted your father? But I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m such a romantic at heart. And of course, everyone knows that for some, love is blind. Also, having tasted the goods myself, I know how, well, persuasive Rick can be.” She stood before Rick and caressed his cheek. “And now that you got what you wanted, Rick, and you’re through with Alessandra, perhaps you and I can rekindle what we once had.”

Rick froze. Sabrina knew. “Sign the contract,” he commanded. “Now.”

“What’s going on?” Lessa asked.

Sabrina looked at Lessa and flashed her an evil smile. “Is it possible she doesn’t know what you’ve done, Rick?”

“I bought some shares, after you fired me,” Rick said to Lessa.

“Some shares?” Sabrina said. “How modest.”

“Things have changed since then,” he said to Sabrina.

“I’m afraid you’ve been double-crossed, my dear,” Sabrina said to Lessa. “But don’t feel bad. I have all sorts of people working on this and I just found out myself this morning. Unfortunately it doesn’t change much for me. Because once Rick gets your shares, he’ll be quite invincible.”

Lessa glanced toward Rick, as if looking for some sign of reassurance that Sabrina was making the whole thing up.

“Lessa,” he said, “I have several other business ventures. Each one of them bought a significant share of stock during the period of time I was not working for Lawrence.”

“Spell it out, Rick, for God’s sake,” Sabrina said. She turned to Lessa and explained, “Once he gets your stock he’ll own the majority. Enough to wield significant control, like making himself chairman and CEO.”

Lessa sat silent, her eyes blazing with the pain of betrayal. “You were going to fire me?”

What could he say? Until he’d gotten involved with her, he had hoped to do just that. But everything had changed. “Originally, yes. I felt as if I had no choice. But I’ve since changed my mind.”