"She isn't coming, Rae!"
"She is. May asked me if her mother couldn't come to see me married? I really couldn't say no. So I want everything to go nicely. I'm NOT going to look up at Brook when I'm uttering the final vow. That has got so common ... Mrs. Binnie said Olive did it and every one thought it 'so touching.' Anyway, I'd be sure to laugh. Listen to that bluebird out in the orchard, Pat. I suppose they don't have bluebirds in China ... or do they? But there'll be cats ... surely there'll be cats in China ... cats guarding mysterious secrets ... cats furry and contented. Only ... will they mew in Chinese? If they do! And then, of course, after a while there'll be my children. I want ten."
"Ten? Why stop short of the dozen?" giggled Pat.
"Oh, I'm not greedy. One must leave a few for other people."
"If Aunt Barbara heard you!" said Pat, as she tucked a bag of dried lavender into Rae's trunk ... lavender from the Silver Bush garden to sweeten sheets in China.
"But she doesn't. I don't say these things to anybody but you. We've been such chums, haven't we, Pat? We've laughed and cried together ... we're FRIENDS as well as sisters ... only for those horrid weeks we never really spoke to each other. That's the memory I'm ashamed of. But I've so many beautiful memories ... of home and you and mother and Judy. They'll always light life like a lamp. Can you quote that verse we found the other night and thought so lovely?"
"'What Love anticipates may die in flower, What Love possesses may be thine an hour, But redly gleams in Life's unlit Decembers What Love remembers.'"
"It's true, isn't it, dear? We'll always have our lovely memories even in our 'late Decembers.' Oh, I'm going to miss you all. I'll often be hungry for Silver Bush. Don't think I don't feel leaving it and you all, Pat. I do. But ... but ..."
"There's Brook Hamilton," smiled Pat.
"Yes." Rae was very thoughtful. "But the old life I'm leaving will always be very dear to me. And you've been the dearest sister."
"Just don't," said Pat. "You'll have me breaking down and howling. I've made up my mind I won't spoil your wedding with tears."
"And please, darling, don't cry after I'm gone. I can't bear to think of you here, in tears, after I'm gone."
"I'll likely have a little weep," said Pat frankly. "I don't think I can escape that. But I never give way to despair as I used to long ago. Rae, I've learned to accept change even though I can never help dreading it ... never can understand people who actually seem to like it. There's Lily calling you for your last fitting."
The day before the wedding there was hope at Silver Bush that Mrs. Binnie wouldn't be able to come after all. Her first cousin, old Samuel Cobbledick, had died and the funeral was to be an hour before the time fixed for the ceremony.
"It's a real apostrophe to have him dying at this particular time," Mrs. Binnie grumbled to May. "He's been suffering from general ability for years but he needn't of died till after the wedding. He was always a very tiresome man. It was an infernal hemmeridge finished him off. I'm awful disappointed. I'd set my heart on seeing darling Rae married."
"Oh, oh, I do be hoping the funeral will go off more harmonious than his brother John's did," said Judy. "John did be wanting to make all the arrangements for the funeral himself before he died ... wanting things done rale stylish and having no confidence in his wife, her being av the second skimmings brand. They did be fighting all their lives but the biggest row they iver had was over his funeral. She didn't be spaking to him agin while he was alive and she wudn't sit among the mourners at all, nor have innything to do wid the doings. It did be kind av spiling the occasion."
"All fam'lies have their little differences," said Mrs. Binnie stiffly. "Poor Sam's widow is feeling blue enough. I've been there all the afternoon condoning with her."
"Ye'll be maning 'condole,'" said Judy innocently. It was not often she bothered correcting Madam Binnie but there were times and seasons.
"I meant what I said," returned Mrs. Binnie, "and I'll thank you, Miss Plum, not to be putting words in my mouth."
Pat and Rae found it hard to win sleep that last night together. Half a dozen times one of them would say, "Well, let's turn over and go to sleep." They would turn over but they wouldn't go to sleep. Soon they would be talking again.
"I hope it will be fine to-morrow," said Rae. "I want to leave Silver Bush with my last sight of it bathed in sunshine."
"To-morrow?" said Pat. "TODAY! The clock in the Little Parlour has just struck twelve. It's your wedding day, Cuddles."
"Time I was taking the bridal jitters," laughed Rae. "I don't believe I'll have them at all. It all seems so--so NATURAL to be marrying Brook, you know."
They must have slept a little for presently Pat was surprised to find herself sitting up in bed looking through the window at a world that lay in a clear, pale, thin dawnlight. It was Rae's wedding day and hereafter when she wakened she must waken alone.
A beautiful sunshiny day as Rae had desired, with mad, happy crickets singing everywhere and sinuous winds making golden shivers in the wheat-fields.
"Really," said Rae, "the weather at Silver Bush isn't like the weather anywhere else, even over at Swallowfield. I've teased you so often, Pat, for thinking things here were different from anywhere else ... but in my heart I've always known it, too."
"Isn't it a WONDERFUL day!" gushed May when they went down.
May rather spoiled the weather for Pat. But then with May everything was always either "wonderful" or "priceless." Those were her pet adjectives. Pat felt that she didn't want May to have anything to do with Rae's wedding day, even to the extent of approving it.
It was a busy morning. Brook arrived at noon. Pat laid and decorated the wedding table. May, too, by way of asserting her rights, set a huge hodge-podge from her herbaceous border in the centre of it after Pat had gone up to dress. Judy carried it ostentatiously out to the kitchen.
"Always taking a bit too much on hersilf," she muttered.
May got square by saying, when Judy appeared in her wine-coloured dress-up dress,
"How well that dress has kept its looks, Judy. It doesn't really look very old-fashioned at all."
Upstairs a bride was being dressed.
"Here's a blue garter for luck," whispered Pat.
Rae stood, looking rather wraith-like in her shimmer of satin and tulle. She wore mother's old veil ... a bit creamy and a bit old-fashioned ... high on the head instead of the modern mob-cap ... but Rae's young beauty shone radiantly among its folds. She was so full of happiness that it seemed to spill over and make everything lovely.
"Doesn't she look cute?" said May, who had pushed herself in.
Pat and Rae's eyes met in the last of their many amused, secret exchanges of looks. Pat knew it would be the last ... at least for many years.
"I won't ... I WON'T cry," she said grimly to herself. "At least not now."
As Rae gathered up her dress to go downstairs Bold-and-Bad saw his opportunity. He had been sitting at the head of the stairs, very sulky and offended because he had been shut out of Pat's room. He pounced and bit ... bit Rae right in the fleshy part of her slender leg. Rae gave a little squeal ... Bold-and-Bad fled ... and Pat examined the damage.
"He hasn't broken the skin ... but, darling, the beast has started a run in your stocking. What on earth got into him?"
"It can't be helped now," said Rae, stifling a laugh. "Thank heaven skirts are long. I deserve it ... it was I who shut the door in his face. I was afraid he'd get tangled up in my veil. It was no way to treat an old family cat. He did perfectly right to bite me."