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She released her grip on his ass cheeks and snaked a hand in between his legs. He watched her grope blindly for his cock, locate it, and curl her fingers around it. She began to pump his shaft as she drilled her tongue farther up

into his ass. He was already spasming as if he were cumming. But there wasn't any thick, creamy gush of jism. It was a crazy, totally unexpected reaction to her invasion of his asshole.

Jan showed no signs of wanting to end the fun. She continued to drive her tongue into his restricting anal ring. Then he felt her tongue tip actually teasing his rectal walls, squirming around in his ass like a live animal! His cock throbbed as her dainty hand stroked and pumped it. Her fingers slid on the coating of soap, formed a fake cunt. She pulled his cock downward, and the strain on its foundations increased his already incredible pleasure.

Paul felt her tongue squirm in his ass again, and, suddenly, his orgasm was inevitable. He was going to cum. The jism forced its way around the bend she had put in his cock. The thick liquid felt like boiling acid as it powered past the kink. His asshole began convulsing madly in time with the driving pumping of his prostate. His cock jerked with every gooey shot. She kept rubbing and stroking it with her soapy hand. He saw thick, gooey cum burst from the tip in big globs, drop to the floor of the shower, and be swirled down the drain by the streaming water. Spurt after spurt joined the raging torrent, spiraled counter-clockwise toward the gaping maw of the drain.

Her hand kept pumping his cock and her tongue kept probing his ass. Finally his pleasure became an agonizing ache of carnal exhaustion and he had to tell her to stop. Her tongue left his ass and her hand left his cock. He slumped wearily against the wall.


"Let me under the shower," Jan said, pushing past him. She let the hot spray slash her face, pour into her mouth.

"Did that bother you?" he asked, wondering if she would have continued if it had.

"No, not really," she answered. "Whew. Thought I was going to smother, though. But I liked it."

"So did I," Paul told her.

"I didn't get to turn," she said. "What are you going to do about that?"

"Why don't I start by washing you?" he asked. "Okay," she agreed, arching her body toward him.

After lathering his hands, Paul let them slide down her front. Her tits, soft, warm mounds, were a pleasure to wash. Her nipples were rubbery points that yielded, then sprang out more erect and alert than ever. Her flesh molded to his palms, slid along his fingers.

"Still think Mom is right?" Jan asked, returning to the subject they had been discussing.

"Maybe not," Paul acknowledged, stroking a wave of lather down her belly.

"I think she's wrong."

"So? What can we do about it?" he asked. He coated her back with soap, then turned her gently. She rotated obediently. It was as if she had no will of her own.

"I don't know," Jan admitted. "Have to think about it."

Paul stopped washing her.

"No, don't stop," she protested. "I'll think while you're doing me."

"Sorry," he apologized, returning to his task. He knelt, and ran soapy hands down her sleek legs. She didn't shave, and had no real need to do

so because of the fineness of her blonde hair. He was astonished at how nice her legs were, how well shaped, how firm and trim, how evenly tanned. He wondered if a woman's body would ever cease to be a source of wonder to him. He doubted he would ever tire of exploring Jan's graceful form. He thought, too, of how it would change over the years. Right now it was youthful, immature. Her waist was still a little large when compared to her developing bust and hips. Someday, her tits would be fuller and softer. Her hips would swell, her thighs round out more.

Still kneeling, he turned her again and stroked the front of her thighs with his lathered hands. His face was inches from her pussy. There, he supposed, the hair would thicken and spread. Now it was very fine, curly, golden, and limited to her mound and cunt lips. Probably it would darken, too. But now, all it did was mist the pink slit of wet pussy.

Delicately, he spread her folds and examined her inner petals. The little nubbin of her clit peeped bashfully from under its hood. A gentle touch and it emerged, seeking the pleasure he had to offer.

Abandoning her clit, he explored lower. He spread her feet so he could see better. There was the tiny orifice of her piss-hole. He touched it, and it winked at him. And then, lower still, there was the flower of her cuntal opening. It was rimmed with flushed pink petals. He put his thumb in the warm opening and slid it slowly up into her. Her hips rocked forward in response, giving him a better angle into her cunt. He drove his thumb deep, felt her hot walls hug it. He pumped in and out and was rewarded with a thick, slick flow of


Jan was making funny noises way deep in her throat now. Obviously, she was enjoying what was being done to her cunt. He wondered if she was really thinking-not that it mattered. He looked up, but couldn't see her expression because she had her head tipped back. The water ran down her face, poured in shining rivulets down her chest, divided to go around her tits, rejoined, then streamed over her cunt and her thighs.

He withdrew his thumb from her cunt and probed between her thighs in search of the next opening. It was closer to her cunt than he had thought it would be. He delicately probed the tight entrance to her bowels. She sighed in reaction.

He took the time to lather his finger, then pressed it slowly up into her asshole. The ring of muscle resisted, then yielded, then closed around his finger like a tourniquet. The soap making his entry easy, he drilled his finger deep into her ass.

He had used his longest finger as a matter of course. Now he realized that his thumb was perfectly positioned to probe her cunt at the same time. He pressed up into her cunt, and got a grip on her like she was a bowling ball.

"Oh, yeah," she breathed, the words bubbling through the water pouring over her mouth.

Paul pumped his thumb in her cunt with a flicking motion. Then he extracted his finger from her asshole and slid it back in. He was astonished that he felt the motion of his finger with his thumb, and the motion of his thumb with his finger. The partition separating her channels was that thin and pliable.

He began moving his hand so his thumb and finger moved in opposite directions in her two holes. Jan began to squirm her hips crazily and then.

stopped, because she couldn't find a movement that was complimentary to bath motions in her crotch. So she spread her legs farther and bent her knees to give him more room.

Paul had an idea that he was sure his cousin would like. With his free hand, he spread the upper point of her cunt lips and located the pink pearl of her clitoris. It was aroused and alert. Leaning forward, Paul brought his mouth in contact with it. He thought for a moment that Jan was going to collapse on top of him.

"GAWD!" she bellowed. She reached out and braced herself against the wall.

Encouraged, Paul sucked on her clit, trapped it between his lips and tongued it. At the same time, he was still squirming his thumb and finger wildly in her cunt and asshole. The only primary erogenous zone he couldn't cover was her tits.

Evidently, what he was doing to her was enough. She was practically dancing over him as he ate her clit and finger-fucked her ass and cunt. He changed the motion of his hand, drew both thumb and finger out and rammed them back in at the same time. Jan jumped and jerked crazily, tearing her clit out of his clasping lips. He captured it again and continued his assault. A hand brushed his head, then fluttered away, seeking some stability in

a world gone mad with lust.

Paul kept at it until Jan was reduced to a shuddering heap and her cunt was spasming around his thumb. Her asshole knotted and unknotted around his driving finger. Her clit retreated into her body.

"Aah-ah-aaahhh!" Jan wailed. Her voice echoed wildly from the hard walls of the small enclosure.