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"ENOUGH!" she finally yelled, shoving at his head, driving him away from her clitoris. "Enough!" she begged.

Paul gathered his wits and pulled his hand from her streaming crotch, and sucked in the steamy shower air. He had experienced a crazy psychological orgasm of his own as he had brought the girl off. He had gone a little crazy from what he was doing.

"Sorry," he panted apologetically as he scrambled to his feet.

"Oh, wow! Don't apologize," she wheezed. "My God, that was far out!"


Jan nodded weakly. "Know what I'm going to do someday?"


She took a deep breath. "Someday, I'm going to take three cocks at once. One in my cunt, one in my asshole, and one in my mouth."

"Sounds crazy," Paul commented as he washed his hands.

"Maybe, but it's the only thing left crazier than what you just did to me," Jan informed him. "I thought it was pretty crazy with both you and Kenny going at me the other day, but this even beat that!"

Paul was pleased with her reaction. "Did you get any thinking done?" he teased.

"No," she said honestly. "Hey, if we don't get out of this shower, we're going to look like prunes.

"Huh. A prune should be lucky enough to look like you," Paul snorted.

"You say the sweetest things," she said as she dried his back for him.

"Well, you are pretty," he insisted.

"Thank you. You're not bad yourself."



Paul felt himself glowing stupidly and turned to hang up the towels.

"Come on, I'm hungry," Jan said, opening both bathroom doom to let the damp air out.

"Hey, don't you want this?" he asked, holding up her nightie.


"You're naked," he noted, then felt foolish.

"No kidding," she responded in a tone that dripped sarcasm. "Come on, silly, it's our own house, after all."

Confused, and a little embarrassed, Paul let the nightie drop. He left his own clothes on the floor and followed her to the kitchen. She was standing in front of the open refrigerator, chewing thoughtfully on her thumb as she inspected the contents.

As they stuffed themselves with cookies and ice cream, Paul kept looking at her tits. She noticed, and stuck her chest out.

"What are we going to do about Lil?" he asked. Jan frowned.

"I don't know."

"You said you've done things with Uncle Joe," Paul observed.

"Uh-huh. I seduced him," she said proudly. "What did he say?"

"Not much, while I was seducing him." She giggled.

"Well, what did he say afterward?"

"About the same thing Mom did."

"Then I seduced him again, and he stopped bitching about it." She snickered.

"Stop saying that!"

"Saying what?"

"Oh-uh, sorry."

"Anyway, Dad was worried about Mom. He doesn't know about you and Mom. I didn't know about it then, either," Jan continued. "But then I saw you ass-fuck Mom, and I knew he didn't need to worry about her."

"But we do," Paul observed.

"Because she doesn't know about me and Dad," Jan noted.

"What do you think she'd do if she found out about you and your father?"

Jan licked her spoon off carefully. "What can she say?" she said at last. "After all, look what she's done with you and me, for that matter."

"Hmmmm," Paul mused.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jan asked.

"What are you thinking?"

Jan took a deep breath, which did exciting things to her chest. "I think, that if Mom saw me and Dad making it, it would put the kabosh on all her objections."

"Just what I was thinking," Paul agreed.

"On the other hand," Jan pointed out carefully, "it might screw things up completely! Mom might go off the deep end."

"Go nuts, you mean?"

"Something like that. What do you think?"

"I think maybe you're right," Paul said morosely, seeing no way out of their dilemma.

"Do you think you could seduce Mom again?" Jan asked finally.

"I don't know. Maybe. Why?"

"Well, if you got Mom going, and then she saw me and Dad going at it, while you and she were going at it, and she and Dad sort of discovered simultaneously what the other had been doing, neither of them could really say anything to the other. Could they?"

"I guess not," Paul said at last. "But how are we going to arrange that?"

"I don't know," Jan sighed.

Crazy ideas flickered through Paul's head, dividing the living room with a remote control curtain that could be lifted when things were at the proper point, and so on. None of them seemed even remotely practical.

"Damn," he said at last. "It's impossible."

"Nothing's impossible," Jan snapped.

"Well, it's damn difficult."

Jan was tracing vague lines on the table with her finger. "Mom rides horseback," she mused.


"Dad rides, too."


"So, what if we set something up by that little pond," she said thoughtfully.

Paul tried to visualize the terrain around the pond, but couldn't. It did seem to have more possibilities than the house did.

"It's worth a look," he agreed.

"Let's go tomorrow."

"Suits me."

"Let's take Kenny along, too," Jan added.

"Kenny? Why?"

Jan smiled. "Might as well have a good time while we're at it!"

"You'll have all the fun," Paul retorted. "You'll get two guys!"

"What would you do with two girls if you had 'em? You only have one cock," his cousin pointed out. "Besides, don't you enjoy sharing me?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," Paul admitted. "Okay, we'll take Kenny."

"And the suntan lotion," Jan asked.

"And the suntan lotion," Paul agreed, getting hard suddenly.

"You're getting a hard-on," Jan teased.

"Come on, let's go to bed," Paul said boldly. "Or isn't a simple, straightforward fuck enough for you any more?"

"I don't know, let's try it!" She giggled and got up quickly.

In minutes, he was sinking his fully erect cock into her ready cunt, feeling her hot fleshy walls slide past his glans as he bored into her. In spite of all the fancy variations they had been trying, the plain fucking was extraordinarily satisfying for them both. Paul stroked in and out of her clinging cunt until she was sighing and moaning, her hips heaving up to meet his drives. Her bed protested at the workout they were giving it.

He felt her cunt spasming around his cock, thrust into her, and released his load deep in her hot recesses. They didn't part until they heard a door slam and footsteps approaching. Paul darted through the bathroom to his own room and scrambled into his bed. He got his eyes closed and his breathing steadied just as his door opened and a shaft of light spilled across his face.

"Kenny says he'll have to bring his sister along," Paul told Jan, his hand over the receiver.

"Yuk!" Jan snorted. "That's no good!"

"Yeah, and that's not the half of it. He was going riding with her today anyway. So, they're going to be there no matter what."

"Not really!"

"That's what he says,"

"Boy! That really screws things up," Jan grumbled.

Paul took his muffling hand off the receiver. "Yeah, Kenny, we'll probably see you at the pond," Paul said, trying to conceal his irritation. After hanging up, he checked that his dime hadn't been returned accidentally.

"Now what?" Jan asked.

Paul shrugged. "Well, at least we can look the pond, over. I told Kenny we'd probably see him there.

"What'd you tell him that far?" Jan demanded. "Well, I figured we might as well go, so long as we're here," Paul said defensively. "He said they were just heading out the door, so they'll be here in a few minutes."

Jan still looked mad.

"Maybe we'll have time for a little fun later," Paul soothed her. "Just you and, me."

"I hope so," Jan answered vehemently. "I was all wet and ready. Kenny's stupid sister messed things up completely."

"What's she like?" Paul asked as they waited for their horses to be brought around.

"What's who like?"

"Kenny's sister."

"What's that supposed to mean?"