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“Are you ready?” he asked, snapping his phone shut.

She glanced at him and nodded.

He smiled and took her hand. His touch sent a bolt of electricity running through her. So surprised was she by her reaction to him that she yanked her hand away.

“Now, now, Lessa,” he said, purposely referring to her by her nickname. “Is that a way to respond to a lover’s touch?” He shook his head, still holding her captive with his eyes. She couldn’t miss the twinkle of mischief there. It was obvious he took pleasure in her discomfort. She was certain it was a different experience than what he was used to. When he held a woman’s hand, he probably expected a sigh of delight.

“I suggest you swallow back whatever revulsion you feel toward me and focus,” he said sternly. “When I touch you, do not grimace or make an effort to get away. Remember your mission and do your job.”

He was right. She had agreed to this; now she had no choice but to give it her all. After all, if they were successful with Sabrina, they could single-handedly thwart all other takeover attempts. Maybe. At the very least, they could buy themselves some time to prevent this from happening again. She took a deep breath and picked up his hand. Still staring into his eyes, she brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it.

His eyes softened and he smiled. “That’s better,” he said. “I knew you could do it if you put your mind to it.” Then he pulled his hand away and opened his cell phone, making another call and going back to business as if nothing had happened.

She rolled down the shaded limousine window, welcoming the bright sunshine. They were meeting Sabrina at one of her most famous resorts. Located on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, it was one of the most romantic resorts in the world, catering to honeymooners. Lessa breathed in the warm, tropical air. New York had been dark and overcast with the forecast of another day of freezing rain. She reminded herself that this was one of the things her parents had loved about this business. Whenever one world became unpleasant, they could escape to another.

She kept reminding herself how fortunate she was as the car pulled into the gated resort and stopped in front of a large bungalow marked Executive Offices.

“Wait for me to open your door,” Rick instructed, purposely tucking his collar under his jacket. “When we get out, I want you to adjust my shirt collar. After that, follow my lead.”

He walked around the car and opened her door. He took her hand and helped her out, pulling her close. What, she couldn’t help but wonder, was the point of this playacting before they even saw Sabrina? Did he think that she was spying on them from a window? Or was it just for rehearsal’s sake? Despite her hesitation, Lessa did as she was instructed, carefully adjusting his collar. When she was finished, Rick smiled and put his arm around her, guiding her to the door. His arm weighed against her back as they walked. To be so close to him felt strange, but, surprisingly, not uncomfortable. In fact, there was something sensual about the way he held her, as if he were publicly claiming her as his.

The secretary led them into a large, airy office with overstuffed furniture upholstered in tropical prints. When a statuesque woman stood behind a desk, Lessa stopped in her tracks. Blond, busty and completely made-up, she was the same woman Lessa had seen that night in Rick’s apartment. And suddenly the cold, hard truth hit her like a slap on the face. It was she, not Sabrina, who was being duped.

“Rick,” Sabrina said. She held out her hands, signaling him to greet her.

What was going on? As Lessa watched Rick walk toward Sabrina, her heart banged against her chest so hard she was certain they both could hear.

Sabrina took his hands and kissed him on both cheeks. Without letting go, she said, “It’s been too long.”

How could he do this? Lessa thought. How could he have pretended not to know who Sabrina was?

Rick stepped back from Sabrina, as if suddenly remembering his date. “Sabrina, this is Alessandra Lawrence,” he said.

“Well, well,” Sabrina said, giving Lessa a careful once-over. “She’s a beautiful girl, Rick.”

“You two know each other,” Lessa said coldly.

Sabrina smiled. “Rick and I are old friends.”

“I’ve met you before,” Lessa said. “At Rick’s apartment.” Rick glanced at her, startled. “I seem to remember that you two were more than just friends.”

“We were lovers,” Sabrina said, flashing her a pearly white smile. “Rick? You didn’t tell Alessandra about me?” she teased. “I’m insulted.”

Rick looked Lessa in the eye and said, “Sabrina and I haven’t seen each other in years.”

“Has it been that long?” Sabrina said. “It seems like only yesterday.” She turned back toward Lessa and said, “We spent Christmas together one year.”

Lessa couldn’t take her eyes off Rick. Had he set this whole thing up? Was the whole “takeover” staged simply so that he could get his job back? As tempted as she was to confront him right there and then, she couldn’t risk it. What if was just an awful coincidence? After all, she knew Rick had engaged in many affairs. Perhaps Sabrina was just another one of his women.

“We’ve come to make you an offer,” Lessa said, glaring at Rick. She wanted to get this over as soon as possible.

“She’s all business, isn’t she?” Sabrina asked him.

“She’s determined.”

Why were they talking about her as if she weren’t there?

“As Rick will attest,” Lessa said, flashing him a smile, “I don’t believe in wasting time.”

“Something else we have in common,” Sabrina said.

Something else? Lessa had nothing in common with the overly made-up, phony woman standing across from her.

Sabrina motioned toward the chairs and took a seat on the couch across from them.

“I don’t mean to pry, Rick,” Sabrina said, “but I was a bit surprised to get your phone call yesterday. After all, I had heard that you weren’t working at Lawrence anymore.”

“Reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated,” he said.

“Were they?” She focused her black eyes on Lessa. “I had heard that Alessandra fired you.”

“A lovers’ quarrel gone public,” he said, putting his hand on Lessa’s bare knee.

“Really?” Sabrina crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. “So you and Alessandra are…together, shall we say?”

Rick nodded. “For some time now. Of course, we’ve been hesitant to take our affair public, for obvious reasons.”

“And she got mad and fired you. Tsk, tsk, Rick. What did you do to deserve such treatment?”

“It was all a misunderstanding,” he said, giving Lessa a squeeze.

Sabrina’s lip curled up suspiciously, as if she didn’t believe him. “Very vindictive of you, Alessandra. Not to mention stupid. You should’ve been aware that firing him would make your company vulnerable.”

How dare she? “I was acting under-”

Rick gave her knee a light squeeze and she knew he was signaling her to be careful. “I wasn’t thinking very clearly at the time,” Lessa said, doing her best not to take Sabrina’s bait. “And it cost me dearly.” Very dearly, she felt like adding.