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“Thanks,” he said huskily, as Sabrina signaled the boat’s driver to stop. “You’ve got quite a touch,” he added, giving her a mischievous grin.

Sabrina handed Rick a life jacket and said, “Why don’t you go first.” She helped it on him, making a point of rubbing in some lotion that was on his shoulder. “You missed a spot,” she said, smiling evilly at Lessa.

Lessa couldn’t help but resent the blatantly flirtatious act. If Rick really were her boyfriend, she would be fuming right now.

“Thanks,” he said, then plunged into the water.

“Don’t forget your ski,” Lessa said, tossing it in. He moved out of the way just in time to avoid being clobbered. “So sorry, darling,” she said.

Rick slipped on the ski and gave them the thumbs-up sign. He easily got up on the first try, all of his muscles taut.

Sabrina clapped her hands before focusing her attention back on Lessa. As Lessa watched Rick ski in and out of the wake, Sabrina said, “Rick and I met on a ski boat. It was very romantic. I took a bad tumble and had to be carried off the boat. Naturally Rick volunteered. All the other men, including my date, were sitting on the boat sipping their drinks. Well, that was that.”

Lessa nodded. What was she supposed to do? She had the feeling that Sabrina was testing her, but what could she say? “Rick is a very gallant man.”

“I take it you two met at work,” Sabrina stated.

“I met Rick when he came to work for my father.” Lessa could still see Rick standing before her, with his hair slicked back and his deep blue eyes, resplendent in an expensive suit. She remembered the feeling that had surged through her, a primitive need and desire so great she felt as if she might wilt away if he didn’t love her in return. “I fell in love with Rick the first moment I saw him. Of course, he didn’t know that,” she said. And suddenly, she wasn’t acting anymore. It was a true story, and recalling it now, after all these years, she could still feel the dull ache of longing for her old crush. “I was only fifteen and I don’t think he even knew I existed. But I was so infatuated with him. I used to think of excuses to go to work with my dad just to see Rick. There was a drinking fountain right outside his office. I spent hours at that fountain.”

“Love at first sight,” Sabrina said sarcastically. “How sweet. So there’s a significant age difference.”

“Not really. About eleven years. Rick was pretty young when he started. It’s one of those age differences that grows smaller and smaller through the years.”

They glanced back but Rick was no longer there. Oops. Lessa was so into recalling her past love that she had forgotten to keep an eye on him.

“Turn it around,” Sabrina said to the driver, pointing to a dot on the horizon.

They went back to Rick and he climbed back onto the boat. “You looked great out there,” Sabrina said.

He nodded toward the towel, as if hinting at Lessa to get it. She jumped up and snatched it away just as Sabrina got up. “Thanks, babe,” he said casually.

Babe. He called her babe. She had never liked that term of endearment. Macho slang for baby, it radiated sex.

He eyed them both and said, “What have you girls been talking about?”

“It was so sweet. Alessandra was telling me how she loved you at first sight. How she used to spend hours at the drinking fountain outside your office, just hoping for a smile from you.” And with that, Sabrina touched his cheek. “It seems as if you were just too irresistible.” Sabrina took a life preserver and fastened it on.

“Is that true?” he asked Lessa, looking at her quizzically.

“It was a long time ago,” she said. “I was a kid.”

Neither said anything else as Sabrina jumped into the water and put on her ski. As the boat took off, Rick wrapped his arm around Lessa, holding her tightly against him. They were flesh to flesh. She felt the movement of his breathing, the dampness of his skin. This was a little too close for comfort. She scooted away as she pretended to get a better look at Sabrina. She looked like a true professional gliding across the water with one ski. And then she began to show off, turning around backward and forward, smiling and waving at Rick. “She’s good, isn’t she?” Lessa remarked.

But Rick wasn’t looking at Sabrina. He was looking at Lessa. There was something lazily seductive in his eyes, as though he were thoroughly enjoying the moment.

“I think Sabrina is still interested in you,” Lessa said.

“No. We were together a long time ago. Besides, Sabrina’s not the type to fall in love.”

She raised an eyebrow. Women’s intuition said differently.

When Sabrina was done, Rick leaned over the boat and helped her out of the water.

“Would you like to go again, Rick?” she asked as she stood in front of him, stretching every which way to pat herself dry.

Oh no, Lessa told herself, this was not how this was going to work, with her sitting on the sidelines watching Sabrina and Rick show off. “I’d like to give it a try,” she announced.

“Good for you,” Sabrina said in a patronizing tone. “She’s got some spirit, Rick.” She nodded toward the water. “Jump in and I’ll throw you another ski.”

“What’s wrong with the one you both used?”

“It’s easier if you get up on two skis,” Rick said.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sabrina smirk, as if mocking her.

“I’ll do one,” Lessa said.

“Take another ski,” Rick said firmly.

No thanks. They did one, and so would she. “Don’t worry, dear,” she said, jumping into the water. She waded over toward the ski and attempted to put it on. But the boot was set for Sabrina’s tiny size-five feet. Her size nines didn’t stand a chance.

She struggled with the latch and glanced up. There was no mistaking the evil gleam in Sabrina’s eyes. Then Lessa heard a splash as Rick jumped in the water. She couldn’t help but feel relief as he swam over to help.

“It’s stuck,” she said, handing him the ski. He looked at her and said softly, “What’s the deal? Why won’t you use two skis?”

Why? Because his girlfriend had only used one. And she was…being silly?

“It seemed more convenient,” she lied.

She tried to ignore Rick’s disbelieving look as he called out, “Toss in another ski.”

Sabrina threw it and it landed in the water beside them, barely missing Lessa’s head. “Hey,” Rick yelled. “Be careful!”

Rick adjusted the skis to fit her. “Hold on to me,” he said. Lessa reluctantly put her arms around his neck to steady herself as he slid the skis on her feet. “You don’t have to do this,” he said.

“I want to do this,” she said adamantly, letting go of him.

“All right,” he said finally. “It’s a little choppy so stay in the wake.”

The wake. She got it. She could do this, she told herself. She had won the NCAAs, won the Wimbledon Juniors. She could certainly handle a little waterskiing. How hard could it be?

Rick climbed back on the boat. What had gotten into her? He knew Sabrina had been trying hard to goad her into action, but Lessa was too smart to let Sabrina get to her.

He was impressed with the way Lessa was handling herself. She was doing a good job of playing the concerned lover. He had been surprised at the sensuous way she had applied the lotion, massaging his shoulders and leaning close enough for him to feel her breasts pressing up against him. She had been effective. So effective that his body had sprung to life-a fact that Sabrina, with her eagle eyes and ability to read men, no doubt noticed.