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Jan pouted. "She's a real goody-goody. Teacher's pet. Gets real good grades…"

"I get good grades," Paul said defensively.

"Yeah, but you don't snitch on people smoking and stuff like that," Jan retorted.

"She does that?" Paul asked, aghast.

"No, but she's the type. Always dresses perfectly, probably takes two showers a day. I'm surprised she'll associate with anything as smelly as a horse."

Paul wasn't sure what was bugging Jan so much. Nothing she had said so far about Kenny's sister would bother him. "How old is she?" he asked.

"She's pretty young," Jan answered.

"Oh," Paul said.

The horses stepped out into the bright sunlight, and blinked stupidly against the glare. Their tails swished at the flies. Jan grabbed her reins and climbed on quickly. "Come on, let's get out of here before they get here," she urged.

Still puzzling over his cousin's venom, Paul scrambled onto his horse, dragged its head around, and kicked it soundly in the ribs. It started off slowly. Further kicking did nothing to increase its speed. He was ten minutes behind Jan by the time he reached the turn-off to the pond. Seeing the drop-off, his horse did everything but sit down. Finally, Paul dismounted and pulled the

creature along by the reins. Cursing and sweating, he slipped down the brushy slope.

At the bottom he stopped to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He noticed it was possible to see the entire clearing and most of the pond from where he was. Jan was standing by the water, looking around, waiting for him. At one point she stared straight at him, but showed no sign of having seen him. When he stepped out into the open, leading his horse, she jumped.

"Where have you been?" she demanded.

"Right there," he answered, pointing.

"All this time?"

"Naw. Stupid horse moves like a snail on cold marble," Paul snorted. "But for about five minutes I was right there. You looked straight at me and didn't see me.


"Know what I think?"


Paul smiled. "I think it's the solution to our problem. You get down here with your dad and seduce him. Then I'll bring Aunt Lil down the hill, and we'll stop back there. By the time you finish with him, I'll have her going. Then you sort of slip up on us or something, and bingo!"

"Go back and let me see if I can see you," Jan said eagerly.

Letting his horse's reins drop, Paul did as she asked. Once back where he had been before, he looked out. Jan was peering hard trying to see him, obviously with no success. He yelled to her and she just looked harder. She was still unable to see him in the shadows.

"Can you see me?" she asked at last.


"Oh, yeah? What am I doing?" she asked.

"Scratching your pussy."

"Does it give you ideas?" she asked.

"Damn straight. But we can't do anything about it," he said as he came out of the woods. "I heard Kenny's voice just now."

"Come on, let's get out of here," she said.

Paul shrugged. "Too late to avoid 'em now," he pointed out. "Besides, I want to meet his sister."

"You would," Jan sniffed. "Hi, guys!" Kenny called.

Paul suddenly knew why Jan was so down on Kenny's sister. She was a gorgeous redhead, and had a figure that would have done justice to any girl. Paul found it hard to believe she was almost the same age as Jan.

"Paul, this is my sister, Cynthia," Kenny said as he tied their horses next to Jan's.

Paul managed to haul his eyes off her incredible tits, and greeted her enthusiastically.


"Hi, Paul." Her voice sent shivers up and down his spine. His eyes kept going back to those fantastic tits, then down to her small waist, to her graceful hips. Her jeans were skin tight.

"What's happening?" Kenny asked.

"We were just leaving," Jan said quickly.

"No we weren't," Paul said, just as quickly.

"Hey, Paul, how come you were hiding in the bushes just as we were coming don?" Kenny asked, ignoring the disagreement.

"Paul was takng a leak," Jan said.

Unfortunately, just at the same time, Paul said, "We were trying to see if she could see me back there." His mind was more on Cynthia's fabulous body than on what he was saying.

"Now why the hell would you want to do that?" Kenny asked.

Jan silenced Paul with a swift kick in the shin. He winced, distracted even from Cynthia. Jan repeated that her cousin had been pissing.

"Something funny's going on," Kenny said suspiciously. "You two couldn't agree on what day it is. You're up to something."

"How about going swimming," Paul suggested desperately.

"No suits," Kenny answered, glancing sharply at Cynthia.

Jan shrugged. She had a decidedly scheming expression on her face. "So anybody that doesn't want to, can leave," she said, eyeing Cynthia.

"Come on, Sis," Kenny ordered quickly.

Cynthia cocked her head and nibbled on her.

lower lip for a moment.

"I'm hot. I think I'll go swimming," she announced. "You go on ahead if you want."

Jan had neatly trapped herself. Paul smiled when he saw her expression.

"Ah… I guess I'll stay and swim, too," Kenny agreed reluctantly.

"Where do we undress?" Cynthia asked innocently.

Then Jan made her second big mistake. "Right here," she said boldly,'and began stripping her shirt up and off.

Cynthia accepted this challenge as easily as she had the first. "Okay," she agreed, reaching back and unfastening her halter.

Jan got her head untangled from her shirt just in time to see Cynthia bare her tits. Paul yanked his eyes from Cynthia's magnificent chest to Jan's face, and smiled at his cousin's expression of envy. Jan had plenty to be envious of.

Cynthia had the finest pair of boobs Paul had ever seen. They were large, without being gross, firm, with just enough heaviness to form a tiny crease on the underside. The pigmented circle around each rubbery nipple was a delicate pink. Cynthia's pale skin was freckled to where her bathing suit covered her, which was quite far down, just a fraction of an inch from her nipples.

Letting the halter drop to the grass, Cynthia undid her jeans casually. Lime-green panties rode low on her lush hips Her pubic hair was an enticing shadow under the thin panties.

"Isn't anyone else going to swim?" Cynthia asked sweetly. They were all watching her, not moving. Only Jan had taken anything off, and she still had her bra on.

"Yeah, sure!" Paul said eagerly, and undressed quickly. He managed it all by touch, so he wouldn't have to take his eyes off Kenny's sister for even a moment. His cock was bursting. When released, it lurched up frantically, and swayed heavily at his groin.

Kenny gaped at his sister as if he had never seen her before. When he finally began to strip, it was as if be were hypnotized. Jan, meanwhile, was tearing at her own clothes angrily, trying her best to keep her eyes off Cynthia. When Jan was naked, Paul understood his cousin's envy. Her slim and graceful body looked skinny beside Cynthia's dramatic curves. Jan moved away from the red-haired girl

"A genuine redhead," Paul said to himself when Cynthia skinned her panties down. Her cunt was a tight, trim patch of beautiful dark-red curls.

Cynthia noticed Paul's hard cock and hot gaze. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "One thing, you guys," she said firmly.

"Just because we're all naked doesn't mean there's going to be any funny stuff. Understand?"

Paul's hopes fell.

"Why, what do you mean?" Jan asked, her tone suspiciously sugary.

"I mean, that just because I'm undressed doesn't mean I want to get laid," Cynthia sniffed. "I'm not worried about Kenny, he's my brother, after all. And you're a girl, so I guess I don't need to worry about you. But you keep your hands off me, Paul. I'm a virgin, and proud of it."

"Paul!" Jan exclaimed. "Whatever were you thinking?"

Paul didn't feel that needed an answer and led the way to the water in a stony silence. Cynthia's attitude both discouraged and angered him. He was so mad he didn't notice Jan's thoughtful expression.